
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

City of Love.

Chapter 29

Oct 25, 2023

As you step out of the café, hand in hand, you're hit by the vibrant pulse of Paris. You’re feeling more energized after the long sleep, and it’s helping you truly appreciate the 11th arrondissement, a neighborhood teeming with life and character.

The streets are a kaleidoscope of color and sound. Cafés spill onto sidewalks, their patrons laughing and chatting animatedly. Corner shops, cocktail bars, bakeries, and small boutiques fill every nook and cranny of the streetscape. Every so often an exterior door opens, revealing glimpses into courtyards, each teeming with their own unique life. You feel like there are at least a thousand interesting things within two blocks of where you’re standing.

Navigating the streets of Paris is an adventure in itself. Despite the overwhelming beauty and liveliness of the city, everything is surprisingly walkable. The streets are like a maze, twisting and turning, leading you to hidden gems - quaint bookshops, local markets, and tucked-away gardens.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura is your guide through this maze, her knowledge of the city impressive. She navigates the Paris Metro with ease, weaving through the bustling crowd with a confidence that leaves you impressed. She seems to blend in seamlessly with the vibrant city life, her laughter mingling with the city's symphony, her eyes sparkling with the same energy that fuels Paris.

You're grateful for her, for the way she takes your hand and leads you along, her fingers intertwined with yours. It’s nice not having to think, and just bask in the presence of this city and this beautiful woman. She points out landmarks, her voice a soft melody against the hum of the city. You find comfort in her presence, in her knowledge, in the way she seems to fit into the rhythm of Paris.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

After a peaceful ride on the Metro, you arrive at the Musée de l'Orangerie. The museum’s exterior is simple and elegant, but fits in well here in the space it occupies in a corner of the Tuileries Gardens. Laura's excitement is contagious as she pulls you towards the entrance, her eyes shining with anticipation. The whole trip over, she’s been explaining to you how it’s small, not too grand, especially compared to the Louvre, but beautiful and romantic. With nothing to compare it to, you just nod and let her take the lead.

As you cross the threshold of the Musée de l'Orangerie, you can feel the shift in atmosphere. It's quieter, more serene, a sharp contrast to the lively energy of the city outside. Laura leads you through the museum, her excitement palpable as she guides you toward the exhibition she's been eagerly talking about.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

The moment you step into the oval room displaying Monet's Water Lilies, you're taken aback. The sheer scale and beauty of the murals are breathtaking. The room is bathed in a soft, diffused light, making it feel as though you've stepped into another world. The light shifts slowly over time, changing the perspective on the single, massive work dominating the room. The walls are adorned with the grand panels of Monet's masterpiece, the vibrant colors capturing the essence of his garden in Giverny.

The lilies are a symphony of color and impression, their beauty overwhelming. The painting seems to come alive, the water lilies floating on the pond's surface, the reflections of the sky and trees shimmering in the water. You feel as though you're standing on the banks of Monet's pond, surrounded by the beauty he'd immortalized on canvas.

You've seen these paintings before, in your art history course. They were small images on your computer screen, easy to dismiss as just another assignment. But standing here, in front of the actual murals, you realize how little justice those images did to the real thing. The colors are more vibrant, the scale grander, and the impact stronger.

You feel a sense of awe wash over you, leaving you speechless. You turn to Laura, her eyes reflecting the same wonder and admiration you feel. You squeeze her hand, grateful for this moment, for her. You realize that art is about a whole mix of things, feeling, understanding, experiencing. And in this moment, surrounded by Monet's Water Lilies, you feel a connection, made deeper by your study of the piece. Sure, you were just memorizing facts and trying to pass a class, but seeing it all put together… It’s different. Perhaps for the first time, you’re understanding Laura’s passion.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You glance at Laura, her face bathed in the soft light of the room, her eyes sparkling with joy. She looks more beautiful than ever, her excitement making her glow. This is a memory you'll treasure.

The Water Lillies keeps going, to a second, smaller room. Laura leads you there, into a more secluded space. It's peaceful and quiet in the early morning, the room empty save for the two of you.

In the soft light of the space, you turn towards each other, your hands instinctively finding hers. You take a moment, looking into her eyes, losing yourself in the depth of her gaze. You can see the excitement, the joy of being here, of experiencing this moment. But there's also a hint of apprehension, a subtle reminder of the distance that will soon be between you.

