
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Revisiting Romance

Chapter 22

Sep 6, 2023

The early morning air is crisp and fresh as you hike up the winding trail, the light filtering softly through the trees. Beside you, Laura walks with a spring in her step, her hair blowing gently in the breeze. Her fingers are laced comfortably with yours, her hand warm and soft.

There's a familiarity to the trail, a pleasant nostalgia. It winds past rocky outcroppings and trickling streams, each bend holding memories from that first hike together, now feeling like so long ago. You reminisce lightheartedly, remembering mishaps, photoshoots, and nervous conversations that make Laura's eyes crinkle with laughter. The comfort you feel with her on this trail, hand in hand, is a satisfying contrast to the awkward struggle for conversation topics from the last time the two of you were here.

"I told you that you were worrying about nothing with those exams," you say, giving her hand a playful swing. “You totally aced everything. You were definitely working too hard!” She simply sticks her tongue out at you in return, a smile tugging at her lips.

After a few moments more of walking, she frowns. “But I still haven’t had my papers graded, what if -”

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You cut her off mid-sentence, “Laura, Laura, you’re gonna ace them. Plus, there’s nothing else to do while we wait. So enjoy the view with me?” At this, you can see the tension in her shoulders dissipate.

Up ahead, sunlight glints off the surface of the secluded lake. Seeing it fills you both with bittersweet emotion. This is where your love blossomed, but also where you'll have to say goodbye, if only for a little while. You both pause for a moment, taking in the sight. Laura turns to you, a wistful look in her eyes.

"It's so beautiful here. I'm really going to miss this place," she says softly.

You give her hand a supportive squeeze. "Me too. But we'll be back here again before you know it. It’s just a quarter."

She nods, leaning her head on your shoulder for a moment. Then she straightens up with a sigh. "Well, I guess we better get ready to swim one last time. My flight's stupid early tomorrow."

"That's right, off to Paris first thing in the morning!" you say as you both slip off your backpacks and start peeling off top layers. "I still can't believe your program starts so soon after finals."

"I know, it's crazy timing," Laura replies, shaking her head. "I barely have time to breathe between finals and flying halfway across the world. At least I had a couple days with you."

You shoot her a playful smirk. "Well, no rest for my beautiful art-genius girlfriend. But hey, soon you'll be sipping café au lait along the Seine without a care in the world."

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Laura laughs. "I wish! More likely I'll be frantically finishing assignments in a tiny room."

You both slip off your shoes and peel your socks away. Laura playfully nudges your foot with hers. "Gone tomorrow," she says with a tinge of sadness. "What are you gonna do without me?"

You laugh as you unzip your jacket and toss it aside. "Oh you know, wander the streets aimlessly, weep dramatically, pine for your return."

Laura rolls her eyes but can't help giggling. She lifts her top up and off in one smooth motion, letting her hair fall back down over her bare shoulders.

"But seriously," she says, sliding out of her shorts, "don't go replacing me with some party girl while I'm gone."

You're momentarily distracted by the sight of her undressing. It's comfortable, natural - so different from the shy awkwardness of that first time here.

You regain your composure to retort. "Me? Never. But you're the one who'll be out in romantic Paris. We’ve already established that French hunks are a concern."

Laura slides her shorts off, then places her hands on her hips, cocking her head. "Hmm, well since you keep bringing it up, I don't know. A handsome artist could be tempting." She pretends to think about it.

You shake your head in amusement as you take off the last of your clothes. Laura's playful teasing puts you at ease.

You take her hand, leading her towards the inviting water. "Come on, mademoiselle. Let's enjoy paradise one more time."

Hand in hand, you wade into the lake, the morning sun dancing across the ripples your bodies make. Laura gasps as the water reaches her waist. "It's freezing!" she exclaims with a shiver rippling across her body.

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You splash some water at her playfully. "Come on, it's refreshing! It’s later in the season, of course it’s colder!"

She squeals and splashes you back. Soon a miniature splash battle ensues, temporarily replacing flirtation with childlike fun.

When you finally declare a truce, you pull Laura deeper, embracing her as you both float together. Her skin is chilled but soft against yours.

"You know, this lake doesn't have anything on the beaches of the French Riviera," you say. "I expect some pretty spectacular selfies from you there."

