
Josephine on Fire

Chapter cover

Snow worries.

Chapter 17

Feb 28, 2024

I stumble into the great room, the smell of coffee having coaxed me out of my cave. My head is pounding in rhythm with my heartbeat. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Ethan greets me, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. He's holding out a cup of steaming coffee and a glass of water, my medicine for this hangover.

I squint at him, the bright morning light piercing through my sensitive eyes. "What time is it?" I mutter, my voice rough.

Ethan chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Late enough for us to finish our brunch and start cleaning up," he replies, gesturing towards the kitchen where Caleb is busy washing dishes. “Amy told us you went hard last night.”

I groan, burying my face in my hands. My head feels like it's being split in two, a throbbing pain that makes it hard to think. "I'm never drinking again," I declare, the words muffled by my hands.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Caleb laughs from the kitchen, his voice echoing through the room. "I give you two days before you’re back at it, sister," he teases, his grin evident in his voice.

I shoot him a weak glare, but it's half-hearted at best. I know I brought this on myself, and I can't exactly blame them for laughing at my misery. What happened last night? I vaguely remember a hot tub…

As I nurse my coffee, my gaze drifts towards the couch. The remnants of a makeshift bed catch my attention, the sight of the piled up blankets and pillows sparking a memory. Amy.

I look over to find her sitting on the couch, her laptop perched on her knees. She looks up and gives me a warm, slightly concerned smile. "Good morning," she says.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I return her smile with a grimace. "I feel like I got hit by a truck," I say, my hand instinctively reaching up to rub my temples. I glance back at the couch, a pang of guilt hitting me. "You slept here?"

Amy shrugs, closing her laptop and setting it aside. "It's no big deal," she says. "How are you feeling, Jo?"

Her concern is genuine, a fact that makes my heart flutter. I still feel like shit, though. "I feel like shit," I groan, my words earning a chuckle from Ethan and Caleb.

Cradling my coffee in one hand and the water in the other, I shuffle over to the couch and sink into the cushions beside Amy. "What are you up to?" I ask, trying to focus on her words rather than the pounding in my head.

"I took the opportunity of a quiet morning to do some more writing," Amy replies.

This perks me up, the throbbing in my head momentarily forgotten. "Oh? I can't wait to see what's next." I could go for some theater of the mind featuring Adaric's muscles and Bren's sexy energy. It might take my attention away from the throbbing in my head.

Amy's smile broadens at my words, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. "I hope you'll like it," she says, her voice carrying a hint of bashfulness.

“Oh my god,” Caleb says over the sound of the dishes clinking in the sink. “Do you two write for each other?”

“Just Amy, writing for me. I’m reading her story as she gets through it,” I say. “I’m her biggest fan.”

“Shut. Up. That’s adorable,” Caleb says, dramatically placing a hand on his chest. Both Amy and I share a quick glance. She’s smiling.

With a contented sigh, I settle deeper into the couch, cradling my coffee in my hands. The warmth of the mug seeps into my fingers, the aromatic smell of the coffee comforting.

Amy watches me for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "What do you remember about last night?" she asks, her voice soft.

I pause, the question catching me off guard. Memories of last night flood back, a jumbled mess of laughter, drinks, and... Amy. I remember her holding my hair back, her soothing voice, her gentle touch. I remember sloppy advances in a hot tub… oh god. I don’t know what to do. Hiding behind my coffee for a moment, I pretend to remember far less than I actually do.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Not too much," I say, my voice barely a whisper. "Just... you. Taking care of me." I glance at her, gratitude and embarrassment welling up in me. "Thank you, Amy."

Amy waves my thanks away with a small laugh. "Don't mention it," she says, her eyes meeting mine for a moment before she looks away.

We fall into a companionable silence, the sounds of the boys chatting and working creating a soft background noise. I sip my coffee, the hot liquid slowly nursing me back to health. Amy returns her attention to her laptop, looking relaxed. And as I sit there, next to Amy, a sense of contentment washes over me.

The hangover is still there, a dull throb in the back of my head. But I’m already feeling a bit better. The perks of being young and hot!

