
Josephine on Fire

Chapter cover

Dirty mind, clean body

Chapter 9

Jan 3, 2024

"Amy, I fucking love it! It's SO HOT!" I exclaim. We're sitting in one of the campus libraries, tucked away in a corner where the aged bookshelves tower above us and muffle our voices, making our corner feel like a world of its own. I’ve never been to this spot, and Amy was totally right, this is a great secret meeting place. Of course she knows secret library spots.

Light filters in through a nearby window, casting a warm glow on Amy's face. She's smiling, her cheeks a rosy hue that complements her eyes. She bites her lip, a nervous habit I've already noticed in the short time we've known each other.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I wave my phone around in the air, her manuscript open and taking up the whole screen. "I mean the whole time, I was like, ‘come on, just give it to her already!’ But the twist… I mean, seriously - when she’s like, ‘oh you can totally fuck me now’, I was like YES FINALLY! And he lays her down, oh yeah…" I act out the scene, with a little hip action and a sensual face, much to Amy's embarrassment.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Once I finish my performance, I calm myself down for a second. "But, you know, you can totally amp up the spice level," I say, winking at her. I relish the way her blush deepens and she looks away, casting a glance over her shoulder. I continue, “Like, give us some more descriptions! Like, let me read about what he does with his hands, where he’s grabbing, how she reacts, like, seriously. Spice. It. Up.”

She gives a small laugh and looks up. "I didn't really know if I should," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "I thought maybe it would make it... less classy, or something. I mean…"

She pauses for a moment, looking at me across the table, her notebook open in front of her. It’s almost like a defense mechanism like she’s holding it as a shield between us. Ok, I’ll back off a little bit. I’m learning she’s a tender flower, and I need to be careful not to overwhelm her with Jonergy. I give her an encouraging eyebrow pump. It’s very different from my egging-on eyebrow pump. Much more inquisitive and gentle.

It works.

"I mean," Amy continues, her voice soft, "the story isn't just about sex. It's about their connection, building trust, but I definitely had some more, um, explicit sections in earlier drafts. I cut them out..." She trails off, searching for the right words.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I give her a gentle smile. "Oh yeah, now we’re talking. Who cares about classy? Give me some more moans, give me some more cocks and pounding and licking. Seriously, get dirty with it. People will love it." I wink at her again, enjoying the way she squirms under my gaze.

“This is your story. Write it the way you want it. Trust me," I lean in, a conspiratorial glint in my eyes, "put those explicit, cut scenes back in. At the very least, I’ll love it."

Amy's eyes light up at my words, and she ducks her head, trying to hide her smile. I notice her fidgeting, her gaze darting around the library, and I realize she's worried about the volume of my voice. Ok, I can admit that I could have said “cocks and pounding” a bit quieter here in this library.

Amy leans in a bit, writing something down in tiny letters in her notebook. “That’s actually helpful, Jo. Thank you. I was nervous sharing it, nobody has really read it yet. It felt really hard dialing in that part, and it’s good to know I can go more with my gut there. I mean, I like writing that stuff… I’ll do it. I’ll make it… more explicit.”

I grin, and let out an evil villain laugh. “Yes, yes, give in to your desire, let the lust flow through you.” I run my hands up and down my body and throw my head back, embodying exaggerated feminine desire (which I am very good at doing, by the way.) Amy blushes an even deeper shade of red that I didn’t think was humanly possible. It’s adorable.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Also," I add, "I think the story needs more violence. More of the guy being all badass and stuff." I mime swinging a sword, earning a giggle from Amy. “Like, you open with him after the fight. Let’s see him cut some dudes in half!”

She shakes her head at me, a smile tugging at her lips. "You're kind of missing the point, Jo."

I grin, undeterred. "Maybe, but I still love your story."

"Thanks, Jo," Amy murmurs, her voice soft and sincere. She's scribbling notes furiously in her notebook, her eyes sparkling with a newfound determination. "I really do like how much you like it."

I lean back in my chair, watching her with interest as she writes. Even with all her cute shy nerd energy, Amy has this quiet confidence about her, a strength she probably doesn't even realize she possesses. I find it intriguing. I totally want to be her friend.

"Hey, you should totally publish this. Have you thought about it?" I ask, breaking the silence.