"You know," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper, "I think what you're doing here is really cool. Studying abroad, experiencing all these things... it's impressive. I'm so proud of you."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her eyes well up with tears at your words, the sincerity in your voice touching her deeply. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice choked with emotion. "That means a lot."

She takes a deep breath, her gaze never leaving yours. "I'm going to miss you when you're gone," she admits, her words hanging heavy in the air. But then, she smiles a small, determined smile. "But we'll make it work. We can do it."

Her words echo your own thoughts, your own determination. You pull her closer, wrapping your arms around her. She rests her head against your chest, her hands gripping the fabric of your shirt. You stand there, holding each other, the quiet of the museum enveloping you.

Slowly, you tilt her chin up, your eyes meeting hers. Without a word, you lean in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

The kiss is filled with longing, with promise, with love.

In the end, it's not about the distance, or the time apart. It's about the love you share, the bond that connects you. It's about the high moments like these, standing in a secluded room in a Parisian museum, sharing a passionate kiss. It’s about the low moments, petty jealousy and anger, getting over them, and ending up stronger because of it.

≋ ≋ ≋

The rest of the morning passes in a whirlwind of exploration and discovery. You dart around the city like eager tourists, ticking off the top attractions from a mental list. The Eiffel Tower, The Bouquinistes along the Seine, so many ancient buildings – you flit between them, trying to savor the rich history. And trying not to be too overwhelmed. Mostly, your feet hurt from walking so much.

After the whirlwind tour, you find yourselves in a local marché, picking up a fresh baguette, some homemade jam, and a selection of cheeses. You're pleasantly surprised by how affordable the baguette is, starkly contrasting the exorbitant prices back home. It's a small thing, but it's these little differences, these unique quirks that add to the charm of the city.

With your impromptu picnic in hand, you wander through the city, eventually finding a picturesque park to settle in. You have absolutely no idea where you are right now, lost in the maze of Parisian streets. But honestly, you could be on Mars for all you care – as long as you're with Laura.

The park is a haven of tranquility amidst the bustling city. Mature trees provide ample shade, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. The grass is a vibrant green, soft underfoot, inviting you to lie down and relax.

You spread a blanket Laura had the forethought to pack on the grass, laying out your picnic. Laura's already kicked off her shoes, her toes curling in the cool grass. You join her, sinking back against the soft earth, the fresh baguette and cheese spread out before you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

The sun is warm on your skin, even if the day is cool, and the city sounds are distant hum. You're in the heart of Paris, yet it feels like you've found your own little corner of the world – a quiet, peaceful haven just for the two of you. It's a perfect moment, one you wish you could freeze in time.

Laura looks at you, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Did you really go back up to the lake alone?" she asks, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"Yeah," you admit, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "I was so torn up, I couldn't handle myself. I needed to get out that energy, so I went up there and just... stared at the water."

With a soft laugh, Laura reaches over, her fingers intertwining with yours. Her touch is warm, comforting, a balm to the memories of those lonely days. "I was really hurting too," she confesses. "I kept going back to the Louvre, spending hours looking at the Icons."

"The Icons?" you echo, giving her a puzzled look. "Like, those old flat wood panels of saints and stuff? Russian Icons from medieval times? The super boring ones?"

Laura bursts into laughter, her joy infectious. "Well, look at you! You've really been paying attention in your art class, huh?"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She's teasing, but it brings a proud smile to your face. "Yeah, but why the Icons?" you ask, genuinely curious.

Laura shrugs, her smile fading into a more thoughtful expression. "Honestly, I don't know. They're so solemn, so gloomy... they somehow fit my mood at the time."

A laugh escapes your lips at her answer. "Well, let's make sure we don't get you stuck in an icon observation session again."

Her smile returns, brighter than ever. "Yeah, let's not. It's smooth sailing from here on out, right?"

You squeeze her hand, affirming her statement. "Right," you agree, your gaze locked on hers. You lean in, kissing her gently. She places a hand on your thigh as you pull her close.

“Or, at least, if there’s a storm, let’s be a team as we weather it, yeah?”

As you finish up your picnic, the tiredness from the early morning and the whirlwind tour of the city starts to catch up with you. You lay down on the soft grass, the cool earth a welcome contrast to the warm sun overhead. Laura snuggles up to you, her head resting on your chest. You wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer, the two of you fitting together perfectly.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

The park is peaceful, the distant sounds of the city a gentle backdrop to the quiet moment. You close your eyes, letting the tranquility wash over you. Despite the jet lag, there's nowhere else you'd rather be.