Laura gives you a coy smile. "Don't worry, I'll send you lots of pictures." She pauses, biting her lip. "But hopefully I don't drunk text you too many naughty ones. Not after last time..."

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You chuckle at the memory. "Ah yes, tequila in Mexico... those were some memorable texts."

You run a fingertip down her side under the water. "But hey, I wouldn't mind an encore if French wine inspires you."

Laura flushes. "Stop! I was so embarrassed." She buries her face in your shoulder. But you can tell your teasing thrills her too.

You lift her chin to meet your gaze. "I'll be happy with anything you send me. I'm really going to miss you."

Laura's eyes soften. "I'll miss you too. So much." She brushes her lips against yours in a tender kiss.

Laura's soft lips linger against yours, sending a spark through your body. She wraps her legs around your waist under the water as the kiss deepens passionately. All the weeks of intimacy have made her comfortable and confident in these moments of affection with you.

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You run your fingers up her back, savoring the feeling of her bare skin and the way she arches into your touch. Her hands grasp your shoulders firmly as your mouths explore each other unhurriedly.

The kiss communicates the depth of your connection - through tangled limbs, mingling breaths, hammering heartbeats. Laura sighs contentedly, breaking the kiss to nuzzle against your neck, her body molding to yours.

You hold her close, struck by how far you've come together. The awkwardness of your first time at this lake seems so distant now. In its place is an easy intimacy, a trusting vulnerability.

"I love you," you whisper, impulsive, suddenly, the first time those words have left your lips. You've felt it for a while but have been hesitant to voice it.

Laura lifts her head to meet your gaze, eyes glistening. "I love you too," she says, cradling your cheek. She kisses you again, softly yet profoundly.

The kiss and your declarations linger in the air as you continue floating embraced, the lake water soothing and serene around you.

Laura breaks the kiss again, trailing her lips along your jawline and down your neck. Her hands grasp your shoulders firmly as you float entwined, sending shivers through your body.

You run your palms slowly along her back, fingertips tracing her spine and tangling in her damp hair. Tilting her head to the side, Laura nuzzles into your neck, placing warm kisses on your skin.

The intimacy of the moment washes over you as you hold each other close, skin to skin, heartbeat to heartbeat. Laura lifts her head to meet your adoring gaze, eyes shining. She caresses your cheek softly, then guides your mouths together in another kiss, unhurried and tender.

Your legs tangled under the water, you turn in a slow circle, the lake enveloping you in its tranquility. Laura sighs blissfully as the kiss ends, her body molding against yours once more.

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"I don't want this moment to end… I don’t want to go," she whispers, emotion catching in her throat.

You smooth back her damp hair and kiss her forehead. "I know, love. I don’t want you to go either. You know you can cancel, right?"

She smiles, not responding, knowing that you aren’t serious. You hold each other close as the water ripples around you, cherishing this intimate moment.

Laura presses herself against you, seeking your warmth in the chilly water. But soon she starts to shiver, her skin prickling with goosebumps.

"As romantic as this is, I'm freezing!" she exclaims with a laugh. "Let's go warm up."

You laugh and take her hand, leading her towards the shore. "I thought you'd never ask."

You emerge from the lake, rivulets running down your skin. Laura does an exaggerated shimmy. "It's cold!"

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Grinning, you grab a towel and wrap it snugly around her shoulders. "Better, my darling?"

Laura giggles. "Much." She tosses you a towel before cuddling up to you again.

You dry off hurriedly, then sink down together onto the soft grass. Laura lies back and opens her arms.

"Come here and keep me warm," she beckons with a smile.

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You nestle against her, your bodies fitting together perfectly. Skin to skin, you soak up each other's warmth as the morning sun beams down.

As you cuddle together drying off, Laura's expression turns slightly more serious. "So...I wanted to mention something about Jo," she begins, biting her lip.

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You nod, giving her your full attention. "What's up?"

"Well it's just, with me being gone, I wanted to make sure you two don't...you know..." Laura looks at you meaningfully.

"Oh Jo will certainly try seducing me without you around. You know how she gets."

Laura swats your chest playfully, unable to keep from grinning. "Stop! I'm being serious."

You laugh and pull her in closer. "I know, I know. Don't worry, Jo and I aren't going to do anything while you're away."

"Good, because we talked, and I made sure she understands my boundaries," Laura says, looking pensive.