Amy's pen pauses in its tracks. "Publish it?" she echoes, her voice incredulous. "I don't know... It's embarrassing. It's just a silly fantasy story."

I shake my head at her, my brow furrowing in disbelief. "Amy, it's not silly. It's passionate. And that’s what makes it so damn good. It’s just going to get better, too. You've got something here. Don't be afraid to share it."

She hesitates, her gaze dropping to her notebook. She traces her finger over the lines of her writing, her expression thoughtful.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"I... I don't think I'm ready for that," she finally admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "Not yet."

I nod, understanding her hesitation. "That's okay, Amy," I say softly. "But promise me you won't stop writing. Promise me you'll keep going. Even if it’s just for me."

She looks up, her lips curling into a small, shy smile. "If you keep being so enthusiastic about it, of course I’ll keep writing. I promise, Jo."

There's something about the way she says my name, something that sends a thrill of excitement down my spine. It’s loaded. I hold her gaze for a moment, something unspoken passing between us before I finally break the silence. Oh yeah, we’re going to be friends.

"Good," I say, grinning at her. "Because I can't wait to read what you write next."

≋ ≋ ≋

In her room, Amy sits down to write. The remnants of the day - scattered books, assorted papers, a mug of stale coffee - crowd her desk. Her fingers find the keys, her story resumes, and she thinks about Jo.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

≋ ≋ ≋

I'm sprawled across my bed, textbooks and notes scattered around me in a chaotic semicircle. It's finals week, and I should be studying, but my brain seems to have other plans. Every time I try to focus on a paragraph, my mind starts to wander, and I find myself staring out the window or doodling in the margin of my notes.

The room is filled with the low hum of my desk fan and the occasional rustle of paper as I shuffle through my notes. It's a lazy evening, the last of the anemic sunlight filtering through the blinds painting stripes of light and shadow across the room. I've got a half-eaten bag of chips on my nightstand and a lukewarm coffee on my desk, the remnants of my attempts to fuel my study session. I am so, so bored.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

After a minute of key-fiddling, the door swings open, and Laura strides in, her face flushed and a sheen of sweat making her skin glow. She's in her athletic gear, her hair tied back in a messy bun. She’s clearly just been at the gym.

"Hey Jo," she greets, dropping her gym bag by the door and flopping down on her bed across from mine. I watch as she pulls out a water bottle from her bag, taking long gulps.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Hey stranger," I respond, closing my textbook with a sigh and turning to face her. "You know, I feel like I never see you anymore. You're always off doing... things." I wave my hand vaguely in the direction of her gym bag.

Laura's eyes widen in faux surprise. "Things?" she repeats, pressing her hand to her chest dramatically. "I'm wounded, Jo. Those 'things' are important!" God, she looks good with a post-exercise glow.

I give her a smirk. "Oh yeah, you’ve been doing things all right. Things with that mouth.” I mime a blowjob. She rolls her eyes at me. She’s used to it from me by now. I need to up my game or something. In any case, I continue. “Plus, with studying for finals, prep for your study abroad, spending hours at the gym, hanging out with your boyfriend..." I trail off, plucking a chip from the bag and popping it into my mouth. "I'm beginning to think you're avoiding me."

Laura gives me a wink. "Avoiding you? Never." She takes another sip of her water, then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "But you're right. We haven't had much time together lately. I miss you."

She pauses, looking a bit sheepish. "And, well, I won't be around much tonight either. I'm planning on hanging out with..." She trails off, a sly grin spreading across her face.

"Let me guess," I interrupt, rolling my eyes. "Your boyfriend?"

"Guilty as charged," she admits, winking at me.

I groan, flopping back onto my bed. "Great. Another night alone with my textbooks. If you see any hot boys on the way over, can you send them towards the room?"

Laura bursts out laughing at my comment, the sound echoing in the small confines of our room. "Sure thing, Jo," she says, grinning. "You know, I should just install a giant neon sign outside the room."

As we continue to chat, Laura begins to undress. She slides an arm out of her sports bra, her muscles flexing subtly with the movement.

"Actually, Jo," she starts, her voice somewhat hesitant as she pulls the sports bra over her head. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

She tosses the sports bra onto the growing pile of clothes on her bed and reaches for a towel hanging on the back of our door.