"This is nice," Laura murmurs, her voice barely a whisper. "For the first time, I feel like a real Parisian, relaxing in a park with mon petit ami."

Her words bring a smile to your face, and you hug her closer. "You know," you muse, "I could get used to this. Let's move to Europe after college. How hard could it be?"

Laura's laughter rings out, a joyful sound that makes your heart swell. "I'm pretty sure they're already full up on Americans," she teases. "But we can visit. Or even better, buy an apartment here!"

"No apartment," you counter, getting caught up in her laughter and the whimsicality of the moment. "Let's go all out and get a full-on Chateau. With an attached winery, of course."

Her laughter grows, the sound echoing around the quiet park. You join in, enjoying the infectious joy of the moment. You spend the next few minutes in shared mirth, imagining a future together in this city of love, living in a grand Chateau, making wine, and spending lazy afternoons in beautiful parks.

It's a whimsical dream, a fantastical imagining. But at this moment, lying in the grass with Laura by your side, the Parisian sun warm on your skin, it feels almost within reach.

≋ ≋ ≋

As evening falls, the city of Paris transforms. The golden hues of the setting sun give way to a myriad of twinkling lights, casting a magical glow over the city. You find yourselves at a quaint restaurant tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, its warm, inviting ambiance a welcome refuge from the cool night air.

Inside, the restaurant is dimly lit, the soft glow of the candlelight creating an intimate atmosphere. Crisp white tablecloths, gleaming silverware, and fine china adorn the tables, while a gentle murmur of conversation and the occasional clink of glasses fill the air. The scent of delicious French cuisine wafts from the kitchen, mingling with the pleasant aroma of aged wood and vintage wine.

You’re nervous. You have no idea how to behave. Plus, the vision of a woman across from you isn’t making things any easier.

Across from you, Laura is stunning in her dress. The soft lighting accentuates the rich hues of the fabric, making it seem as though she's glowing. Her hair, styled with elegant simplicity, frames her face, highlighting her radiant smile.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

In her hand, she holds a glass of wine, the deep red liquid catching the candlelight. She swirls the wine gently, her gaze focused on the delicate dance of the liquid. The soft hum of the restaurant fades into the background as you find yourself captivated by the sight before you.

The intimate setting, the delicious aroma of food, the soft glow of the candles, and most of all, Laura, stunning and radiant across from you – it all comes together to create a moment of perfect tranquility.

Laura lifts her gaze from the glass of wine she's been studying, her eyes meeting yours across the table. "How's the wine?" she asks, her voice a soft melody in the low hum of the restaurant.

You glance down at your own glass, the ruby liquid sparkling enticingly. To be honest, you have no idea. "I'm not sure," you say, meeting her eyes again. "It's a bit weird to be drinking wine at a restaurant at all, let alone one like this. I'm not exactly a connoisseur." You pause, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "What about you? Do you know if it's any good?"

She laughs a delightful sound that makes your heart flutter. Taking a sip from her glass, she savors the taste, her eyes closing in apparent pleasure. "It's delicious, excellent vintage," she declares, her face a picture of bliss.

Unable to resist the opportunity, you lean back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest. "Really now?" you tease, a glint in your eyes. "I didn't know I was dining with a wine expert."

Laura's eyes snap open, mock outrage flashing in her eyes. "Excuse you," she retorts, the corner of her mouth twitching with suppressed laughter. "I'll have you know that I am, in fact, quite an expert sommelier."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Your laughter joins hers, filling the space between you. "If you've become a wine expert since you got here," you muse, your tone light, "I'm beginning to worry about your liver health."

She sticks out her tongue at you. "Some people," she states loftily, "are just born with a taste for elegance."

Your laughter rings out again, echoing through the restaurant. You raise an eyebrow at Laura, your gaze drifting down to your shirt, rumpled from being packed in a suitcase for hours. "Well, your taste in me clearly shows you're lying," you retort, lightly brushing at the creases in the fabric. “Nobody with a true taste for elegance would be seen with a boy this frumpy, in Paris of all places,” Your smile broadens as you see her eyes light up with amusement.

Her response takes you by surprise. She leans forward, the candlelight casting a soft glow on her face, accentuating her features. Her eyes are filled with a sultry allure, her voice dropping to a low, velvety whisper that sends a thrill down your spine. "Oh, my taste for you isn't because you're elegant," she purrs, her gaze never leaving yours. "It's a different kind of appreciation… closer to desire." She closes her eyes, putting on a show of imagining… something.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her words wash over you, igniting a heat that makes your heart race. You swallow, your eyes automatically drifting down the front of her dress as she leans forward. The sight of her, so alluring and seductive, leaves you breathless.

