
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Wild animals.

Chapter 19

Aug 16, 2023

Over the past week, life has continued for you and Laura, with each day bringing new, supremely ordinary experiences, transformed into magical ones by Laura’s presence. The academic quarter is now in full swing. Routines are established, student groups joined, and college is starting to feel like a lifestyle, not a whirlwind of crazy experiences. Along with this comfort in your routine, your time with Laura has blossomed into something equally lovely and stable. Laura spent the night at your apartment a few times last week, her presence filling your apartment with warmth and affection, as well as pure pleasure.

Although your physical relationship hasn't escalated beyond her increasingly impressive oral skills, these moments still occupy your thoughts throughout the day, and give you something to look forward to every night you spend with her. Judging by the way she reacts to you, and your hands… and your tongue… when you’re together, she feels the same way.

It’s Saturday, and you and Laura find yourselves immersed in the comfort of your apartment, enjoying the calmness of the morning. She spent the night last night, and has fully adapted to bringing a backpack over with a few changes of clothes. The room is bathed in a soft, natural light, as beams of sunlight filter through the curtains, creating dancing patterns on the walls. The soothing melody of her chill playlist infuses the air, quietly accompanying the low-key activities of the day.

Laura is perched on the living room couch, her hair cascading over her shoulders as she focuses intently on her homework. She's dressed casually in a cute hoodie and leggings, the embodiment of relaxation. Every so often, she looks up from her work, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and intelligence, a small smile playing on her lips as she catches your gaze.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You’re in the kitchen, taking the time to clean and organize the space. The subtle scent of lavender from the cleaning solution mingles with the rich aroma of coffee brewing nearby, creating a pleasant, homely fragrance. The gentle clatter of utensils and the rustle of pages from Laura's textbooks provide a pleasing background noise, underscoring the quiet satisfaction of a shared morning.

As you wipe down the countertops, you hear Laura's phone buzz on the coffee table beside her. The sudden intrusion of technology into the peaceful morning is unexpected. Still, the look of surprise on Laura's face as she checks who’s calling makes it clear that the interruption is far from unwelcome.

"Hey, Jo!" Laura exclaims, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. Her demeanor suddenly transforms from relaxed to animated as she sits up from the couch, phone to her ear.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

From your position in the kitchen, you can't hear Jo's words, but the teasing lilt in Laura's voice and the way she laughs at Jo's remarks make it apparent that their conversation is anything but ordinary. Laura's eyes gleam with curiosity as she listens, her eyebrows raised and her lips pursed in a playful pout.

You watch with growing interest as Laura responds to Jo, who’s clearly amping her up for something. "What do you mean, 'dress to impress and expect the unexpected?' Jo, come on!" she says, the anticipation rising in her voice.

You can't help but feel your own curiosity piqued, and you lean against the kitchen counter, drying your hands on a towel as you try to decipher the meaning behind Jo's cryptic words. You and Laura exchange intrigued glances, and you can see the questions forming in her eyes, mirroring your own.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As the conversation continues, Laura continuing to prod Jo for information, apparently unsuccessfully. "So, we should be at the corner of Oak and Maple at 8 PM sharp? Alright, Jo…" Laura says, her voice teasing and excited. “It’s not a sex thing, right? … Ok, good. You promise? … Ok, Jo! See you there.”

She hangs up the call and turns to you, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Well, it looks like we have plans for tonight," she announces, grinning broadly. "Jo didn't give much away, but she promised it'll be a night to remember."

Laura shakes her head, still smiling from the call. "Seriously, Jo wouldn't give me any more details, just that we need to meet her at that corner at 8 PM. You know how she is… crazy girl." Her excitement is evident, but you can see a flicker of concern in her eyes.

You share her enthusiasm, well, mostly. "I mean, if Jo found a party, who knows what the deal will be," you say, your eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Laura nods in agreement, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her hoodie. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But, at the same time, that's part of the fun, right? The anticipation. Let it never be said Jo isn’t the showman. I admit she’s got me curious."

With a smile, you meet Laura's gaze, your decision made. "Me too. Of course we're going. It's Jo, after all. How could we possibly say no to her?"