"Of course. I'm all yours, in body and spirit," you reply. Laura smiles and kisses you softly.

"But really though, Jo's going to be all over me the moment you leave," you add jokingly, unable to resist a little more teasing.

Laura rolls her eyes. "You're impossible!"

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Your laughter subsides and you meet Laura's gaze earnestly. "But seriously, I promise nothing will happen with Jo. I'll just try to find her a new boy toy to occupy her attention."

Laura nods, looking thoughtful. "It's not that I don't trust you two. I guess I just want things to stay the way they are between us."

She takes your hand, intertwining your fingers together. "I like the sexual energy the three of us had, it was fun to explore. But you're my boyfriend. I don't want an open relationship or anything while we're apart. I don’t know, am I being unreasonable? It’s like I want to have my cake and eat it too or something,"

You give her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Naw, not unreasonable at all. I’ll just enjoy the bonus when it comes, and you’re cool with it."

Laura smiles, but still looks hesitant. "So you're okay if we put that whole intimate thing with Jo on hold until I'm back? I know we all had fun, but it just doesn't feel right with me away..."

"Absolutely. Whatever you need to feel comfortable. Seriously. Bonus." you reply.

Laura exhales in relief and leans in to kiss you gratefully. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?" she says with a smile.

You grin. "I think once. I don’t mind hearing it again."

Reassured, Laura settles back into your arms, her face radiant with happiness.

≋ ≋ ≋

After a few more contented cuddling, Laura sits up. "I actually have a present for you," she says, a little shyly.

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a rectangular object, wrapped in tissue paper. "It's just a little going away present. Don't laugh!"

Intrigued, you carefully unwrap the gift as Laura watches apprehensively. It's a framed topographical map of the lake and surrounding area, done up in a beautiful artistic style, with the date of your first hike together engraved at the bottom.

"It's beautiful," you breathe, taking in the intricate details. You trace your finger over the engraved date, smiling.

"I know you need more art for your place, so..." Laura trails off, blushing. "Is it too much?"

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You pull her down for an affectionate kiss. "It's perfect," you assure her. "I love it."

Laura beams, relief washing over her features. She kisses you again eagerly. "I'm so glad. I'll feel better with this hanging in your room while I'm gone."

You admire the map again, heart full. And it happens to fit with a surprise you have planned…

"Alright, close your eyes and hold out your hands, I’ve got something for you too," you say.

She does so eagerly. You pull a small jewelry box out of your bag and place it in her outstretched palms, balanced precariously. "Okay, open!"

Laura's eyes fly open and she gasps softly when she sees the box. She cracks it open, revealing a silver pendant engraved with geographic coordinates.

"It's the coordinates of this lake," you explain as Laura examines the necklace, transfixed. "So you can carry a piece of this place with you in Paris."

"I love it!" Laura exclaims. She throws her arms around you in an exuberant hug. "It's absolutely perfect."

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Fastening the pendant around her neck, she admires how it falls just above her heart. Then she laughs lightly.

"We really romanticized this little lake, didn't we?" She gestures around you. "Engraved jewelry and framed maps...who knew nature could bring out our sappy sides!"

You pull her close. "What can I say, I’m just relieved you think of this place in the same special way I do."

Laura melts at your words. You share a long, tender kiss.

≋ ≋ ≋

The sun climbs higher as the morning wanes on, casting dazzling sparkles across the lake's surface. Though you've lingered as long as possible, the bittersweet moment of parting nears.

Reluctantly, you gather your things and get dressed, stealing occasional kisses and caresses, neither of you willing to break the intimacy just yet. You fold up the towels slowly, smoothing out creases methodically.

Finally, fingers interlaced, you begin the descent back down the winding trail. Laura frequently stops to point out a flower or leaf, admiring the beauty but also delaying your arrival back to reality.

You join in appreciating the nature around you, recognizing her stalling tactics but letting her set the pace. The walk back passes too quickly nonetheless.

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At the trailhead, you pull Laura into a tight embrace. She clings to you, face buried in your shoulder. All the things you'll miss surface - her warmth, her scent, her laugh.

"I love you," Laura whispers emotionally. "These months will fly by, I just know it."

You stroke her hair, swallowing the lump in your own throat. "I love you too. I like saying it."

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At last you separate, and even though there’s still a night left, it feels like tearing off a bandaid.