She notices your glance, a triumphant smile playing on her lips. "Do you like my dress?" she asks, her voice a seductive melody that draws you in further. She leans even more forward, pressing her elbows together, the movement highlighting her curves and making your heart pound harder in your chest.

Her actions, her words, the heated look in her eyes - it all drives you wild. You find it hard to tear your gaze away from her, captivated by her allure and the intoxicating atmosphere of the moment.

"I like it very much," you reply, your voice low, matching the intensity of her gaze. Your eyes flicker from her face to the restaurant around you, your mind spinning with possibilities. "You know," you add, leaning in closer, your voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "we could always toss a few euros on the table and get out of here..."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

But she merely leans back, a tantalizing smile playing on her lips as she gives you a seductive look. "Sorry," she teases, her voice dripping with playful defiance. "You'll have to buy a girl dinner first. Besides," she adds, "I want you to really work up an appetite."

Her words send a jolt of anticipation through you, heating your blood and quickening your pulse. But nothing prepares you for the sensation of her foot sliding up the inside of your leg under the table. You take in a sharp breath, your heart pounding in your chest as her foot continues its slow, deliberate journey.

She maintains eye contact throughout, her gaze smoldering with promise and desire. The restaurant around you blurs into insignificance, leaving only Laura, her beautiful eyes, and the electrifying sensation of her foot working its way up your leg.

Her foot is like a lightning bolt against you, and you want nothing more than it to keep going, up, up.... You swallow hard, struggling to maintain your composure as she continues her teasing exploration. Her foot, her gaze, her provocative words...

"Okay okay okay," you manage to say, your voice coming out slightly strained. "This really isn't fair..."

Laura's response is a soft, tinkling laugh that rings through the air like a melodious chime. She withdraws her foot. Raising her wine glass to her lips, she flashes you a brilliant and sweet smile that leaves you breathless.

Your intimate bubble is burst by the arrival of the waiter, his polite voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. You both quickly regain your composure, your eyes darting to the menus as you put in your orders. The waiter nods, scribbling your orders onto his notepad before disappearing back into the bustling restaurant.

As the evening progresses, the meal becomes a mere backdrop to the electric chemistry between you. There’s something about her tonight, a different way she’s acting. Each shared glance, every soft laugh, and the subtle touches when your hands accidentally meet, heighten the already palpable tension. Your conversations flow effortlessly, ranging from light-hearted banter to deeper, more personal revelations, each moment revealing another layer of your connection.

Laura is radiant in the candlelight, her eyes sparkling with mirth and something deeper, something that sets your heart racing each time she looks at you. She leans in as she talks, her hushed voice a sultry whisper that sends shivers down your spine. You find yourself mirroring her, leaning in closer, drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

The food arrives, but it's merely a detail in the background, the flavors of the dishes pale in comparison to the intoxicating taste of the evening. Your attention is solely on Laura, her every word, every gesture stoking the flames of anticipation within you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

As you finish the meal, Laura places her hand lightly on yours, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. Her gaze is intense, filled with desire. "Are you ready to leave?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper, yet it echoes loudly in the silence that falls between you.

You nod, your throat suddenly dry. "Yes," you manage to say, your voice sounding husky to your ears. As you rise from your table, you feel a thrill of anticipation for what the rest of the evening might hold. The night is still young, and the city of love awaits.

≋ ≋ ≋

The moment the door swings open, you both stumble through, propelled into each other. The door slams shut behind you, the sound echoing in the apartment.

Before you can even take a breath, Laura's hands are on you, her fingers tangling in your hair as she pulls you down for a kiss. The kiss is fiery, all-consuming, a maelstrom of pent-up desire and longing.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her lips taste of the sweet wine from dinner and something uniquely her. You pull her closer, your hands finding the curve of her waist through her dress as you deepen the kiss. Her body molds against yours, a perfect fit that makes your heart pound in your chest.

Your hands roam her body, tracing the contours of her figure through her dress. Her hands are just as explorative, tugging at your clothes, her fingers slipping under your shirt to trace the muscles of your back. Each touch sends a shiver through you, each kiss stokes the fire within.

You back her against the nearest wall, the coolness of it a contrast to the heat between you. Her hands move up to your hair, getting tangled up. One of her legs wraps around your waist, her dress riding up. She pulls you closer, and you can't help but groan into the kiss.

