
Josephine on Fire

Chapter cover

Good Friends

Chapter 24

Apr 17, 2024

Consciousness comes on slowly as Amy shifts in my arms. Amy in my arms…

We’re still naked and tangled up under the covers. I have vague, half-asleep memories of us making our way fully into the bed and pulling her warm body against mine. This morning, her skin is luminous in the morning light filtering through the blinds.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I’ve slept better than I think I ever have in my whole life. I stretch, shifting Amy’s weight underneath me, enjoying the feeling of my naked body rubbing against hers as she shifts, waking up with me. I let out an exaggerated yawn. Amy disentangels herself from me, blinking a few times in the morning light.

“Good morning, hot stuff,” I say, pulling her face to mine and planting a wet kiss on her lips before she can react.

“Ack! Morning breath!” Amy struggles away from me, hiding her face and burrowing under the sheets. Oh, it’s on. I hunt her down, digging through the sheets for her, making exaggerated kissing noises. Things quickly devolve into breathless giggles as I pepper kisses across her chest and face.

“Ok, ok, ok, enough,” Amy gasps between laughs, trying to push me away.

“Let it be known that I am merciful,” I say, rolling off her. I stretch my naked form, lying on my back, relishing the way her eyes take me in. Look all you want, Amy. I’m yours.

But Amy doesn’t want to just look. In moments, her lips find my abs as I stretch, arms in the air. I involuntarily flex my stomach muscles as she gently, slowly plants kisses across my abdomen.

“Regretting last night?” Amy asks, but she already knows the answer.

I thread my hands through her hair. “Not in a million years.”

“Good,” she says, her tongue lazily running lower. My breath catches in my throat.

“So, dommy Amy, are you going to tell me what to do?” My voice is small, breathless. I stretch out further, spreading my legs ever so slightly.

Amy pauses and turns her head to look up at me. “It doesn’t all need to be commands. How about my girlfriend just lies back and enjoys herself?”

My girlfriend. Is that what we are?

We totally are.

“Your girlfriend would like that very much.”

I close my eyes and lean my head back as Amy’s tongue goes to work. She begins near the bottom of my opening and licks up, nearly to my clit, but backs off before the tip of her tongue reaches it. She’s teasing me, and I love it and I hate it. Slowly, she licks up each side of my opening, giving each of my outer labia attention. I sense her shift position as she brings her hands up, then I feel her fingers spreading me wide. I let out a long moan.

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Holding me open, she licks up the inside of my opening, then again, and again. Each time she moves her tongue up between my legs, she misses my clit. Just as I can’t stand it anymore, the tip of her tongue grazes my clitoris. She shifts slightly again, and suddenly I feel her thumb inside me, holding me, her palm cupping my ass, one finger barely between my cheeks.

At the same time, her mouth moves to my clit. Finally. Just gentle kisses, at first, but I’m already throbbing. She reaches up with her other hand and gently pulls back my hood, then just touches the tip of her tongue to me. I gasp and look down. Amy’s expression is intent, with a gleam of pure lust in her eyes. She raises one eyebrow, stares me straight in the eyes, and taps the tip of her tongue to my clit again. Oh shit. It feels so good… I’m pleading with my eyes. Tap, stare, tap. The soft touch of her tongue lights me on fire as I feel the pressure of her thumb moving ever so slightly inside me.

I throw my head back, and at last her whole mouth covers my pussy. Her tongue works my folds, flicking up to my clit faster and faster. I’m nearly there, my climax building as she pleasures me.

Amy’s phone buzzes on my desk, and I don’t care in the slightest, but she pauses for a moment. I want to put my hand on her head and press her face into me, but her eyes narrow for a moment, like she’s remembering something. I compromise with myself by bucking my hips, pressing my sex into her face. Keep going! I nearly scream, but all I can get out is a low moan. She ignores her phone, her attention all mine again.

