
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Floating on.

Chapter 13

Jul 5, 2023

The morning sunlight pours through your window, an immediate invitation to wake up and reach for your phone on the nightstand. You can't help but smile as you tap in Laura's name.

[7:00 AM] You: Rise and shine, beautiful. I hope you slept well. What's on your schedule today?

[7:22 AM] Laura: Morning 😊 Have classes and a study group later. You?

[7:30 AM] You: More or less the same, though I was hoping we might squeeze in a little 'us' time later?

[7:40 AM] Laura: I’d love that! But, I might be stuck late with this study group.

[7:45 AM] You: Well, let's keep our fingers crossed then, maybe your study group will wrap up early.

[7:48 AM] Laura: Fingers tightly crossed. If not today, definitely tomorrow.

[7:50 AM] You: You know it. How are you feeling this morning? Did you survive Jo?

[7:55 AM] Laura: I feel really good 😊😊 you were so sweet last night. I'm happy with how everything went.

[7:57 AM] Laura: And I'm excited to get my hands on you again.

[7:58 AM] Laura: especially certain parts... 😈

[8:00 AM] You: I think that can be arranged 😊

≋ ≋ ≋

The excitement of seeing Laura keeps you energized throughout the day. When your last class ends, you quickly reach out to her, hoping for a positive response. You find a selfie waiting for you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[4:22 PM] You: You’re so fucking cute!

[4:22 PM] You: I’m done with my classes for today. You?

[4:34 PM] Laura: Still stuck here, it's dragging more than I thought. Late tonight? Booty call?

[4:39 PM] You: If I every say no to that take me out back and shoot me. Let's aim for tonight then. 🌙

Excitement bubbles inside you throughout the rest of the evening. It isn't until late into the night, when you're about to leave for Laura's place that you see a new message from her.

[11:15 PM] Laura: You won't believe this... Jo just got back and she's mega sick. 😩 Can't risk you catching anything, and she’s like, totally pathetic. In a cute, overly dramatic Jo way. I think she needs me here.

[11:17 PM] You: shit. I was really looking forward to seeing you. But you're right, take care of sweetie Jo.

You spend the rest of the night feeling somewhat deflated. But there's always tomorrow!

≋ ≋ ≋

[7:00 AM] Laura: Good morning, handsome. Missing you 🥺

[7:01 AM] Laura: Thought you might like a little something to start your day off right. 🙈

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[7:15 AM] You: Damn! Have I been a good boy or something? 🤤😍

[7:20 AM] Laura: Haha! I just thought you might need a little motivation to get up.

[7:21 AM] Laura: And yes you’ve been a very good boy ❤️❤️❤️

[7:25 AM] You: Trust me, I am up now! Very up.

The disappointment stings, but you know first hand the demands of college life.

[7:28 AM] You: That's it. I'm dedicating my day to finding a cure for whatever Jo's got. Or she’s getting kicked out of the room with the plague.

[7:33 AM] Laura: Hahaha, noooooooooooo! How about we plan to meet up after our classes instead? I can come to yours, and Jo can fend for herself for a while.

[7:38 AM] You: Yes yes yes yes. Come by after my last class. Can’t wait!

[7:43 AM] Laura: Same here! 😘

Throughout the day, the images keep popping up in your head at the most inopportune moments, making you laugh to yourself or blush. You can hardly wait to see Laura.

≋ ≋ ≋

[2:00 PM] Laura: Hey, I think I'm coming down with what Jo has. 😰 Feeling pretty awful right now. And I really need boyfriend time 🥺🥺🥺

[2:05 PM] You: Oh no! I’m like actually devastated. Please rest. You sick girls need anything?

[2:15 PM] Laura: I will. No thank you sweetie, already stocked up on sick girl stuff for Jo.

[2:16 PM]Laura: I hate that we keep missing each other.

[2:20 PM] You: Me too. But it's okay. We've got plenty of time. Focus on getting better now, alright? 😘

[2:22 PM] Laura: I will I promise. I MISS YOU

You head to your class, with a sense of disappointment hanging over you. You hope Laura's not too sick. Thankfully she seems in high spirits!

≋ ≋ ≋

Over the next few days, your interactions with Laura are limited to text messages, but you make it a point to stay connected.

[7:00 AM] You: Morning, gorgeous. Any better?

[7:05 AM] Laura: Meh, still gross. You don’t wanna see this. But think I'm getting there.

[7:10 AM] You: I’m pretty sure I’m fine seeing you in any state, I like all of them I’ve seen so far. I need a healthy adventure partner tho so rest up!

