
Josephine on Fire

Chapter cover

Love Letters?

Chapter 13

Jan 31, 2024

I carefully open the envelope, removing the contents. As expected, there are a number of printed pages. But on top, there’s a handwritten letter. I unfold the letter, recognizing Amy's neat handwriting instantly.

Dear Jo,

The past weeks have been delightful and I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you. Your vibrant energy is infectious, and I find myself drawn to you in the most pleasant of ways.

… even if you are a “bad influence.” Trust me, nobody but you could have gotten me to take those shots. It appears you have a unique talent for making me step outside my comfort zone.

Enclosed, you'll find the pages I wrote during our dorm room session. I'll admit, they're a bit more spicy than my usual. Maybe it was the inebriation, or maybe it was the novelty of writing with you by my side, but I felt free to explore myself while writing them. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

I'm thinking of you.



I can't help but smile as I finish reading the letter. Amy's warmth and affection come through in every word, making me feel special and cherished. How’s that for contrast with the rest of my night?

I set the letter aside, my fingers trembling slightly as I reach for the other pages. The anticipation builds, a pleasant butterfly sensation in my stomach.

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As I read, I’m getting turned on. But I can’t tell if it’s because of the writing, or because I’m imagining Amy writing it…

≋ ≋ ≋

Set into the heart of the city was a bathhouse that was the distillation of everything that Porth’s Peak represented: decadence and hedonism. Positioned on the side of a mountain, Porth’s Peak made its fortune from its proximity to a mana well, the magical energy springing up and providing a natural resource that was as easy to exploit as it was valuable. The result was a libertine city, a place where arcane magic was cheap, and therefore so were services. Pleasurable services.

Adaric was extremely uncomfortable. Bren seemed right at home.

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She had insisted they set their path through this city, ultimately winning Adaric over by arguing that magical destriers could be procured that would speed up the next leg of their journey. Circumstances cascaded, one after the other, leading Adaric to a situation he had not envisaged. With Bren as the instigator, he found himself with her in a secluded, intimate chamber within the bathhouse. Carved from the living stone and sunk into the floor, the room was an embodiment of the city's character,

The stone walls, weathered by time and softened by the warm, diffused light from the oil lamps, gave the room a comfortable ambiance. In the center, a large wooden tub filled to the brim with steaming water sat invitingly. The water shimmered with heat, a soft glow emanating from the bottom of the tub - a clear sign of the magic that kept the water at a perfect temperature.

Adaric scanned the room, his eyes moving from the tub to Bren. "Where’s my tub?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Bren scoffed lightly, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "You already whinged about paying for one bath with your church’s coin. You should be thanking me I didn’t get two." She moved towards the tub, her fingers tracing the edge of the wooden structure. "Besides, we’ll both fit, easy."

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Adaric watched as Bren's fingers dipped into the water, testing the temperature. The steam rising from the tub framed her figure, the soft light casting a warm glow over her body.

The room, despite its simplicity, was filled with an air of luxury and intimacy. The warm, humid air, the scent of the oils and herbs used in the bathwater, the soft glow from the lamps - he had to admit, it was nice. The tub called out to him, it’s warm water tempting.

In moments, he had reason for his temptation to shift focus. With a teasing smile, Bren began to undress, her movements slow and deliberate. Her fingers worked at the fastenings of her clothing, each piece falling to the ground. With every layer that she shed, more of her skin was revealed, her body bathed in the warm, golden light of the room.

Her unclothed body was a sight to behold, strength and femininity perfectly combined. The curve of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, the roundness of her hips, and the length of her legs all spoke of a woman who was as beautiful as she was deadly.

Adaric found himself unable to tear his gaze away, his eyes drinking in the sight of her. His heart pounded in his chest, every inch of her bare skin igniting a fire within him. The memory of touching her resurfaced, the feeling of her body against his. He found himself yearning for a repeat of that intimacy, and more.

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Bren stepped into the tub, the water lapping at her ankles, then her knees, and finally, her waist as she sank into the warmth. A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips, her head tilting back in delight. The hot water enveloped her, soothing the tired muscles and washing away the grime and stress of the day.

Her eyes closed in bliss, her fingers tracing the surface of the water.

Adaric was already aroused.

As Bren settled into the tub, she looked over at him, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

“Are you going to join me or what?”

Adaric's gaze remained on Bren as he began to undress, his movements happening without conscious thought. Each piece of clothing removed was another barrier down.

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Bren turned to look at him once he was bare, eyes seeking. He scowled at her, and she rolled her eyes, turning her head to look away. He quickly moved over and stepped into the tub, the hot water enveloping him, soothing his muscles and washing away the grime of the city.

Their eyes met across the steamy water.

"So, expecting a fight when we get to wherever the hell you’re going?" Bren asked, her arms resting on the edge of the tub, the water highlighting the curve of her shoulders.