Amy’s head is between my legs, her hair on my thighs, her mouth covering my pussy. I grab my breasts and squeeze them together, working circles around my nipples with my fingers. She’s sucking now, and I’m panting hard, approaching the edge again.

The phone buzzes again, and Amy stops, letting out a nervous hum. She sits up, the heat of her mouth pulling away, her thumb pulling out from inside me.

“Um, what time is it?” she says, looking up at me, slight concern in her eyes.

“Just fucking, fin- Aaaarggh! I was almost there!” I choke out. My hands find her hair, no self-compromise this time as I start to pull her mouth back to my soaked pussy. But she gently moves my hand away. I moan in frustration.

She reaches for her phone, checking the time as the screen wakes. “Shit,” she says softly, standing up and landing next to me on the bed.

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I cradle her in my arm, her head on my shoulder. I can’t help seeing the texts she pulls up.

[9:56 AM] Mom: Hey hon, calling you in a couple minutes. Looking forward to catching up!

[10:02 AM] Dad: Ready to talk? Sorry I’m late.

“Crap crap crap,” Amy says. “Jo, I’m so sorry. I got this call with my parents.”

“Can’t it wait?” I ask, tugging her closer.

“No, I’m really sorry.” She pushes herself up and rolls off the bed. “I can’t believe I forgot they were going to call. I’ve got this tuition thing to talk to them about, and they are super busy all the time...”

“Oh, yeah, sure, of course, it’s fine,” I say. It’s not fine. I’m horny. “You can facetime here, if you want. But you owe me an orgasm.”

“Would that be okay?” Amy doesn’t even react to my joke, she’s so focused looking around the room. She’s still naked, and she moves to grab her dress – her fabulous dress – up off the floor. Standing there in the nude, she grimaces.

“What?” I grin. “You don’t want to wear your sexy dinner date outfit on a morning Zoom call with the parents? They’ve got to know they have a hot daughter.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Amy looks stricken.

I take pity on her. She actually seems anxious about being on time for this call. Is that something people with good relationships with their parents care about? I wouldn’t know.

“Here, goober,” I say, throwing one of my sweaters to her.

“Thank you,” she gasps. “You’re a lifesaver.” She scans the room nervously – the messy desks, my bed a chaos of blankets and sheets and panties.

“There,” I say. “Just hop on Laura’s bed.”

She pulls the sweater over her head and gently tosses her laptop on the duvet. She crawls across Laura’s bed and turns to sit with her back against the wall.

Amy looks up from her laptop and says, “Come, sit here next to me,” patting the bed next to her. I get up and take the handful of steps across the center of the room between the beds, but she stops me with a laugh. “Put some clothes on, though! You can’t show up on a Zoom call with my parents completely naked!”

Oh! Holy fuck. She wants me to meet her parents. For a fraction of a second that drags out to an eternity, the planet spins around me as I panic. Is this what I want? In my room? Right after we, well, almost… But last night! Oh my god. Throwing a thick hoodie over my naked torso, I pull on sweatpants as I hear the call notification on Amy’s computer. I vault myself onto Laura’s bed next to Amy, and she giggles as my momentum bounces her up. Her laughter centers me, and the universe is calm again, with just Amy and me at its center.

Amy, and me, and a stranger’s face on her computer screen. I’m off-camera to her left, but I can see a man in his forties with gray hair sitting in a cozy home office, with bookshelves behind him on either side of a window looking out onto evergreen trees.

“Hey kiddo,” the man says with a huge smile. “Your mom will be on in a sec! How you been?”

Before Amy can answer, a second box appears, with a woman walking down a long hallway, doors at regular intervals on either side. The woman is wearing blue scrubs under a lab coat. No, a doctor’s coat. “Hi hon!” she says cheerfully. “I’m sorry to join like this. Just one of those days. How’s your senior project coming along?”

“Pretty good,” Amy begins. “I was actually getting some weird clustering in the far-infrared data, but…” and my universe starts to spin again as Amy explains some arcane anomaly in her astrophysics project. Her parents seem to understand, at least.

