
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Beautiful works of art.

Chapter 10

Jun 14, 2023

The buzz of your phone that you’ve been waiting for diverts your attention from the airport arrivals board - it's a text from Laura.

[8:33 PM] Laura: Just landed 😊

Your heart skips a beat.

[8:35 PM] You: Surprise! I’m here to pick you up 😉

[8:37 PM] Laura: Really?!?! 😍 You’re the best!

[8:38 PM] Laura: Omg why am I nervous 🙉

Your gaze is glued to the arrival gate, your heart thumping in your chest like a drum. As each minute passes, anticipation builds until finally you see her.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura steps into the terminal, the sea of people parting around her. She looks radiant, her cheeks flushed with excitement, and she's scanning the crowd for you. As your eyes lock, a wide grin breaks across her face. She darts through the crowd, her luggage forgotten momentarily in her eagerness.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Meeting in the middle, you pull her into a tight embrace, her laughter ringing out pure and bright over the noise of the bustling terminal. Her arms wind around your neck, pulling herself closer into your embrace.

"It's so good to see you," you whisper into her ear, taking in her scent.

Her reply is a giggle, her body shaking against yours. "You have no idea how happy I am that you're here."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

When you finally pull away, her eyes shine brightly, reflecting the joy radiating from you both. "So," she says, her voice filled with a teasing lilt, "what's this surprise you've got for me, Mr. Charming?"

"You'll see," you respond with a cheeky grin, taking her luggage in one hand and gently guiding her with the other. "Patience, Miss Adventurous. I figured you’d be a little hung over and tired from travel."

“... You’re right. I’m actually beat, but you perked me up. Thank you for getting me, this is sweet.”

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You exit the terminal together, Laura's hand tucked into the crook of your arm. It feels right.

≋ ≋ ≋

The car ride feels like a bubble of time away from the world. The two of you chatter about nothing in particular, a comfortable silence filling the space between stories. It’s weird to be together again in person. So much has happened so fast that suddenly moving from texting, all the way back to being together again brings an undercurrent of awkwardness.

Laura, sunk into the passenger seat, appears weary from her travels, her body language suggesting a yearning for rest. “It’s good to be in your car again. I have good memories in here.” Her eyes, usually so lively, have a tired glaze, a testament to her long day and perhaps the remnants of a hangover.

As you pull up to her dorm, she squints at you, a question brewing behind her tired eyes. "So, you want to come in?" she says, her voice coated with fatigue.

You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your neck. "No, well, yes, but... I mean you look totally beat." You trip over your words, attempting to convey your intentions.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She smiles wearily. “Yeah, you’re right. I just want a shower and bed, being totally honest. But I want to see you soon, please.” "I'll swing by tomorrow. Early afternoon?" For some reason you’re nervous she won’t want to see you again. Where’d that come from?

A spark of intrigue brightens her eyes, a smirk pulling at the corners of her lips. "Are we going somewhere special?" Her curiosity is wrapped in a tease, her tone gentle and warm.

Feeling a wave of relief at her response, you mirror her smile, adding, "Might be worth finding a cute outfit for. Remember that talk about having a reason to dress up?"

Recognition flickers in her eyes, quickly replaced by a warm grin, "You're really good at keeping a girl guessing, huh?"

In response, you merely shrug, the corners of your mouth twitching upward. You feel a strange mix of excitement and nerves. The tension is there, a bit like walking a tightrope, but it's not unpleasant.

As she opens the door to leave, you lean in, intending to kiss her cheek. But in your haste, you clumsily bump noses instead. The two of you freeze for a moment before bursting into laughter, the tension from before forgotten.

"Smooth," she teases, her eyes sparkling with amusement. But then she leans in, pressing her lips to your cheek in a quick, soft kiss that leaves you wanting more. You lean in for a real kiss, but she’s already got the door of the car open.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"You better not keep me waiting too long," she says, wagging a finger at you before disappearing into her dorm building.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

≋ ≋ ≋

You pass the next day in classes, and you can barely focus. After what feels like an eternity, you find yourself back outside Laura's dorm, feeling an unexpected bout of nerves. Your heart's tempo picks up as you spot her descending the steps, cloaked in a little black dress that perfectly accents her form. The sight of her knocks the wind right out of you, igniting a warmth that spreads into a smile on your face. Eagerly, you step out of the car, moving quickly to hold the door open for her.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Wow," you manage to say as she approaches. "You look...amazing."