"But I really have to get going," she continues, wrapping the towel around her body. "I'm already running a bit late."

I watch her for a moment, then make a snap decision. "Well, I haven't showered all day," I say, grinning at her. "How about I join you? We can have our chat in the showers."

Laura's face lights up at that. "Perfect!" she says. "I really did want to get this off my chest. Come on, then. The last thing I need is to be even later because we were having a heart-to-heart in our dorm room."

I hop off my bed and slide out of my pajama shorts and sweater. Wrapping a towel around myself, I hurry to follow Laura out of the room. I’m getting excited. Whatever Laura wants to talk about, I have a feeling it's going to be interesting.

We make our way down the dormitory hall, the carpet soft beneath our feet and the hum of the overhead lights the only sound accompanying us. The hallways are quiet, most of the other students are either off studying or out enjoying a break from the pressure of finals.

We reach the communal showers, just a handful of stalls in a small corner of the bathroom, each separated by tiled walls that don’t fully reach the ceiling. The room is filled with the faint smell of soap and the echo of dripping water. There's nobody else there, just the two of us.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura chooses a shower stall, and I take the one next to hers. We hang our towels on the hooks outside the stalls and step inside, pulling the curtains closed behind us. The stalls are close enough that we can talk without raising our voices, but there's still a level of privacy.

After a moment, I hear the sound of Laura's shower turning on, followed by my own. The hot water feels good on my body, washing away all the study stress. I can hear Laura's soft humming from the next stall, a comforting sound.

"So," Laura starts, her voice slightly muffled by the sound of the water. "I've been thinking a lot about what happened at the party."

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“What happened at the party? We got drunk and had fun, or did I miss some big event?” I say, confused.

“No no, nothing big. I guess… I don’t know how to bring this up.” She hesitates for a moment.

I’m suddenly nervous. "Laura, I know I can be flirty and stuff but -" I begin, but she cuts me off.

"No, it's okay," she says quickly, her voice soothing. "I'm not angry, Jo. In fact... I actually kind of liked it."

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Now I freeze, her words spinning in my brain. She liked it? Liked what? My mind is a whirl of confusion and excitement, and for a moment, I can't find the words to respond. Could she mean…

"Jo?" Laura calls after a moment of silence. "You still there?"

I take a deep breath, pushing back the curtain a bit to confirm. "Yeah, I'm here," I reply, "Just... extremely fucking pumped is all."

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Laura laughs. "I figured you'd jump on me the moment I even made the tiniest hint of a suggestion," she teases, her voice light and playful.

"Listen, Laura," I say, trying to steady my voice. "I'm so amped over here, I just don't want to screw anything up by saying the wrong thing. Keep going."

In a few minutes of hesitant explanation, Laura reveals how she feels about me ogling her boyfriend. It excites her, but she doesn’t want to share. But she is open to more watching. I’m so surprised and excited by this turn of events that I can barely contain myself. I debate rushing over to her stall to give her a big hug. Yeah, too far.

When she finishes explaining, we fall silent for a moment, the only sound the rhythmic patter of water hitting the tiles. I can almost hear Laura's thoughts whirring next to me, and I wait for her to continue. This is the greatest conversation of my life.

"I've been thinking," she finally says, her voice sounding a bit hesitant. "How about we invite him over for a study session? And then, well, It might... it might get a bit intimate. Then we can, you know, try out having you as a participant."

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I grin and poke my head out of the shower curtain. "A trap! I had no idea you were so devious, my dear Laura."

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Laura pokes her head out too, and gives me a wink. "I’m sure he’ll love it. Especially if you egg him on." Oh my, she certainly has gotten bold this quarter.

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I take a quick moment to count my blessings. "Laura, am I dreaming right now? What is going on?”

Laura laughs. "I promise, I’m real, Jo. It's something I've thought about, and I'm okay with it. He's still my boyfriend, and this is just... a bit of fun. A bit of a thrill. Exploring new things."

Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. "Let’s go girl! Finally!"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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There's a pause, then Laura's laughter rings out, warm and bright. "Good. I knew you'd say that. He has no idea what he's in for, does he?"

"No, he really doesn't," I agree, grinning despite myself. "This is going to be quite the study session."