“I say no to her all the time. She should be used to it by now,” Laura says, turning her attention back to her textbook, “but for sure, let’s do it!”

≋ ≋ ≋

The day flies by in comfortable semi-domestic bliss, and before you know it, evening has arrived. The anticipation has built all day, leaving both you and Laura eager to get ready for Jo's mysterious event. As you stand before your closet, Laura rummages through her backpack, pulling out a cute cream-colored dress.

“Good enough for ‘dress to impress’?” She holds up the dress for you to see.

“Definitely. Though I might be a bit biased. What about for me?”

"Here, this one," she suggests, handing you a sleek black button-up shirt and a pair of well-fitted jeans from your closet. You take a quick mental note that she likes that shirt.

As you start to change, Laura steps closer. She leans in, her lips only a breath away from yours as she whispers, "Let me help you with that." Her fingers deftly undo the buttons of your old shirt, her touch light and teasing. The warmth of her breath sends shivers down your spine, she keeps her face close to your ear while she undresses you.

You nod, entranced, and allow her to slide the shirt off your shoulders. Laura's eyes roam over your bare chest, a hungry glint in her eyes as she presses her body against yours, her hands resting on your hips. Her touch ignites a fire within you.

Seizing the opportunity, you pull her sweater off over her head. You’re now uncomfortably erect in your jeans as you take in the sight of Laura's topless body. She’s been braless under that sweater all day. She turns to face you, her eyes filled with passion, and you pull her close, your hands caressing the small of her back.

As your hands continue to explore each other's bodies, Laura's gaze flicks up to meet yours, her eyes filled with mischievous intent.

She leans in close, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispers, "Maybe I should make sure you're completely satisfied before we go to the party... we wouldn’t want you to be tempted to look at any of the other cute girls there, now, would we…"

Her words send a jolt of excitement through your body, and you can't help but respond to her playful challenge. "Oh, really?" you murmur, your hands sliding down her back, pulling her hips flush against yours. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

Laura's eyes flash with desire as she trails her fingers down your chest, stopping just above the waistline of your jeans. "I've got a few ideas," she purrs, a coy smile spreading across her face.

She takes a step back, her hands slowly undoing the top button of your jeans, her gaze never still locked on yours. The air between you two crackles with electricity as she teasingly slides the zipper down. Her fingers brush against your skin, tracing the waistline of your boxers, leaving a burning trail in their wake. She reaches down and slides out of her leggings.

As Laura lowers herself onto her knees, she presses a lingering kiss on your lower abdomen, her breath hot and tantalizing against your skin. With delicate precision, Laura traces her fingers along the outline of your erection through your pants, her touch feather-light and teasing. She hooks her fingers around the edges, carefully pulling your jeans and underwear down just enough to expose your growing arousal.

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Her eyes flick up to meet yours, a cryptic look crossing her face as she takes note of the effect she's having on you. "I see I have your full attention," she murmurs, her voice low and sultry. She inches closer, her warm breath ghosting over your sensitive skin, making your entire body shudder in anticipation.

With a smile on your face, you close your eyes and lean your head back, gently placing a hand on the top of her head as she begins.

≋ ≋ ≋

As you and Laura approach the meeting spot near the college campus, the bustling atmosphere of the area envelops you. Students and locals alike stroll along the lively streets, their laughter and conversations filling the air. Charming cafes and trendy shops line the sidewalks, their inviting facades illuminated by the warm, golden glow of the setting sun. The sky is painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a magical light over the buildings and adding to the excitement of the evening.

Suddenly, a flamboyant and energetic figure appears in the distance, her bright smile and animated movements immediately capturing your attention. It's Jo, of course—her entrance as vibrant and enthusiastic as her personality. She's dressed impeccably in a chic, turtleneck and pencil skirt. She looks good, and surprisingly tame. From what you know of her, she’d take any opportunity to wear something daring.

As she spots you and Laura, her arms shoot up in the air, and she rushes over, her excitement palpable. "There you are!" she exclaims, pulling both of you in for a tight hug. "My favorite lovebirds. You been treating her right big boy? I hardly see her in the dorm anymore, so unless she’s found a side-guy, you must be keeping her satisfied." Jo grins at you, winking.