A soft blush dusts Laura's cheeks at your heartfelt compliment. She glances down at her dress, a self-conscious hand smoothing over the fabric. "Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself. What a gentleman, with the door and everything."

As she slides into the passenger seat, you catch her sneaking a curious glance at you. It's clear she's bursting to know what you have planned. "Ok, what you have planned better justify this dress!"

"Ok ok, time for the grand reveal: we’re going to the art gallery downtown." You steal a quick look at her to gauge her reaction.

Her eyes light up instantly, her hand flying to her mouth in surprise. "Really? I've always wanted to go, but never had the chance."

Feeling a sense of satisfaction, you nod. "I was listening when you said you wanted to go during one of our late-night chats!”

Laura smiles, her eyes shining with anticipation. "This is the sweetest surprise. Thank you. And I’m only a little bit overdressed."

"All eyes will be on you, that’s for sure. You’ve gone from distracting people from the bride at a wedding to distracting people from art. Laura, you’re a menace."

She laughs warmly, giving you another smile.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As you smoothly navigates through the city streets, a newfound confidence takes hold of you. Taking a deep breath, you venture your hand onto her exposed thigh, your touch light yet deliberate.

Laura moves suddenly, surprised, her eyes flicking towards you in a flash of surprise. Then, a moment of silence. Your heart skips a beat as you fear you may have overstepped. But then she smiles, shifting her leg closer to you, placing her fingers gently atop yours. "I'm glad you're as excited for this date as I am," she teases, a hint of a blush coloring her cheeks.

The smile on her face, the glint in her eyes, and the warmth of her hand on yours - it all washes away your apprehension. As you drive on, the car feels warmer, the mood lighter. This surprise date just became more promising, and you can't wait to see how the day unfolds.

≋ ≋ ≋

The gallery is a beehive of activity when you arrive. A mixed crowd of art enthusiasts and casual visitors mill around, creating a vibrant atmosphere. You guide Laura through the crowd, your hand resting lightly at the small of her back. Her eyes are wide with excitement as she takes in her surroundings, and your gentle touch seems to ground her. You feel her lean into your touch, a subtle acknowledgement that sends a warmth through your body.

You move through the gallery, getting your bearings and settling into a rhythm as you explore together.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As you stand before a magnificent landscape painting, you lean slightly towards Laura. Time to make a move. You put your hand around her waist, and mummer quietly in her ear, through loose strands of hair. "I love the light on this one. See how it filters through the clouds, touches the mountains and the water..."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura's soft chuckle breaks the moment, her eyes dancing with an amused twinkle. "Is that so?" She turns to face the painting once again, her gaze thoughtful, lips curling up in a secretive smile. "If you're going to seduce me with quiet whispers in my ear, you should read up a little first.” She gestures towards the painting, “This is a Bierstadt, he was part of the Hudson River School. All this wilderness and stuff is manifest destiny energy. And the use of light, it's referred to as luminism. It's to evoke a sense of the divine, reinforcing the concept of America as God's country, ripe for westward expansion. Big colonialist energy."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You blink in surprise, and Laura laughs. "Wow, I had no idea you knew so much about this," you admit, genuinely impressed. "Who’s the nerd again?"

"Oh shut up you. It’s still you, and you know it." Laura playfully slaps you on the shoulder. “Let’s go look at the Baroques!”

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Navigating the winding corridors of the gallery, you find yourself in a dimly lit alcove. It's quiet here, save for the soft echoes of footsteps from far away corridors. Illuminated by the soft amber light of the chandelier above, Baroque art paints tales of love and emotion on the walls, their presence making the air thick with a sense of raw, unbridled passion.