Without showing any movement to the people on her screen, she takes my hand. This is it. Is this it?

“Hey, so, there were actually a couple things I wanted to talk to you about,” Amy says.

“Of course, hon,” her dad says. “What’s up? Wait –” he interrupts himself. “Is that new paint on your wall?”

“Oh, this?” Amy looks to one side at the wall behind Laura’s bed. “No, no, I’m in someone else’s room.” She squeezes my hand. “Want to say hi?” Before they respond – or I can prepare – she swings her laptop around so I’m on camera.

“Hello!” the woman says,

“Howdy!” the man says.

“This is my… friend Jo,” Amy says. “These are my parents, Charles and Julia.”

Her friend. Amy’s friend. Not “girlfriend” – “my girlfriend.” Not “Hey mom and dad, this is my girlfriend Jo.” No. My hand in hers suddenly feels cold, and I feel like I’ll float up out of myself if I don’t hold on tight.

I swallow the feeling, trying to react in something resembling normal conversation. My hand is waving on its own, and I say, “Nice to meet you!” I fumble for more words, it doesn’t feel like enough. “I see where Amy gets her ginormous brain!” I pump my eyebrows a couple times. At least those still work.

“Nice to meet you too, Jo,” Charles says, but Amy is already swinging her laptop back around.

“So,” Amy says, “We have a long weekend coming up near the end of the month. Would you like to come down? The symphony and chorale are doing La bohème, and there’s a new gallery in town I think you’d love.”

“Of course, that sounds great,” her dad says.

“Absolutely, hon,” her mom says. “I don’t think I have any commitments at the hospital that weekend, but let me double-check my calendar when I get back to my desk.”

“Sure. You can just text me later.”

There’s a pause in the conversation as Julia mutes her microphone to have a hurried conversation with someone off screen.

“Oh,” Charles says as we awkwardly watch Julia from an unflattering camera angle silently speak. “Did your group figure out what system you’re going to play next? It used to be so easy, there was basically just D&D. I want to hear more about those GM-less games like what was it, Fiasco?”

Amy opens her mouth to respond as her mom concludes her conversation. “I’m really sorry, Amy,” she says. “But something’s just come up and I need to drop. Work out the logistics of the weekend with your dad. It sounded like you had something else you wanted to talk about?”

“Yeah,” Amy says. “But I think dad and I can figure it out.”

“Sounds good, hon,” she says. “Gotta go. Love you!” Without waiting for a response, she leaves the call and Charles’ box takes over the full screen.

“It’s been crazy at the hospital,” he says. “You know how it is, especially the last couple years.”

“Yeah,” Amy says.

“So, Fiasco!” he says. Amy and her dad talk about some weird game thing for another few minutes as my mind wanders, Amy’s hand forgotten in mine. Why didn’t she call me her girlfriend? Why did she basically just flash me on screen for, like, two seconds?

I don’t like sitting here sidelined.

With a snap that brings me back to reality, Amy closes her laptop.

“So, what did you think of my parents?”

“Oh, yeah, they’re cool. You seem really close with your dad, you know, that’s cool.”

“Jo, is something wrong?” She’s suddenly concerned. She pulls my hand up to her lips and kisses it.

“It’s just…” I start, but I’m struggling with words. “You said… Why didn’t you call me your girlfriend?”

“Oh that,” she says, worry knitting her eyebrows as she sets aside her laptop. “I… I’m just not out with them yet. Not that they’d have any problem with it! With you. With us.” At some point we’ve stopped holding hands.

“I get it,” I say. But do I? I look into her eyes and she’s a picture of sincerity.

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“Thanks for understanding,” Amy says, and she leans over for a kiss. I close my eyes and lean in, putting my arm around her, our other arms pressed between us as I grope for her hand again. I finally find it. What did we really mean when we named what we are just moments ago? What do we have?