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At this point, Laura’s used to it, and you feel a funny pride that she doesn't blush. Or maybe it's your intimate encounter before you headed out, in any case, it seems like Laura’s feeling bold. “Oh, he is. You should see what he can do with his tongue…” Laura winks at Jo.

Jo’s eyebrows raise in genuine surprise, but she recovers quickly. “I uh… hey! Don’t offer unless you mean it!” You can’t help but laugh at seeing the tables turned on Jo for once, and Laura gives your hand an appreciative squeeze. A cryptic look crosses between Laura and Jo that you don’t fully understand before they join you in your laughter.

"So, Jo," Laura begins, her voice eager and inquisitive, "are you finally going to tell us what this surprise event is all about? The suspense has been killing us!"

You chime in, your curiosity reaching its peak. "Yeah, we've been on the edge of our seats all day. What have you got planned for us?"

Jo's eyes twinkle with mystery and delight, her lips curling into a knowing smile.

Jo claps her hands together and bounces on her toes, her enthusiasm contagious. "Alright, alright! I shall reveal all! We're going to a costume party! One of the most, legendary gatherings of the semester, and yours truly has gotten us exclusive invitations! A real, honest, dirty college house party"

She strikes a dramatic pose, her arms flung wide, a wild and exhilarated grin on her face. "I can already see it," she says, her voice breathless with excitement. "The music, the dancing, the boys! Oh yes, the boys..." She winks playfully, her eyes glinting with mischief.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As Jo finishes her presentation, your expression shifts from curiosity to a mix of excitement, apprehension, and amusement. You exchange glances with Laura, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she lets out a soft laugh.

"Wow, Jo," Laura says, shaking her head in disbelief. "A costume party? You know, you could have just told us that."

“But where’s the fun in that? Where’s the Jo flair, huh?” Jo beams at Laura, who’s rolling her eyes in a good-natured way.

You chime in, your voice filled with both excitement and concern. "It sounds like a blast, but, uh, Jo, we don't have any costumes. What do we do about that?"

Jo's grin widens, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Oh, don't you worry your pretty little heads about that. I've got you covered! In fact, I've already picked out some amazing costumes for us. Trust me, we're going to look fabulous and turn heads!"

With a mischievous grin, Jo reaches into her bag and retrieves a handful of risqué costumes. She unfolds each one slowly, building anticipation.

The first is a skimpy leopard print outfit for Laura. Jo reveals a tiny crop top of leopard print fabric that leaves little to the imagination. She pairs it with low-slung, skin-tight leopard print pants, eliciting a gasp from Laura.

The next is a caveman costume for you, consisting of brown faux fur strategically placed to cover only the essentials, plus a cheap-looking leopard print cape. Jo waggles her eyebrows as she presents it with a flourish.

"Don't worry, I have an outfit too," Jo assures, her eyes glinting. "You'll just have to wait until later to see all of it." She gives an exaggerated wink.

Both you and Laura stare at the costumes, your eyes wide with surprise and a touch of embarrassment. Laura's cheeks flush a deep shade of pink as she takes in the scanty attire, her gaze darting between you and Jo.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Jo," Laura begins, her voice wavering with uncertainty, "These costumes are, um, quite something. Are you sure about this?"

You can't help but agree, feeling a bit nervous about donning such revealing outfits. Sure, Jo would have no problem being the naked weirdo at the party, but you… "Yeah, Jo, they're pretty…bold. Is everyone going to be dressed like this at the party?"

Unfazed by your apprehension, Jo's enthusiasm does not waver. She clasps her hands together and nods, undeterred.

"Come on, it's a costume party! You'd be overdressed if you covered anything more," she cajoles.

Her eyes light up impishly as she gestures at the skimpy caveman and leopard outfits. "Just imagine how perfect you two will look in these matching costumes. The sexy caveman with his even sexier leopard pet."

She waggles her eyebrows suggestively, eliciting an embarrassed chuckle from you and Laura.

Laura continues to look at the costumes, a slight frown on her face. Responding to your continued hesitation, Jo decides to turn up her persuasive charm. She saunters over to you, the devilish glint in her eyes even more pronounced. "Oh, come on, you two! Live a little! Besides," she says, lowering her voice and giving you a sultry wink, "I bet you'd love to see Laura looking all sexy and au natural, wouldn't you?"