[7:15 AM] Laura: what I’d give for an adventure with you right now 😘

[7:18 AM] Laura:.. Can you do me a little favor 🥺

[7:21 AM] You: Yes of course! What do you need? Snacks?

[7:23 AM] Laura: 💖 you’re so sweet, no we have food. But I’m missing you so bad…

[7:25 AM] Laura: Can you bring me one of your hoodies? After you’ve worn it? 🙈

[7:27 AM] Laura: next best thing to cuddling with you…

[7:30 AM] You: hahaha yes of course! That’s so cute. Can I see you when I drop it off?

[7:35 AM] Laura: noooo I don’t want you to see me like this. Can you just drop it off and then I can snuggle with “you”? I promise i’ll make it up to you with real cuddling later.

[7:37 AM] You: lol fair enough! One me-smelling hoodie coming up.

≋ ≋ ≋

[1:30 PM] You: How's your day going? Imagining you in a fluffy pink bathrobe, surrounded by tissues, looking adorable as hell.

[1:45 PM] Laura: Hahaha, close enough. 😂 Seriously though, I miss you. Can't wait for more us time 💖

[1:50 PM] Laura: And no fluffy robe, a little bit more this…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

≋ ≋ ≋

[3:00 PM] You: Missing you too, terribly. 💔 When you're better, we're doing something fun 💃

[3:15 PM] Laura: Deal! Fun with bodies please…

[3:45 PM] Laura: you know what, I'm bored.

[3:50 PM] Laura: It's sick girl bath time.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[3:55 PM] Laura: And Jo has a tripod...

[3:57 PM] Laura: And you're going to get sick girl bath time photoshoot 😘

[3:59 PM] Laura: Wish you were here to soap me up…

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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[4:44 PM] Laura: I can't wait for you to get back to your phone and see these...

[4:45 PM] Laura: All clean!

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[4:55 PM] Laura: I need my boyfriend to come get me dirty again...

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

[5:05 PM] Laura: When you're home send me a video of you "reacting" to these pictures please 😇

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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[5:10 PM] Laura: I miss you so much 😭

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[5:15 PM] Laura: Enjoy, boyfriend. Nobody can ever say I don't spoil you 💕

[5:35 PM] You: oh holy SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT

[5:37 PM] You: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

[5:39 PM] You: You are getting an incredible video

[5:43 PM] You: I just keep scrolling back up to look at these...

You settle in, prop up your phone, and get to work, making sure Laura gets a good show and angle. It's a little bit awkward, you haven't really done this before, but you pull it off.

Feeling a little bit embarrassed, you send the video, nervously waiting for her response.

[6:23 PM] Laura: YOU ARE SO HOT

[6:25 PM] Laura: omg the way you work yourself 🥵🥵

[6:27 PM] Laura: I want to touch it pleaseeeeee

[6:29 PM] Laura: now I really can't wait to do that to you again...

[6:33 PM] You: Trust me, you can any time.

[6:34 PM] You: Like, any time. hahaha

[6:37 PM] Laura: 😇

[6:38 PM] Laura: Very soon. I literally can't wait, so I'm going to watch you again...

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≋ ≋ ≋

[10:00 PM] You: Sweet dreams, lovely. Wish you were in my arms. 😘

[10:10 PM] Laura: Haha, dreaming of that already. Goodnight, handsome. 😴💭💕

[10:12 PM] You: I keep going through those pictures...

[10:12 PM] Laura: And I keep watching your video. I can't wait to do that to you in person again. 💕💕

≋ ≋ ≋

[11:30 AM] Laura: Jo keeps pestering me about us. She’s desperate to hear all the details about our 'adventures'. 😅

[11:35 AM] You: Oh no! Should we start making up wild stories to keep her entertained? 😏

[11:40 AM] Laura: 😂 I’ll tell her you’re into pegging 😂😂

[11:45 AM] You: Who says I’m not?

[11:50 AM] Laura: Oh god, she'd love that! 😂 She's got quite the kinky imagination.

[11:51 AM] Laura: Wait, are you?

[11:55 AM] You: Lol no. Well, I’ve never tried. But it’s not high on the list. Or on the list.

[12:00 PM] Laura: LMAO. not on mine either. But if it was you know I’d give it a whirl for you. 😈

[12:10 PM] You: That’s… romantic? Ok but seriously tell Jo I’m into it 😂

≋ ≋ ≋

[2:45 PM] Laura: I think I'm officially on the mend! 🎉

[2:50 PM] You: Best news I’ve heard all week! So, when do I get to see your beautiful face again?

[2:55 PM] Laura: How about a concert? It's like a date but louder. 😉

[3:00 PM] You: A concert? I’m intrigued. Who’s on?

