
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Good morning.

Chapter 16

Jul 26, 2023

The gentle rays of morning light filter through the gaps in the blinds, casting a golden hue over the room. You stir slightly, your body protesting the early intrusion of daylight. Blinking away the sleep, you take a moment to assess your surroundings.

A soft, warm body is curled up against you, a mass of tangled hair spilling over your chest. The scent of her shampoo, sweet and floral, fills your nostrils, with just a hint of that concert smell, a reminder of the events of the previous night. A smile tugs at your lips as you glance down at Laura, still deep in slumber, her lips parted slightly as she breathes peacefully.

Careful not to wake her, you slip your arm out from under her, replacing the warmth of your body with a pillow. She murmurs in her sleep, nuzzling into the pillow before settling again. Her hand is splayed across your chest, fingers lightly curled around the hem of your shirt.

You watch her for a moment, appreciating the serenity of the scene. Her eyelashes cast long shadows over her cheeks, the golden light giving her an ethereal glow. She looks so peaceful, so beautiful, it takes your breath away.

The sound of your phone vibrating on the coffee table draws your attention away from her. You reach for it, squinting at the screen to read the incoming text message from a friend. As you reply, you feel a movement against your side.

"Mmm..." Laura stirs, her eyes fluttering open. "What time is it?" she mumbles, her voice raspy from sleep.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," you chuckle, placing your phone back on the table. "It's about 7:30."

She groans, burrowing her face into your side. "Too early," she grumbles, her words muffled against your shirt.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"You can go back to sleep," you reassure her, stroking her hair gently.

"Nah," she sighs, finally lifting her head to meet your gaze. Her eyes are still hazy with sleep, but there's a soft smile playing on her lips. "Don't want to waste any time I have with you."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She lifts her head slightly, resting her chin on your chest, her eyes meeting yours. "Did you sleep well?" she asks, her voice soft and genuinely curious.

"Yeah," you reply, smiling at the memory of your intertwined bodies. "I slept really well, actually. What about you?"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"I did, too. Your arms around me... it was so comforting," she admits, a hint of a blush creeping across her cheeks. "It felt good. Wait, did I kick you in my sleep? I remember kicking you in my sleep."

You laugh. She absolutely did kick you in her sleep. "You rocked me hard, you’ve got some legs on you."

"OH nooooo! Are you ok? Oh my god I’m sorry!" She looks at you with big innocent eyes.

You slide your hand down the bare skin of her back, feeling her tight form. "This is worth taking a lot of kicks," you say, "feeling your heartbeat against mine, your breath on my skin... it was incredible."

As you speak, you notice a growing heat and tension between you, the intimacy of the night before still fresh on both your minds. Your eyes flick down to her lips, and you can tell she's thinking the same thing.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"You’re so dang sweet. Last night was..." she trails off, searching for the right words to express her emotions.

"Amazing," you supply, and she nods in agreement.

"Absolutely amazing," she echoes, her eyes shining with happiness. The space between you seems to shrink as your faces inch closer, the magnetic pull between you undeniable.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her lips meet yours in a tender, passionate kiss, your bodies responding to each other instinctively as you rekindle the fire from the night before. You lose yourselves in each other's embrace, the rest of the world melting away.

When you finally break apart, you're both breathless and flushed, your eyes locked onto each other's. The intensity of the moment lingers, the air between you charged with desire. Laura buries her face in your chest.

"What would you like to do?" you ask, smiling down at her curled up form.

"Hmm..." she hums, her fingers tracing idle patterns over your chest. "How about breakfast?"

Your stomach growls at the mention of food, causing both of you to burst into laughter.

"Guess that's settled then," she giggles, rolling away from you to get up. "Let's see what we can whip up."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As you watch her pad towards the bathroom, her hair a wild mess, wearing nothing but a tiny shirt, you have a giant grin on your face.

≋ ≋ ≋

Sitting across from each other at the small table, you and Laura dig into your cereal, the playful atmosphere from the bedroom carrying over to your breakfast conversation.

"So," you begin, trying to keep the mood light, "now that we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend, does that mean I get to wake up to your lovely bedhead every day?"