Your hands slide down to her bare thighs, lifting her as you press her against the wall. She gasps into your mouth, her fingers clutching at your shoulders. The sound sends a thrill through you, making you even more desperate for her. You press your erection, firmly outlined through your slacks, against her underwear, and she grinds her hips into you as you continue your passionate kisses. Her legs squeeze you into her heat, which you feel through your clothes as she grinds up and down your length.

Eventually, you break apart for air, gasping for breath as you rest your forehead against hers. Her eyes are dark with lust, her lips swollen from your kisses. She's beautiful, breathtaking in her desire, and your lips are already capturing hers in another heated kiss.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Bedroom," she manages to whisper against your lips, her voice shaky with desire. You nod, your hands moving to her legs as you carry her the few steps across the small apartment.

You lay her down on the edge of the bed, dress slightly disheveled, heels still on. She looks stunning, ethereal, a vision. You simultaneously want to explore every inch of her with your hands and your eyes. Her eyes are wide and bright, her chest heaving with anticipation.

You lean forward towards her as she’s seated on the bed, and before your tongue finds her neck, she reaches up, her hand gently cupping your cheek. Her fingers are cool and soft against your overheated skin, a soothing balm that calms your racing heart. The look in her eyes is one of trust, of love, and something more.

"I'm ready," she whispers, and time stands still. You look into her eyes, seeing nothing but confidence. Your heart pounds in your chest, a mixture of joy, awe, and a touch of nervousness.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"You mean...?" you begin, your voice trailing off. You don't want to assume, to misinterpret her words.

"Yes," she answers, her voice steady and sure. "I'm ready for us. I want this, I want you."

Her words wrap around you. You lean in, pressing your forehead against hers. "Are you sure?" you ask, your voice barely more than a whisper. “Do you have a condom, I, uh, didn’t come prepared…”

"Yes," she responds, her voice soft but resolute. "I've never been more sure about anything. And I’ve been on birth control to manage my hormones for a long time, so no condom needed, if you’re comfortable…"

You hastily nod and lean in. She grabs the back of your head and pulls you firmly into her mouth, her tongue pushing out to explore yours.

"I love you," you whisper, your words carrying the weight of your emotions.

“I love you too,” she says into your ear. “I… I want you to go all the way.”

Your hands move to the straps of her dress, your fingers gently pushing them aside as your lips trail kisses down her neck. To her cleavage. Lower. She lets out a soft sigh, her hands tangling in your hair.

“Well, I won’t stop you from putting that tongue to work first…”

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You laugh as you make your way down. She does too, and her laugh is sweet and breathy. You feel her abs contract under your lips as she exhales. Your knees hit the floor as you gently push her legs apart. You slide a hand down her soft and firm legs, all the way to her feet, heels still on. You start to fumble with the clasp and find yourself stymied. After a moment, she grabs your head impatiently, pressing it into the lace of her underwear. “Don’t bother,” she mumbles out as you kiss her panties, dress pushed up in a pile around her waist

Your fingers brush against the delicate lace, their journey momentarily stalling. You feel the heat of her, the anticipation humming between you both. Softly, you pull her panties to the side, revealing her completely. She shudders as you plant a soft kiss on her sex. She’s already wet, and your tongue slides across her with no friction. She moans, back arching, and you look up, seeing her breasts strain against the fabric of her dress as she writhes. You keep your tongue working and reach up to fondle her through the dress.

Her strong legs wrap around behind you as she pulls you in, heels lightly clicking together where they meet. You continue licking up and down, doing lazy swirls, taking your time. Her moans, the flexing of her muscles, the way she greedily grinds her hips into you for more, it’s pure joy to tend to her.

“Okay, okay,” she says breathlessly, after a short while, pulling your head up to make eye contact.

“Please… I want you inside me.”

You rise and begin fumbling with your belt and shirt. Your heart is pounding, and you’re nervous. This is finally it. Laura reaches down and starts undoing her heels, having much more success than you with the clasps. “I’m not going to be losing my virginity wearing heels,” she says with a smile, your shirt halfway off.

She slides down her panties, and shimmies out of her dress, leaving her completely naked. She’s gorgeous. You stand there before her, extremely erect, and she looks you up and down with a heat you’ve never seen before. She slides up the bed and beckons you forward with a playfully crooked finger.

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She opens her legs, making space for you, and you just about faint.