Adaric nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "Yes. There will certainly be bloodshed when I find what I seek."

She nodded, looking off into the distance. Despite all her jests and mockery of his beliefs, she always treated the violence he dealt with with respect. He liked that about her.

"And what about you? Where are you headed after this?" he asked, “You can’t keep following me forever.”

Bren shrugged. "Who knows? The leaf doesn’t know where she’ll land."

Adaric looked at her, his eyebrows raising slightly. "You expect me to believe that? You're too driven, too purposeful to just go wherever the wind takes you."

Bren was silent for a moment, her gaze locked with his. Then, she moved. Lifting her legs, she laid them gently across his lap, the smooth skin of her calves brushing against his thighs. The closeness of her legs to his manhood sent a jolt of desire through him.

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She looked at him across the water, her eyes sparkling in the warm light of the room. "You don’t know me at all," she said, “but you’ve fought by my side, so you’ve earned at least part of my story.”

She met Adaric's gaze. “There’s one thing I want," she said, "and it’s to put as many thrallhosts as I can in the ground."

Adaric’s eyebrows raised again, this time in surprise rather than curiosity. Bren held his gaze.

"That's an incredibly dangerous path, Bren," he said, his tone dark.

She merely shrugged. "Someone’s gotta."

"Have you even encountered a thrallhost before?" he asked, his voice filled with incredulity.

At that, Bren scoffed lightly. "Three," she said simply. "I've done in three."

Adaric sputtered, taken aback. He searched her face and found nothing but resolve, no bravado. In a moment he knew she was telling the truth. He looked at her with newfound respect. Bren, the woman before him, was not just a warrior, but a thrallhost slayer. Thriceover.

Bren's disinterested expression turned serious. "I know what I’m up against, Adaric," she said, her tone grave. "I know the evil of the Dark."

She pulled her legs off his lap and slid closer to him, the water rippling around them as she moved. The playful atmosphere from earlier had faded.

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The silence stretched between them, their shared understanding hanging heavy in the air. Bren broke the silence, her voice soft but firm. "In the shit of this world, we gotta snatch joy when we can. Else, this whole thing... it'll swallow us whole."

As she spoke, she slid up against him, the water gently rippling around them. She pressed her body against his, her curves molding to his hardened muscles. The heat from her skin seeped into him, warming him far more than the hot water of the bath.

Her arm wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him closer to her. Her other hand landed on his thigh, the touch light but possessive. Adaric could feel the warmth of her against him, the beat of her heart matching his. The scent of her, mixed with the steam and the herbs in the water, filled his senses. He felt a sense of contentment wash over him, a sensation he didn’t expect.

Their gazes locked, the playful spark in her eyes back. Adaric felt a sense of anticipation building within him. He didn't know what the future held for them, but he knew that for now, he was content to give in, to find pleasure in the warmth of Bren's body.

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Bren's fingers traced a slow, teasing path up Adaric's thigh, her touch light but deliberate. Her hand stopped just shy of his manhood, her fingers brushing against the sensitive skin there. Her fingers tickled as they ran up his leg, a sensation his warrior body wasn’t acclimated to. Her lips grazed his ear, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine. "Have you changed your mind?" she whispered, her voice low and sultry.

Adaric paused, his breath quickening as her words washed over him. Desire raced through him, his heart pounding in his chest.

The fire in her eyes drew him to her, more than the promise of the pleasures of her body. After a moment that felt like an eternity, Adaric gave the smallest nod, his eyes meeting hers. Bren's smile broadened, the satisfaction in her gaze clear. She moved her hand from his thigh, her fingers wrapping around his manhood.

Without wasting a breath, her fingers began gently moving up and down his cock beneath the water. Her touch was confident, her movements steady. She observed him closely as she worked his shaft, watching as his head leaned back and he closed his eyes.

Her other hand roamed his chest, tracing the contours of his muscles, feeling the heat of his skin beneath her touch. Her fingers danced over his chest, tracing his collarbone, dipping into the hollow of his throat, then back down to circle his nipples.

Adaric turned his head to look at her as she fondled him. His eyes took in the curve of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, the roundness of her hips. Her skin glistened with drops of water, the warm light of the room giving her a radiant glow. Her eyes sparkled with desire, a playful smile on her lips as she watched him take in her body with his eyes.

Bren's fingers continued their movement around Adaric's fully erect cock. Her movements were graceful, each shift of her body causing ripples in the water. She traced the length of him, her fingers sliding along his hardness with a firm, steady rhythm. The water provided a measure of frictionless movement, allowing her hand to glide smoothly and enhancing the pleasure of her touch. She alternated between long, slow strokes and quick, teasing touches, exploring him with a skilled curiosity. Her thumb swirled over the sensitive tip, applying just the right amount of pressure that had him gasping.