Laura's eyes widen in mock surprise, and she presses a hand to her chest dramatically. "Well, I don't know about every day, but I can definitely arrange for some special bedhead appearances for my amazing boyfriend."

You chuckle, "Oh, really? So, I should consider myself privileged then?"

She nods, her smile genuine. "Very privileged. But truly, now that things are getting serious... are you ready for the responsibility of being the official boyfriend of a potential art history major?"

You pretend to ponder the question for a moment before answering, dramatically furling up your lip. "Well, I think I can handle it. In fact, I've always found art history to be quite... alluring."

Laura raises an eyebrow, a teasing grin playing on her lips. "Alluring, huh? So, you're saying you find my idea of a major... sexy?"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Well, when you put it that way," you reply, leaning in closer and lowering your voice to a sultry whisper, "I can't resist a woman who can discuss the intricacies of the Baroque period. That is a period of art, uh, right?"

She laughs, her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. "You're such a dork, but that's one of the reasons I really like you."

Your heart swells at her words. "And I really like you too, Laura. Here's to many more mornings filled with cereal and my weak art history banter."

"Cheers to that," she agrees, clinking her cereal spoon against yours.

"So, what classes do you have today?" you ask, grinning as she scrunches up her nose in mock annoyance at the mention of classes.

"Oh, you know, the usual thrilling day of lectures, essays, and the constant existential dread that I'll never choose a major, or worse, the wrong one," she replies with a dramatic sigh, earning a chuckle from you.

"You're brilliant, Laura," you reassure her, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. "You're going to do amazing things, I know it. Hey, maybe you’ll actually be one of the five art history graduates per year to get a job doing it."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She pouts at you, but her eyes twinkle with affection. "You’re lucky you’re all the way across the table or I’d swat at you," but she reaches across the table and gives your hand an affectionate squeeze. "What about you? Any exciting plans today?"

"Just a couple of classes, then I was thinking of hitting the gym," you shrug, taking a bite of your cereal.

Laura's eyebrows shoot up in interest. "Gym, huh? Have I infected you with my obsession?" she teases, her eyes wandering over your physique in a way that has heat pooling in your belly.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Before you can answer, she adds, "In the afternoon, I'm meeting Jo for a picnic in the park. She's been... well, you know how she is."

Your laughter fills the room as you remember Jo's flamboyant nature and her relentless interest in Laura's love life. "Oh, I can only imagine. You're going to have to tell her about... well, us, aren't you?"

Laura groans at the thought, her cheeks flushing a pretty pink. "I don't even want to think about what she'll say, this is my first time not making it back to the dorm," she mumbles, her embarrassment endearing.

Her eyes light up with an idea. "How about you join us? It might help keep her off my back if you're there," she suggests, her eyes meeting yours hopefully.

The thought of spending more time with Laura, getting to know her friends, and making more memories? Easy yes. "I'd love to. I can't promise I'll be much help fending her off, though. My presence might just… encourage her."

Her laugh fills the room, a sound you're quickly growing addicted to. "Well, at least you’ll absorb some heat."

As you share a conspiratorial grin, Laura finishes the last of her cereal and stands up, walking around the table to stand next to you. She places her empty bowl in the sink, and before she can take a step back, you swiftly pull her toward you, capturing her waist with your free arm.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Hey," she breathes softly, her face mere inches from your own, her eyes filled with surprise and delight.

"Hey," you echo, unable to resist the pull of her magnetic gaze. Slowly, you lean in, giving her time to meet you halfway, until your lips brush against each other in a tender, exploratory kiss. Laura's hands find their way to your chest, her fingers lightly tracing the contours of your body, sending shivers down your spine.

You break away from the kiss for a moment, your breaths mingling in the charged air between you. "You know," you murmur, "we still have some time before our classes start."

A mischievous glint appears in Laura's eyes, and she bites her lip playfully. "Is that so?"

With a nod, you release her waist and take her hand, leading her to the living room. You plop down on the couch looking up at her expectantly, your heart already racing. Laura looks down at you, and pulls off her shirt.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You both sink into the plush cushions of the couch, the morning sunlight streaming through the windows casting a warm, golden glow on your entwined bodies.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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