Why do I feel like she’s ten feet away, even though her body is pressed up to mine?

Amy pulls away, and the air opens like a canyon between us, our interlocked hands a tenuous bridge over a gaping chasm.

I think Amy senses something wrong. She’s looking down at our hands while she speaks. “I didn’t want to come out to them like this, here, on Laura’s bed, over Zoom.”

“I get it.” Do I? Why am I still feeling this way? I take a deep, silent breath, and channel my inner powerful Jo. “I can’t wait to give them a taste of the trademark Jo charm.” I put on a big grin and give my eyebrows a couple of pumps. But my heart isn’t in it.

Amy laughs. “I’m glad, thank you.” She gets serious, squeezes my hand again. “It means a lot.”

She sits back against the wall and smiles, tension dropping from her shoulders. “Wow, that was pretty terrifying for a minute, but I think we pulled it off. Thanks for letting me stay here for the call.” I nod. “And for this,” she says, pulling off the sweater and folding it neatly on her lap, even though I’d grabbed it off the floor when I threw it to her.

“Yeah, totally terrifying,” I agree, but I’m not talking about the moments leading up to the call.

Amy grins. “Do you want me to… you know… finish?” She’s naked again, but I’m not as tempted as I should be.

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I smile. “Thanks, but I don’t think I’m in the mood anymore.” When have I ever not been in the mood?

“Yeah, I guess a Zoom call with my parents kinda killed the mood. Sorry about that.”

“No problem,” I say. “But you owe me one orgasm. With interest.”

“That seems reasonable. I look forward to fulfilling the terms of our agreement.” We both burst out laughing, the knot in my stomach finally starting to untangle.

“Oh crap!” she exclaims. “I’m going to miss my first class.”

“I’ve already skipped two,” I say.

Amy’s eyes narrow and her lips purse, and I feel like a tiny bit of balance has been restored.

≋ ≋ ≋

Amy leaves me alone in my room as she heads off to class. I’m spent. Physically, yes – that was the most amazing sex I’ve ever had, even with the interrupted orgasm this morning. I’ve never been spent in my life! At least not sexually… But I also feel spent emotionally – the whiplash of Amy not introducing me as her girlfriend…

I remember how Ethan seemed so sad he didn’t have a big exciting coming out story, and I realize how happy I am that I’ll be able to give Amy that, if things go well. But this very happiness for Amy hits home – “home”, what does that even mean anymore? I’ve been in dorms since I was 15, living out of my suitcase even when I was back at my parents’ place, ready to take off again at a moment’s notice.

I’m naked. I want to masturbate, get myself off. Take control of these feelings. I’m hot, I’m young, I can get anything I want…. I can…

I’m crying.

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Why am I crying? I finally have something I never knew I needed. I should be happy. I am happy. But why am I so sad? I throw myself on my bed, long since cold from the warmth of my body intertwined with Amy’s. Face down, I bawl into my pillow, my shoulders heaving. Part of me sees this Jo lying on the other Jo’s bed, and that part of me wonders who this new Jo is. I let the sobs wash over me as I fall asleep.

≋ ≋ ≋

By the time the evening rolls around I’m feeling recovered as I sit at my desk with my laptop, trying to focus on some lame assignment. Amy is my girlfriend. I hold onto that thought. Just as I’m about to sink into my homework, my phone vibrates. Amy!

I pick my phone up off the table and unlock it. Oh! Holy shit! It’s Laura! Finally!

[8:43 PM] Laura: JO! I’m so so so so sorry I’ve been keeping you in the dark. I have so much to tell you!

[8:45 PM] Jo: You jerk! What the heck! WHY HAVE YOU ABANDONDED MEEEE 😡 😡

[8:46 PM] Laura: 😭 I know I know I’m so sorry. I have some explaining to do…

[8:47 PM] Jo: Seriously. ❤️‍🔥You definitely owe me updates on your boy toy. Where the hell has he been? AND I’M STILL MAD AT YOU. Maybe I won’t tell you my love life updates 😜

[8:47 PM] Laura: … you have a love life?