As we take in the late morning, I don’t pull out my phone, and instead choose to sit here and reflect. I don’t know what to think about last night. Something has changed, something in me. Yeah, I was drunk, but did that just get me past some barrier I had? I watch Amy as she writes, her fingers dancing on the keyboard. She looks relaxed, happy even. Unbidden, the memories crystalize. I remember the warmth of the hot tub, sliding my body up against her, how she felt against me… her naked body…

Her pulling away.

I guess… I guess it makes sense. I was pretty wasted, and it’s noble of Amy to not take advantage of me. But… but… I think I’d be ok with it, even now, sober. Would she? How do I even broach the subject…

The clatter of dishes subsides as Ethan and Caleb finish their cleaning. My thoughts are interrupted as Caleb claps his hands together, a grin spreading across his face. "Listen up, ladies," he announces, his voice brimming with excitement. "Today, we are going snowshoeing!" He drags out the -ing, with a dramatic flair.

He turns to look at me, his eyebrows raised. "Jo, you think you'll be up for it in a couple of hours? Will you be recovered, sweetie?"

I glance at my empty coffee mug, then at the glass of water I've been nursing. The idea of physical activity is daunting, given my current state, but I know I'll feel better after some fresh air. Besides, I don’t want to be apart from Amy…

"Yup," I respond, lifting the glass of water and chugging the remainder of its contents. I can do this, I tell myself, mentally steeling for the day ahead.

Excitement fills the room as plans start to form. I find myself drawn back to Amy, her quiet presence a comforting constant amid the chaos. I wonder what the day will bring for us. Will we continue to skirt around each other?

As the chatter continues around me, I let my gaze drift out the window, the forest and river serene. The sight is beautiful, a contrast to the turmoil inside me.

Yet, despite my inner chaos, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Today is a new day, a fresh start. I don't know what will happen between Amy and me, but I'm ready to face whatever comes our way.

≋ ≋ ≋

The snow crunches under my feet, the sound muffled by the thick blanket that covers the forest floor. Each step I take in the oversized snowshoes feels awkward, my balance precarious as I navigate the deep snow. The chill air stings my cheeks, my breath coming out in small clouds that drift away on the light breeze. My head still throbs slightly, a reminder of last night’s festivities, but the cold air and the physical exertion are doing wonders to clear it.

Ahead of me, Amy glides effortlessly over the snow, her snowshoes barely sinking into the white powder. She moves with a grace and ease that makes me envious. I watch as she pauses to take in the view, her breath hitching slightly as she looks out over the snow-covered landscape. The sight of her, framed by the snow-laden trees, her cheeks flushed from the cold, takes my breath away.

Caleb and Ethan are further ahead, their laughter echoing through the stillness. Their figures are small against the vast expanse of white, their joyous shouts fading into the distance. I can hear Amy laughing too, her voice a warm sound that cuts through the chill air.

In a sudden surge of playfulness, I decide to give chase. “I’m coming for you, Ames!” I call out, my voice bouncing off the trees. She turns to look at me, her eyes wide with surprise before a grin spreads across her face. She lets out a squeal and takes off, her snowshoes kicking up clouds of snow as she bolts.

The chase is on. I stumble after her, my movements clumsy compared to the way her small frame floats on top of the snow. The snow is deep and my snowshoes feel unwieldy, but I push on, driven by the sound of her laughter and the playful challenge in her eyes. Despite my hangover, despite the cold, I'm filled with a giddy sense of joy.

But my clumsiness catches up with me. Just as I’m about to catch Amy, my snowshoes tangle on themselves, I’ve stepped on one with the other! I lurch forward, a yelp escaping me as I reach out in a futile attempt to catch myself. My hand latches onto Amy’s jacket, pulling her down with me as we fall into a heap in the snow.

The world spins as we tumble, a flurry of snow and laughter. And then, quite suddenly, everything stills. I find myself sprawled on top of Amy, our bodies tangled in a mess of limbs and snowshoes. Her laughter dies away, replaced by the soft, ragged sound of our breaths. The world around us is silent, the only sound the thud of my heart in my ears.