Well, that does sound nice… you glance at Laura, who is also blushing but trying to hide a smile. You’ve seen that smile before, it’s the same one she had right before taking her yoga pants off in the studio. At that moment, you know her mind is already made up. But Jo keeps up the pressure anyways.

She turns to Laura, placing a hand on her shoulder and leaning in conspiratorially. "And Laura, my dear, just imagine how hot our boyfriend here will look in that caveman getup. Who knows, it might even inspire some… primitive desires." She gives Laura some of her trademark eyebrow pumps, and remarkably, you see them start working.

You and Laura exchange glances once more, both of you clearly feeling a mix of amusement and embarrassment at Jo's bold encouragement. Laura bites her lip, considering the proposition, before finally letting out a sigh of resignation.

"First of all, he’s my boyfriend, not ‘our’ boyfriend. Second of all, you’re right. Let’s do it. You good, babe?" You smile and nod. Primitive desires indeed.

Jo beams with delight, her enthusiasm practically radiating from her. "Yes! Trust me, you won't regret it. We're going to turn heads, and make this night one for the books! Come on love birds."

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≋ ≋ ≋

Time seems to fly by as the three of you make your way to the party. The anticipation and nerves have all but consumed your thoughts, making the journey feel like a blur. Before you know it, you've arrived at the exterior of the party, a run-down house near frat row. The rhythmic thumping of bass and the muffled sounds of laughter and conversation seep through the walls of the house, a pulsating beacon of excitement that draws you in.

Jo stops just outside the property, her eyes scanning the area before landing on a tall, thick hedge next door, with a path cutting through the neighborhood. "Alright, my daring companions, this is the perfect spot for our transformation! Just follow me." She leads you and Laura behind the hedge, the foliage providing just enough cover for you to change into your costumes without being seen. At the same moment as Laura, you realize Jo’s intentions.

Laura's eyes widen, and she quickly interjects, "Wait, Jo, we're going to change here? Outside?"

Jo grins, nodding enthusiastically. "Of course! It's all part of the adventure. Plus, if we go inside, there's a chance someone might walk in on us, and we can't have that, can we? We have to make a good first impression!"

You can't help but agree with Laura's concerns, feeling a bit uncomfortable about changing in such a public area. "Yeah, Jo, isn't there a better place? Maybe a bathroom inside? Come on it’s no big deal."

Jo waves away your concerns with a dismissive flick of her wrist. "Oh, relax, you two. Nobody's going to see us here. Besides, we're friends, right? What's a little skin between friends?"

Despite Jo's reassurances, Laura still seems hesitant, her arms crossed defensively over her chest. "I don't know, Jo... It just feels a bit... weird."

Jo's grin only widens, her eyes sparkling with impish delight. "Oh, come on, Laura! You're always up for a challenge. Think of it as a thrilling test of our friendship. Just pretend you’re at an alpine lake.” Jo winks at you. “Plus, I'm so looking forward to seeing you both in those costumes!"

Laura sighs, glancing at you for support. You exchange a resigned look with her before offering a small, encouraging smile. "Alright, let's just get this over with."

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With that, you all move behind the hedge, the air filling with a mix of excitement and vulnerability as you prepare to change into your costumes. Laura hesitates for a moment, her reluctance evident on her face, but eventually, she begins to undress, following your and Jo's lead.

As the three of you undress, the atmosphere behind the hedge becomes charged with palpable energy. You’re perfectly comfortable getting naked with Laura, but the addition of Jo to the mix brings a new dynamic to the situation.

You and Laura try to maintain a sense of modesty, focusing on each other as you remove your clothing. However, despite your best efforts, you sneak a quick glance at Jo as she peels off her turtleneck. She’s not making it easy, as she doesn’t turn away at all, until she shimmies out of her skirt, presumably to give you the best view possible at all points. You've never seen her undressed before, you can't help but admire her body. It’s softer than Laura’s, more ample.