[8:48 PM] Jo: Stop getting distracted! And YES! 😄

[8:49 PM] Laura: Ok ok, well that’s the thing, we just had quite the… conflict. Part of it was about you, actually.

Laura then proceeds to lay out, in many, many texts, what’s been going on. Turns out she was worried about her boyfriend cheating on her with me. Honestly, totally understandable. I’ll admit I’m absolutely incorrigible when it comes to him. But still! I’d never! She should have talked to me about it. Does she not trust me?

Then she tells me about the dramatic surprise weekend he spent with her in Paris where they made up. I told her he should have brought me along. In any case, I managed to pressure her into details about their steamy make-up sex, so that’s a win!

[9:23 PM] Laura: Anyways, I’m so so sorry, and I hope you can forgive me. I guess I just got super nervous and insecure.

[9:24 PM] Jo: All is forgiven my dear. I just can’t wait to see you. Send me a selfie! Lemme see how you’re lookin’ with that Paris glow.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[9:25 PM] Laura: 🤠

I like having a hot roommate. It’s awesome. In any case, with that picture, Laura’s earned her updates from my life!

[9:27 PM] Jo: Laura, my dearest darling roommate, I present to you, MY GIRLFRIEND!

Wow. “My girlfriend.” What a thing to say!

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[9:29 PM] Laura: OH MY GOD JO WHAT THE HECK! 💗💗💗💗💗

[9:29 PM] Jo: I KNOW RIGHT! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

[9:29 PM] Laura: 😍SHE’S SO CUTE! 😍

[9:29 PM] Jo: I KNOW RIGHT! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


So I do, telling her how we met, how dense and boneheaded I was for so long, the car rides, oh, the sweet, sweet car rides. And then I tell her about Amy’s touch, Amy’s tongue… Hey, she asked for everything…

[9:55 PM] Laura: Jo! That’s so HOT! 😊I can’t believe THIS is what you found. 😊I’m so happy for you 😊

[9:56 PM] Jo: Hell yeah! Of course I was going to find someone good. I’m me!

[9:57 PM] Laura: … I only doubted you for a second. I can’t wait to meet her!

[9:57 PM] Jo: Well she’s already seen our room a ton so she’s practically already met you.

[9:58 PM] Laura: Hey, good point. No hot lesbian sex on my bed!

[9:58 PM] Jo: Finders keepers.

[9:58 PM] Laura: JO, NOOOO!

[9:59 PM] Jo: ❤️‍🔥 😄 💦

≋ ≋ ≋

The next day passes in a rush of classes, events and attending office hours. I’m totally exhausted when I get back to my room, and I flop down onto my bed. I lie back, eyes closed. My mind drifts to Amy; she’s all I can think about. My body responds almost instantly. I’m totally turned on.

Fuck it. I snap a spicy picture.

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[7:20 PM] Jo: Heyyyyyy, come over? ❤️‍🔥

In moments, I get a response.

[7:21 PM] Amy: Hi! Jo you are so hot. So hot. but I can’t 😭 I have to finish this analysis that’s due first thing in the morning.

My heart sinks, and I send her another picture to really drive the point home.

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[7:24 PM] Jo: 😠 😠 but I’m all worked up!

[7:25 PM] Amy: Well we can’t have that now…

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[7:27 PM] Amy: 💋


[7:29 PM] Amy: Hahaha how about tomorrow? I have some studying to do, but we could hang out after? Want to meet me in the library?

[7:31 PM] Jo: YES! It’s on.

I put down my phone, excited and horny. Just as I start touching myself looking at the pictures Amy sent, I get another message. It’s an invite to a document! A text follows shortly:

[7:34 PM] Amy: Here’s what I was working on when I SHOULD have been doing this analysis project. Enjoy! 😘

Ok, maybe getting myself off can wait…