I look down at Amy. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes wide and bright. Snowflakes cling to her hair, sparkling like tiny diamonds. Her lips are parted slightly, her breath coming out in warm puffs that brush against my face. She's beautiful, so incredibly beautiful, and for a moment, I forget to breathe.

Our faces are mere inches apart, our bodies warm where they press together. The tension between us is a tangible thing, a current of electricity, the solid reality of her beneath me. Our eyes lock, and in her gaze, I see a reflection of the desire that's coursing through my veins. She's inches from me, I can feel the warmth of her elevated breath.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I could close the distance, press my lips against hers, and finally put an end to the tension that's been building between us. I could, and I want to. I want to press those lips against mine, I want to feel her softness, her tongue against mine… but I don't. Instead, I let the moment stretch on, let the intimacy of it wash over us. It's too soon, too sudden. But it's also perfect, this moment of connection in the middle of a snowy, winter wonderland.

After what feels like an eternity, I break the silence, my voice a mere whisper against the stillness. "You okay, Ames?" I ask, my breath hitching as she nods, her lips curving into a soft smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Jo," she replies, her voice barely audible over the sound of my pounding heart.

Taking a deep breath, I push myself up, untangling our bodies with a sheepish grin. I help Amy to her feet, our hands lingering for a moment longer than necessary. As we dust off the snow from each other's clothes, our fingers brush against each other, sending sparks of electricity coursing through me.

With a final brush of snow from Amy's shoulder, we return to our previous trek. But everything's different now. Even as we fall into our usual banter, the air between us is charged with a new energy, an unspoken understanding that something significant has shifted in our relationship.

Ahead, Caleb and Ethan are waiting for us, their faces flushed with exertion and the cold of the mountain air. We join them, falling into step as if nothing happened. As if the intimacy of the moment we shared isn’t still lingering in my mind, as fresh as the snow under our feet.

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the snow, we decide to head back. The trek back is quiet, the playful energy of earlier replaced with a comfortable silence. The sky is painted with hues of pink and orange, the setting sun reflecting off the snow and turning the world into a glowing landscape.

It’s beautiful, but I only have eyes for Amy.

≋ ≋ ≋

The echoes of dinner linger in the room, the scent of garlic and tomatoes still wafting from the kitchen. The remnants of our meal - empty pasta bowls, drained wine glasses - are scattered across the table. I can still taste the tangy marinara sauce on my tongue, the comforting richness of the pasta settling warmly in my stomach. For the others, the fruity notes of the wine added to the experience, but I opted for water, my head still tender from last night's indulgence.

Now, with the dinner plates cleared away and the dishwasher humming in the background, we're all sprawled across the living room, basking in the food afterglow. The fireplace crackles merrily, casting a warm glow across the cabin, the dancing flames reflecting in the large windows that look out onto the snow-covered landscape. It's a picture-perfect end to the day, a tranquil scene straight out of a holiday postcard.

Beside me, Amy curls up in an oversized armchair, her feet tucked under her. A soft blanket is draped over her legs, her fingers idly tracing the patterns on the fabric. Her eyes are half-closed, a contented smile playing on her lips. She looks peaceful, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions churning inside me.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Every now and then, our shoulders brush against each other, an innocent touch that takes over all my senses. I can't help but steal glances at her, drinking in the sight of her bathed in the warm light of the fire. Each interaction between us feels charged..

I know I should say something, acknowledge the shift in our dynamic. But the words escape me, drowned out by the pounding of my heart. So, I let the silence stretch, let the tension build. I'm not sure what comes next, but for now, in this moment, I'm content to just be here, beside Amy, our shoulders touching, our secrets shared.

As the evening wears on, our laughter fades to comfortable silence, the day's activities finally catching up to us. Caleb and Ethan are, predictably, the first to call it a night, leaving Amy and I in the cozy warmth of the living room. We share a look, a silent agreement passing between us - it's time for bed.