[3:05 PM] Laura: Modest Mouse! 🐭🎶

[3:10 PM] You: Haha Modest Mouse? Aren't they like, a boomer band? But seriously, I’m in!

[3:15 PM] Laura: Excuse you, their music is timeless! 😝

[3:20 PM] You: Timeless or not, I'm all for any plan that includes you and live music. Let me grab those tickets. 🎟️

[3:25 PM] Laura: Yay! Our "grand reunion" finally. 😂

[3:27 PM] Laura: Oh the things I want you to do to me 🙈

[3:30 PM] You: Well, the bar is high after pegging. But I think I’ll manage. 😉

[3:32 PM] Laura: stoppppppp lol and let me be your sexy girlfriend! Can't wait to see you, handsome. 😍

[4:05 PM] You: The feeling is mutual, beautiful. 🥰 Our grand reunion is going to be one for the books.

≋ ≋ ≋

Your phone buzzes, lighting up the room with Laura's name. You swipe to answer, already smiling.

"Laura," you say, "I've been counting down the minutes till the concert. You ready? Feeling better?"

There's laughter in her voice as she responds, "Of course, I'm so pumped! I’m good enough, hopeful at 100 tomorrow! Been listening to Modest Mouse all day. Do you have a favorite song?

""Umm, 'Float On' is a classic, right?" You chuckle, aware of your less-than-extensive knowledge of the band.

Her laughter rings through the speaker, warm and vibrant. "True, true. It's a good one. But I hope you're ready for some of their lesser-known stuff too!"

Her excitement is infectious. "As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything."

"Even some dirty dancing?" She teases, her tone light and flirtatious.

Your heart picks up a beat. "Especially that," you play along, grinning.

The next minutes are spent in excited chatter, anticipation buzzing between you as you discuss plans for the evening. You agree to meet at the cafe where you first got coffee; it feels fitting, a full circle moment before the concert. Plus, it's open late, and a little caffeine boost never hurt anyone.

You spend the rest of your day in a flurry of preparation, making sure your apartment is presentable in case Laura comes over afterwards. Laura coming over afterwards… your heart skips a beat.

≋ ≋ ≋

As you push open the door to the cafe, the aroma of freshly ground coffee washes over you, an oddly comforting scent. Your eyes scan the room, settling on a familiar figure at a corner table. Laura is there, glowing under the soft café lights, wearing a white lace crop top with a soft denim jacket casually thrown over her shoulders. Her high-waisted jean shorts accentuate her figure. Her outfit complements the youthful aura around her, making her look even more beautiful than you remembered.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You make your way to her, the excitement coursing through your veins making your steps quick and light. "Laura," you greet her, your voice tinted with joy. She turns around, her eyes lighting up as she sees you.

"Hey, you!" she exclaims, her voice filled with warmth. She stands, turning fully to you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You wrap her in a hug, your arms wrapping comfortably around her waist as hers sling around your neck. The warmth of her body against yours is a welcome sensation, something you've been missing in the past days. She smells like fresh peonies, a scent that makes you inhale deeply, closing your eyes for a moment as you savor it.

As you pull back, your gaze meets hers, the intensity in her eyes matching yours. Leaning down, you press your lips to hers, a passionate kiss that sends electricity coursing through your body. The world around you seems to fade away, leaving only you and Laura.

When you finally break the kiss, you both are left slightly breathless, smiling at each other. The anticipation of the evening is palpable between you. It's going to be a memorable night.

As you settle into your chairs, a sense of giddiness infuses the air around you. There's a shared unspoken relief of finally being together again after what felt like ages. Her hand reaches out across the table, fingers lacing with yours. Her touch is electric, sparking a warmth that runs up your arm, straight to your heart. Her eyes, sparkling under the low light of the cafe, meet yours and there's a playfulness in them that makes you smile.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"You look amazing, Laura," you say, your eyes tracing the curve of her cheek. "I've missed you so much."

Her cheeks flush with a hint of pink, and she grins. "I've missed you too. It's been too long, hasn't it?"

You nod, your heart swelling at the thought of being reunited. "Definitely. But now we can make up for lost time. How are you feeling?"

Laura smiles sweetly, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "Much better! Ready to jump you’re bones.” She flashes a bold smile at you.

You chuckle softly, "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. I've been thinking of all the things we can do together, too."

"Oh, really?" Laura raises an eyebrow playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Like what?"

"Well, you’ll find out" you begin, a teasing smile playing on your lips.

As you engage in lighthearted banter, the cafe's atmosphere seems to grow even more intimate, the warmth between you and Laura filling the space.