Meanwhile, Adaric's hands found their way to Bren's body. His fingers traced her muscles, running over the smooth skin with a sense of awe. He explored her body, his hands roaming freely over her, every touch eliciting a small sigh of pleasure from her lips. He cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing against her hardened nipples. His fingers dipped lower, tracing the curve of her belly before moving to the juncture between her thighs. As he explored her, his fingers mimicking the rhythm Bren had set on him, he saw her eyes flutter closed, a soft groan escaping her lips.

He had barely started pleasuring her before Bren swung her leg over Adaric's lap in a swift, fluid motion.

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She straddled him now, and the water around them rippled with her movement. She positioned herself above him, her body rubbing against his in a tantalizing grind. Her hips moved in a slow, sensual rhythm, rubbing her folds against his hardness.

She held onto his shoulder for support, her fingers digging into the solid muscles. Her other hand cradled the back of his head, pulling him closer until their foreheads touched. Her gaze locked with his as she continued her movements. She took her time, exploring the feel of him against her, his cock grinding against her clit. The pleasure of it had her gasping, her breath coming out in short, quick pants.

Then, with a look of determined desire in her eyes, Bren reached down, positioning Adaric at her entrance. She paused for a moment, her gaze locking with his. She held the challenging stare for two heartbeats that felt like an eternity. And then, with a sultry smile, she lowered herself onto him, taking him fully within her. The sensation of him filling her completely was a sweet pleasure that had her gasping, her body arching in delight. Adaric felt her tighten around him as she fully mounted him, his hands grabbing her legs, feeling her muscles flex as she seated herself firmly on him.

Once Bren had fully taken him within her, she began to move. Her rhythm started off slow, her body rising and falling, her strong muscles controlling her bounce with athletic precision. She controlled the pace, her movements confident and deliberate.

Adaric again found her hips, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. He augmented her movements, pulling her closer each time she lowered herself onto him.

He couldn’t keep his hands in one place for long, and in moments they were exploring her body. He ran his hands up the firm muscles of her abdomen until he found the softness of her breasts. Cupping one, he pulled it to his mouth, his tongue working against her hardened nipples. He reveled in the softness of her skin, the heat of her body, the way she shuddered under his touch.

Bren's movements became more vigorous, her body moving with a primal need. His leg muscles flexed, pushing himself deeper into her. She responded by riding him even more aggressively, her body rising and falling in a frenzied rhythm.

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Their bodies moved together, the water around them rippling and splashing against her movements. Adaric held her ass now, feeling it as she flexed her body to ride him harder. His fingers dug into the soft flesh. He guided her movements, pulling her deeper each time she lowered herself onto him.

Bren let out a gasped moan, the sound lost in the steamy air of the bathhouse. Her hands moved to his head, pulling his face towards her breasts. She pressed herself against him, offering herself to his eager mouth again. The feel of his lips on her skin, his tongue tracing the contour of her breasts, sent frantic pleasure through her, and she pressed his face into her chest hard, nearly smothering him against her flesh.

And then, with a final hilting deep inside her, they climaxed together. Their bodies convulsed and Bren cried out, her body shuddering as the waves of pleasure washed over her. Adaric matched her cry with a grunt, his body stiffening as he reached his climax. He pumped inside her, and she held onto the back of his neck, the motion of her hips continuing through his entire release.

After their climaxes subsided, Bren collapsed onto Adaric, her body exhausted but satisfied. Her movements slowed, her breathing heavy. They stayed like that for a while, their bodies entwined, the afterglow of their pleasure warming them more than the magically heated bath.

Bren slowly lifted herself off Adaric. The sensation of him leaving her body was followed by a sweet emptiness that made her shudder. She moved away from him, sliding through the warm water with the grace of an athlete.

As she settled into a comfortable spot across the tub from him, she stretched her arms out and cricked her neck, angling her head and closing her eyes. Her legs stretched out in front of her, her toes barely touching his legs. The warm water lapped at her body, the steamy air filling her lungs. Her body felt relaxed, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

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She turned her gaze towards Adaric, hooded eyes low. "Finally. I like it when you give in, holy man. Feeling better?" Her voice was soft.

Adaric just grunted, enjoying the sensation of the water, every limb feeling light and weightless. "Indeed, I am," he replied, his voice filled with a warm satisfaction that matched the temperature of the water.

A wave of relaxation washed over him, his muscles releasing the tension they had been holding. The warm water felt soothing against his skin. He closed his eyes, letting himself sink deeper into the bath. The last traces of tension left his body, leaving him in a state of complete relaxation.

His quest loomed over him, an oppressive weight bearing down on his psyche. But for now, he was content to just relax and enjoy the warmth of the bath, the company of Bren, and the peaceful silence that enveloped them.

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