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Laura catches you looking, and you immediately feel a flush of warmth in your cheeks. You’re suddenly nervous about how Laura will react. She raises an eyebrow, a teasing smirk playing on her lips. "Enjoying the view?" she asks, her voice light and playful. Not mad. Interesting.

You chuckle sheepishly, averting your eyes. "Sorry, it's just..."

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Laura’s body and smile take your breath away, which makes her laugh, all tension dissipating.

Jo, ever the audacious one, seems to revel in the situation. She unabashedly admires both you and Laura as you disrobe, her eyes filled with appreciation. "You two make a gorgeous couple," she says with a wink. "And I must say, I think I fit right in with your sexy naked bodies."

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You glance at Laura, gauging her reaction. She laughs, shaking her head in amused disbelief. "Only you, Jo, could make me do this. This is the highlight of your week, huh?"

With the ice broken by Jo's lighthearted commentary, the atmosphere shifts from tense to playful and teasing. You, Laura, and Jo exchange smiles, the lingering embarrassment replaced by camaraderie and mutual admiration.

Once you're all dressed, you take a moment to admire your new appearance. Laura looks stunning in her leopard outfit, the faux fur and animal prints hugging her curves and accentuating her natural beauty. Her hair is slightly tousled, giving her an alluring, wild look that makes your heart race.

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You, in turn, feel surprisingly comfortable in your caveman costume, the daringly low-cut faux-fur loin cloth and animal skin flung over your shoulder makes you feel strong and confident, not exposed and vulnerable. You notice Laura's eyes lingering appreciatively on your exposed chest, her gaze filled with desire.

Finally, Jo stands before you, still in her underwear, the lingerie hugging her body like a second skin. Somehow, perhaps unsurprisingly, it just looks right on her.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

“Uh, Jo, where’s your costume?” You ask.

“Ta-da!” Jo throws her arms out, striking a pose and gesturing to her body. “I’m a devil! Obviously!”

You and Laura exchange a glance. “Couldn’t you have gotten, like, a cheap tail and horns or something?”

“Are you kidding me? No way! I’m not adding to the mountains of plastic already in the world!”

You bite your tongue before you make a comment about the cheap faux fur being a plastic product and opt for concern instead. “Jo, are you sure? Like, you’ll stick out in there… I just don’t want you to regret this.” Laura nods along with your words.

“Oh, don’t you two worry about me. Besides, it’s a college party. I guarantee I’ll fit right in. And if I don’t, some boys will just get an extra eyeful. Don’t worry, I own it.” Jo slaps her own ass and cocks her hip, giving you two some confident eyebrow pumps. She has really expressive eyebrows….

“If you say so, Jo…”

With your costumes on and your regular clothes stuffed into Jo's backpack, the trio of you head out to take on the party. You exchange determined, exhilarated smiles, the excitement of the night already beginning to pump through your veins like electricity. Together, you step out from behind the hedge and make your way to the entrance, prepared to dive headfirst into the revelry that awaits you.

≋ ≋ ≋

The moment you walk through the door everything becomes a blur and the three of you find yourselves swept up in the whirlwind of energy and excitement that fills the party. You're engulfed by a sea of vibrant colors and elaborate costumes. Students dance and drink, their laughter and conversation blending with the pulsing beat of the music. The room is a kaleidoscope of revelry, hot, humid, loud, and a little overwhelming.

As you glance around, taking in the surrounding chaos, you're struck by the costumes. There are slutty pirates, slutty superheroes, togas, sexy firemen, slutty cats… you even see a few other girls who have put in exactly as much effort as Jo has, making her “devil” outfit fit right in. Amidst the wild assortment of characters, your caveman and leopard outfits, along with Jo's devilish attire, fit in seamlessly. You feel a surge of gratitude toward Jo for her foresight; she was absolutely right—you don't stick out at all.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

The contagious energy of the party quickly infects the three of you. You find yourselves grinning and dancing through a crowded, run-down living room, drawn into the heart of the festivities. The three of you weave through the crowd, the electric atmosphere propelling you forward. Before long, you're pulled over to a keg, where a group of bros eagerly hands you cups of cheap, foamy beer, one going in to dap you up for bringing two hot girls to their party.