You order your usual coffees, trading jokes and stories, the conversation flowing easily between you. Every now and then, her foot brushes against yours under the table, an accidental touch that sends a ripple of anticipation through you. She giggles at your flustered reaction, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Your eyes playfully sweep over her outfit, a soft smirk playing on your lips as they land on the daring white lace crop top she's chosen. "I like where you’re going with that top… I don’t think you can take off that jacket in public," you tease with a smile, your eyes dancing with amusement.

A playful gasp escapes her as a blush paints her cheeks. She playfully hits your arm, her gaze feigning offense. "Hey! You told me to be bold, remember?" She leans back, glancing down at her top before giving you a daring look. "It's a concert, not a lecture hall. And besides, don't you like it?"

Your laughter fills the air, your hand moving to cover hers on the table. "Oh, I love it. You look incredible," you assure her, your gaze softening. "Can't wait to see you moving to the music in it."

Her eyes widen at your comment, her lips parting in surprise before they curve into a coy smile. The blush on her cheeks deepens as she tugs at her jacket, and subtly tugs her lacey top down, exposing a little more cleavage, a spark of excitement lighting up her eyes. "We'll just have to see, won't we?" she challenges, leaning closer, her voice dropping to a flirtatious whisper. The look in her eyes, a mix of promise and anticipation, leaves you breathless. There's a charge in the air, an electrifying prelude to the rhythm of the night that awaits you both.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As the flirting continues, Laura’s grip on your hand tightens a bit, and her demeanor changes. There’s a slight hesitation before she speaks, her words breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you. "I've been thinking about something..." she starts, biting her lower lip nervously.

"You know I've always been fascinated by Art history," she continues. "Well, there's this study abroad program in Paris next quarter...I've been considering applying"

Her words hang in the air, their implication slowly sinking in.

Laura feels compelled to continue, “It’s a long shot, and freshmen don’t usually get in…”

Your heart aches at the thought of being apart, even as you're flooded with pride for her ambition.

"That sounds incredible, Laura," you respond, your voice firm. "You should definitely go for it." Your eyes meet hers, an unspoken understanding passing between you.

"But, what about us?" she asks softly, voicing the worry that immediately came to mind. "I don’t want to lose this."

You squeeze her hand, reassuring her. "We'll figure it out. It’s only for a quarter, right? We can make long distance work," you say, even as your heart clenches at the thought.

"Plus, you'll get to experience Paris, immerse yourself in the art scene there, live your dreams," you add, a genuine smile gracing your lips. "That’s an opportunity you can't pass up."

There's a pause as you both process the change that looms in the horizon, the mix of excitement and anxiety tangling together.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura smiles at you, squeezing your hand back. “It’s silly, I’m probably not going to get in anyways. Let’s not stress about it, ok?”

“Ok. Why is there always something in the way? Can’t a guy just get into your pants in peace? Am I going to have to chase you everywhere across the world”

Laura laughs her warm, rich laugh. “Oh, I have a good feeling that I won’t be going anywhere tonight. But you’ll have to impress me with your dancing first.”

“Oh, it’s bird mating rituals now, huh?”

Laura nods enthusiastically, and trills out an impression of birdsong. You laugh, covering your face in embarrassment as some other patrons of the coffee shop look up.

Laura beams at you, then lowers her eyes. “That’s bird for ‘if we were alone I’d let you take this top off.”

Your heart races. Wow, she knows how to flip a switch in you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Your laughter subsides and the playful energy fades, replaced by a breathless anticipation, a tension so palpable you could reach out and touch it. You reach across the table, cradling her cheek in your hand, your eyes never leaving hers. "You're something else, Laura," you murmur, admiration lacing your words. "And for the record, I'd chase you anywhere."

She blushes, looking away shyly before meeting your gaze again, her eyes filled with warmth. "And I would run slow enough so you could catch up," she whispers back, her voice barely audible over the hum of the coffee shop. Her hand moves to cover yours, a soft squeeze being her reply.

The laughter and playful banter, the discussions of the future, all seem to fade into the background, as if the world has narrowed down to just the two of you. The café bustles around you, the clinking of dishes and murmurs of conversation mere background noise.

As you reluctantly let go of her hand to check your watch, you realize it's time to head to the concert. You both rise from the table, leaving your coffee cups behind. With a shared glance and the promise of the evening hanging in the air, you step out into the night, hand in hand, eager to chase the rhythm of the night together. And as you look at Laura, as dusk falls on the city, with her lace top and infectious smile, you can't help but think this is going to be a night to remember.