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You get on the bed on your knees, awkwardly crawling towards her as she watches your body hungrily. In moments you’re up against her, between her legs on your knees, your thighs pushed up against her. Suddenly you’re there, both of you naked, about to move into missionary. She reaches forward and grabs your cock gently, teasing along the edges. You lean forward and kiss her, softly, slowly. The change in position presses your erection against her warm stomach, and she slides it across her firm abdomen as her tongue slides against your bottom lip. You groan into her mouth, and she smiles a mischievous smile.

Your face is right up against hers as you lean over her between her legs. One of her hands is on your hip, the other slowly pressing your cock lower. Her voice is breathy and quiet in your ear: “Ok, so, do you just… put it in?”

You smile, a thrill running through you, “Yeah… do you want to do it?”

She nods quietly, now looking a little nervous. “It’s so simple, it just seems like a bigger deal than just ‘put it in.’”

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“Would you prefer we called it ‘lovingly enter’ or something equally romantic?”

Laura laughs and the tension is broken.

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She slides you down, and your head parts the top of her lips, sliding along the wetness of her clit. She shudders against you, and you gasp.

“You nerd,” she whispers, breathy, as she slides you up and down across her clit again. She’s so wet now that you glide with no friction at all.

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After a few delightfully agonizing moments of her pleasuring herself with your cock, she presses you lower towards her entrance. Your heart races as you gently push forward, and suddenly, you’re in. Laura lets out a quiet gasp, throwing her head to the side and closing her eyes. Her hands move to her hips, and she pulls you forward. Needing no encouragement, you let her pull you deeper into her. Quarter length, half-length… she shudders as you move slowly. You cock pumps inside her involuntarily, and she moans.

“Go in, all the way.”

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Pressing forward, you go all the way to the hilt, groaning at the feeling of her. She contracts around you, feeling divine, and she squirms, breath coming in fast gasps.

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“Oh my god,” she gasps out.

You pull back, and it’s exquisite. She opens her eyes, looking directly into yours. Her lips are parted in an expression between surprise and pleasure, and you lean forward as you thrust into her again, capturing her in a kiss. Her lips shudder under yours, and you feel her hands exploring your back as you pull back and forward again, pumping into her.

You slide your body down, keeping your face inches from hers as your hips go to work. One hand moves to cradle behind her head intimately, while the other reaches behind her, holding onto her ass, pulling her into you. You squeeze, and her hips buck, pressing you deeper, as she starts a rhythm of her own, faster than yours.

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You kiss her passionately as she works you, hips moving increasingly aggressively. You feel her ass flexing against your hand as she pulls your hips forward and rocks her body. She’s exquisite as you fill her up.

She wraps her legs around you, pulling you even deeper, faster. She’s breathing hard now in between moans as her strong body rocks you back and forth. Even though you’re on top of her, she’s controlling the pace with her legs and hips, and it’s increasing. You’re already building to a climax…

“Woah,” you gasp out, “I can’t keep going like this…”

“I don’t care,” she gasps into your mouth.

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You keep a hold behind her head with one hand, and the other reaches to her front, thumbing a nipple as you fondle her breasts as she bucks her sweaty body underneath you. In moments, it’s too much, her legs pulling you in, her face in ecstasy, her perfect breasts beneath your grip, the way you’re buried deep inside her…

“I’m going to come,”

“I love you,” she cries out.

With that, you explode inside her. You push as deep as you can, and she keeps moving, exquisitely through every pump. You feel her contracting around you, her body responding to yours. Her legs pull you in as deep as you can go until it’s divine torture. Finally, mercifully, her legs unlock, and you collapse next to her, panting.

“I love you too,” you croak.

You lay on your back trying to catch your breath as she does the same next to you. Suddenly, she bursts out laughing, a warm sound of pure mirth. She writhes for a moment, her hands running up and down her naked body, across her chest, between her legs. She turns onto her side, throwing an arm across you, kissing your neck.

“I really, really liked that,” she whispers into the crook of your neck, her breath tickling you.

“Yeah,” is all you can manage, but your pleasure is clearly visible from the rapture on your face.

She laughs again, and swings a leg over your torso, planting kisses up and down your face and chest as you grin.

“I… want… more…” she gets out between kisses.

You pause, reflecting on your refractory status. “Give me fifteen minutes?”

“Hmmm,” she pauses, leaning sitting up from her position straddling you. She puts a finger to her lips as if considering a trade offer. “Best I can do is ten.”

She reaches down and slides her hand teasingly across your testicles and crotch. You feel a stirring.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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“You’ve got a deal.”