Jo's eyes twinkle with mischief as she raises her cup, drawing your attention. "Alright, you two, how about a toast to kick off this night? To getting laid and making memories we'll never forget!"

You and Laura exchange amused glances before raising your cups to meet Jo's in a toast. As your cups clink together, Jo grins slyly and adds, "And let's make this first one really count. Chug chug chug!" Jo’s words are echoed by a chorus of bros, seemingly out of thin air.

Laura hesitates, her eyes darting between you and Jo. "I don't know, Jo... I’m not like, experienced at this."

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Jo winks and nudges Laura playfully. "Me neither! Let’s gooo!"

Feeling the pressure to join in, you and Laura exchange a look of reluctant agreement. With a deep breath, you each tilt your cups and begin chugging the beer as quickly as you can, following Jo’s lead. The horrible beer slides down your throats, leaving a bitter aftertaste as you struggle to keep up with Jo, who, naturally, wins the contest.

As you finish your cups, you can already feel the effects of the alcohol hitting you. You're inexperienced too, and the sudden rush of warmth brings a giddy sensation that spreads through your body. Your cheeks flush, and a wide grin stretches across your face, mirrored by the equally enthused expressions on Laura and Jo.

“Yuck,” Laura says, making a face. But a bro already has her cup and is refilling it, hooting at your performance as a trio.

Jo laughs heartily, clapping you both on the back. "Yes! Now that we've got some liquid courage in us, let's dive headfirst into this party and see where the night takes us!"

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With the buzz of alcohol fueling your excitement, you, Laura, and Jo plunge deeper into the chaos of the party.

≋ ≋ ≋

The night progresses in a dizzying blur, and your memories meld into a haze of dancing, laughter, and exhilaration. The bass of the music reverberates through your body as you dance with Laura, your hands exploring the curves of her costume-clad body, your heart pounding in time with the beat. You find yourselves shouting to be heard, engaging in animated conversations with new people who quickly become temporary friends, their faces and names already slipping from your grasp.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Jo, ever the life of the party, flits from group to group, her magnetic charm drawing people in like moths to a flame. You catch glimpses of her throughout the night, attempting to hit on various guys. Yet, somehow, despite her stunning appearance, she seems to have a knack for choosing the wrong targets. You watch, bemused, as she either chases off her potential suitors with her intensity, or inadvertently zeroes in on guys who already have girlfriends, leading to hasty retreats from their indignant partners. And one almost-fight.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As the night wears on, you, Laura, and Jo continue to drink more beer, each cup fueling your wild abandon and amplifying the intoxicating thrill of the party. With each hour, your inhibitions melt further away, leaving you fully immersed in the unbridled chaos that surrounds you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Eventually, the three of you find yourselves drawn together once more, your familiarity in a sea of strangers pulling you toward one another like a magnet. Stumbling into a quiet corner, you collapse onto a plush couch, the alcohol-induced haze making it hard to focus. Jo and Laura sink down on either side of you, their laughter ringing in your ears as you all catch your breath, the night's adventures swirling around you in a cacophony of sound and color.

In this rare moment of calm amidst the storm of the party, you revel in the warmth of your friends' presence, the alcohol loosening your tongues and allowing you to share your thoughts with uninhibited candor.

Jo, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol, shakes her head in exasperation. "Ugh, boys! I don't know what's wrong with me tonight. I mean, come on, how hard is it to find a dick to suck? It's like I'm cursed or something!"

Laura, her words slightly slurred from her inebriation, reaches over to pat Jo's knee, her eyes filled with sympathy. "It's not your fault, Jo. You're just... enthusiastic. And hey, maybe it's just not your night for romance, you know? Besides, try to get to know the dick first before sucking it. It’s niceeeee,” she draws out the word in her drunken state.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Before Jo can latch on to the fact that Laura just explicitly going down on you and make a big deal of it, you chime in, your voice tinged with the effects of the alcohol. "Yeah, Jo, don't worry about it too much. You're still the life of the party, and we all have our off nights. Besides, it's not like you need a guy to have a great time tonight."

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Jo sighs, her frustration evident, and she flops her head onto your shoulder. "You two are the best," she mumbles, her voice muffled against your shirt. "Thanks for always having my back."