Honestly, I think neither of us really wants to confront what we know we have to talk about. It’s a risk. Whatever we’ve got going on now, at least it’s something. I’m afraid of it shattering into a million pieces.

Despite this being our second night in the cabin, we haven’t exactly established a bedtime routine. Last night was… unusual. I dig through my toiletries, bringing my toothbrush to the shared bathroom. Amy’s already in there, brushing her teeth. She steps back, gesturing towards the sink and inviting me to join her.

As we brush our teeth, I steal glances at Amy through the mirror. The soft light casts a warm glow on her face, accentuating the curve of her cheek, the arch of her brow. She catches my gaze and smiles, toothpaste foam at the corners of her mouth. It's endearing and domestic, and my heart swells with affection.

It's then Amy breaks the silence, her voice muffled by the toothbrush in her mouth. "I can sleep on the couch again, Jo," she says, “It’s no problem.”

I turn to look at her, my toothbrush forgotten in my hand. "No way, Ames," I reply, my tone more forceful than I intended. I soften my voice, adding, "We can share the bed." The words hang in the air between us, charged with an unspoken tension.

I’m so nervous I don’t know what to do with myself. I decide to walk it back. “Or, you know, I can take a turn on the couch, if you aren’t comfortable…”

Amy seems taken aback for a moment, her gaze flickering between my eyes and my lips. Then, she gives a small nod, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "It’s okay, Jo, we can share," she replies, her voice hard to understand around her toothbrush.

Amy wraps up first, and after I finish washing my face I follow her into the bedroom. She’s already half under the covers, wearing a cute lacey pajama tank top. She smiles at me, and I smile back.

It’s my turn to change. I hesitate for a moment, conflicted. Normally I wouldn’t think twice about dropping my clothes right here, but… it feels different now somehow. I’m nervous? Weird. Amy notices my hesitation and looks away modestly. Ah, I don’t really want that, but, well, whatever.

I slide out of my pants and shirt, putting on a simple tank top myself. I didn’t really bring pajama pants, so panties will have to do. I flip off the overhead light, making the only light source in the room the bedside lamp.

I pull back the covers and start to get into the other side of the bed. Amy looks over at me as I do, and blushes when she notices I’m not wearing pants. Oh, I like that. I realize we’ve been together in this room without talking for a while.

I’m so nervous. This isn’t like me! Though, I haven’t been ‘like me’ around Amy a lot lately…

I have to break the silence. “So uh, what did you write today? In your story?” Why does my voice sound so shaky? What the heck!

Amy seems relieved at the question. "I wrote a dangerous scene," she explains, her voice barely above a whisper. The soft light from the lamp paints her in warm hues, her eyes reflecting a mysterious glint as she speaks.

I settle into the bed, comfortable. It’s warm, the sheets plush. There’s plenty of space for both of us. Unfortunately.

Then, Amy gets an idea, her face lighting up. "Would you like me to read it out loud?" she asks, her gaze hopeful. The offer takes me by surprise. The prospect of hearing Amy's words in her own voice is the perfect tension breaker for the moment. I don’t know if I’m ready for more.

"I'd love that," I reply, my voice filled with sincerity. Amy seems pleased with my response, turning around to grab her phone from the bedside table.

As she settles back in, I make an impulsive decision. I scoot closer, my heart pounding as I rest my head on her shoulder. Amy freezes for a second, but then relaxes, draping an arm around me. The feeling of her body against mine sends a jolt of electricity through me, a pleasant warmth spreading across my skin.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

With her free hand, Amy unlocks her phone and starts reading. Her voice is soft, a gentle melody that fills the room. The words flow easily, carrying me away into the dangerous world she's crafted.

I close my eyes, letting her words paint a vivid picture in my mind. The tension from earlier drifts away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. As Amy continues to read, her voice a soothing lullaby in the quiet night, I can't help but think that this is exactly where I want to be.

The night deepens around us, the soft whisper of Amy's voice the only sound in the room. It's a beautiful end to a day filled with unexpected turns, a promise of more moments like this to come. As the words wash over me, I find myself falling into a peaceful sleep, the sound of Amy's voice grounding me in the present moment.