As you study a canvas, where two lovers reach out to each other, trapped within their painted world, you feel Laura’s presence behind you. Turning, you're struck by how stunning she looks. The black dress she's wearing clings perfectly to her fit frame, the fabric shimmering subtly, contrasting beautifully with the warm hue of her brown eyes.

It’s her gaze, deep and intense, that draws you in. Those brown eyes, usually so playful, now have a weight to them – a silent question, an anticipation. Your surroundings become a distant hum, every sound and sight fading into insignificance except for Laura.

With a pull that feels as natural as breathing, you gently place a hand on her waist, drawing her close. Her fingers hesitantly rise to trace along the side of your face, and that single touch sends shivers down your spine.

There's a charged moment of hesitancy, where the space between you becomes a chasm and the promise of a bridge all at once. And then, suddenly, she closes the gap. The kiss is passionate and deep, yet it has an honesty, a rawness. Every sensation is magnified: the soft press of her lips, the faint scent of her, the warmth of her body against yours.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura pulls back slightly, a light blush on her cheeks, her eyes still half-closed from the lingering euphoria of the kiss. “Wow,” she breathes out, her voice a whisper. “That was… exciting.”

You chuckle, your thumb caressing her cheek. “In a good way?”

She bites her lip, a playful glint in her eyes. “Do you really have to ask? I mean, I feel like we belong in this gallery, we certainly just created our own art piece.”

You laugh, a bit self-consciously, “Well, I’ve always believed in interactive art.”

Laura smirks, leaning in close, her lips brushing against your ear as she murmurs, “How about we try for a masterpiece next time?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” you lean in for another kiss, but pull back as you hear footsteps approaching. Suddenly, Laura blushes, and you separate. She looks up at you, giving you a sheepish grin.

≋ ≋ ≋

As you both continue meander through the gallery, Laura falls quiet. She's staring at a canvas, but you can tell she's miles away. Plucking up courage, she turns to you, biting her lip nervously.

"You know, I'm kind of scared," she admits, her gaze dropping to her shoes. "I mean, I've missed so much of the initial weeks of college because of that stupid wedding. I'm just... worried about connecting with people."

You're silent for a moment, taking in her vulnerability. "Laura, you are one of the boldest, most confident people I know. You’ve been proving it constantly. You don't shy away from new experiences or challenges. You're going to figure this out. I have no doubt about it."

She chuckles softly, looking up at you. "That's really sweet of you," she says, "and hey, I've always got you, right? I mean, I won't end up sad and alone on campus."

You squeeze her hand, holding her gaze, "Absolutely not. You've got me. And don’t worry about it, seriously. You’re going to be so popular you’re going to have to start scheduling me in between parties, I guarantee it."

She smiles at you then, a genuine, beaming smile that warms you from the inside out. With that, she interlaces her fingers with yours, her head leaning against your shoulder. You stand like that for a while, a picture of shared comfort amidst the grandeur of the art gallery.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As your visit to the gallery draws to a close, the early evening light streaming through the glass skylights casts a warm glow over Laura. She's radiant, her joy echoing through the expansive gallery. Noticing a beautiful sculpture in a corner, she playfully strikes pose on a chair for you, her laughter echoing around the room.

You can't help but laugh along, pulling out your phone to capture the moment. "Perfect, hold that pose, that's better than all the art here." you say, and she obliges, a mischievous glint in her eye.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You tuck your phone away, pulling Laura into a side hug. She leans against you, her head on your shoulder as you both survey the gallery one last time. As the two of you leave, hand in hand, she looks up at you, curiosity brimming in her eyes.

"Alright, I've got to ask," she says, giving your hand a squeeze. "Where to next? Because you've set a pretty high bar with this."

"You flash her a knowing smile, your eyes crinkling with delight. "How about we grab some dinner? There's this nice place I've been meaning to try..."Her eyes light up at your suggestion, excitement replacing the curiosity. "I'd love that," she replies, and you can tell she means it. As the two of you head towards your car, you can't help but break out into a grin.

You might get to take that dress off tonight.