As you sit on the couch, you find yourself sandwiched between Laura and Jo, their warmth and closeness a comforting presence amidst the chaos of the party.

Laura shifts beside you, her fingers tapping nervously on her cup as she tentatively and carefully brings up a topic. "So, um, I wanted to talk about something... You remember that time we were on the picnic, and Jo, you watched me and, uh, I mean us, like, make out, right?"

You feel your cheeks flush at the memory, and you try not to flip the flap of your loincloth involuntarily with your anatomy. You glance at Jo, who pulls her head up from your shoulder, looking across your lap at Laura. She sloppily nods in confirmation, her eyes curious.

Laura takes a deep breath, her voice slightly unsteady as she continues. "Well, I... I actually kind of liked it. I mean, not in a creepy way or anything! But it's just... I don't know... I like that you want him, but you can't have him... Does that make sense? Sorry that sounds meaaannn." She drags out the word, shifting around in her seat. Oh, you three are good and drunk now.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her hesitance and vulnerability are palpable as she reveals her thoughts, and you feel a strange mix of emotions stirring within you. Jo, however, reacts positively, her cheeks flushed as she grins broadly.

"I get it! I get it! Laura," she says, her words slightly slurred. "It's kind of like a... a power thing, right?”

Laura nods aggressively, “Yes yes! But not like, I’m dominating you or anything, I’m not like, a dommy mommy,” she giggles at herself, “I dunno, it just makes him hotter, when you like, want him, but can’t have him, and he’s mine, I don’t know, it just sounds mean any way I put it.” She pouts, exaggeratedly puffing out her bottom lip.

Jo continues, talking right past you like you aren’t there, getting excited, “No no no no no I think I get it! You know I'm into him, but you've got him, and that makes you feel good. That’s hot. I like that. I like that you let me hit on him. It’s fun.”

She reaches towards your thigh, daringly high up. Laura gives her a look, and she pulls back her hand. “I can tell it turns you on. And don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend or anything. I just really really really like both of you, you know? And who can blame me, with the way he is? You know. I just love you guys so much."

“I love you toooo. Jo, you are the best roommate ever. I know you’d never…” Laura puts down her cup, “thank you for not making it weird, you’re so good to me!”

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

The girls clamber over you into an aggressive hug like you’re a part of the couch. You feel their bodies in their skimpy outfits pressed up against you, and you think to yourself that your life as a piece of furniture isn’t so bad. Before long, Jo gets up, pushing you to the side as the girls continue their drunken mutual affections, making jokes, professing friendship for life, and other sweet drunk-girl nothings.

You figure this is a good moment to stumble to the bathroom.

≋ ≋ ≋

As the night wears on, the party begins to wind down, the once-crowded rooms growing emptier and the music gradually fading into the background. You, Laura, and Jo decide it's time to leave, your bodies weary and your minds foggy from the alcohol and excitement.

Before you go, Jo rummages through her backpack and pulls out your regular clothes. The three of you clumsily change out of your costumes, laughter bubbling up as you help each other with zippers and buttons, the alcohol making the task more challenging than it should be. Jo squeezes your butt. You’re a little too drunk to even process the move and make a comment, so the moment passes in a haze.

Once you're all dressed in your normal attire, the three of you celebrate with an enthusiastic group hug, your inexperience with alcohol adding a false sense of accomplishment to your insignificant act. You feel a sense of camaraderie, not just from getting dressed together, but surviving the party, as if you've shared a secret adventure together.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You stumble drunkenly out into the street, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the sweltering heat of the party. The three of you lean on each other for support, your laughter ringing through the otherwise quiet neighborhood as you navigate the uneven pavement.

Unable to resist the urge, you pull the girls into another tight group hug, your bodies swaying slightly as you struggle to maintain your balance. They eagerly hug you back. You three slowly make your way home, your arms wrapped around each other for support, laughing and already recounting stories of Jo’s failed attempts to get laid that night.

≋ ≋ ≋

Back at the dorm, the girls are out almost as soon as their heads hit the pillows. You’re feeling the same as you strip down to your boxers and slide into Laura’s cramped twin bed with her, the world spinning, as you fade into a drunken sleep.