
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Dont let sweat get in the way

Chapter 6

May 17, 2023

You meet Laura at the entrance to the sauna between the changing rooms. You’re both in towels provided by the gym - this gym really is awesome. Well, it better be, at 40 grand a year…

There she is. Her flawless body glistens as she stretches, the towel doing little to conceal her curves. You force yourself to stare straight ahead.

Don't mess this up, you tell yourself. This girl is here with you, flirting with you. You know she's attracted to you too – why else would she strip down at every chance?

“You know, you totally left your pants on the floor of the yoga studio. Really taking the boldness to heart, huh?”

“Oh my god… I didn’t even think about it." Laura puts her face in her hands. "That’s so embarrassing! Well, you’ll just have to hold onto them for me, then. I brought my skirt for after the workout.”

a woman in a towel is holding her face

Laura smiles and looks you up and down.

“Looking good. Let’s get in there, I want to see you all sweaty!”

The warm, steamy air envelops you as you both take a seat on the wooden benches. The dim lighting creates a calming, intimate atmosphere. Thankfully, it’s just the two of you in here at the moment.

As the sauna wraps you in humid heat, you feel her eyes tracing your body. It takes all your willpower not to imagine where this flirtation might lead. Just be present, you tell yourself. Focus on appreciating each moment with this beauty.

You take a deep breath, steadying your nerves. Laura's playful smile melts your tension away. She sighs deeply. “This feels so good after that workout. My muscles definitely needed this.”

“Hey, imagine how I feel. I was struggling for my life back there!”

As you both settle into the soothing heat of the sauna, Laura breaks the silence, her voice tinged with amusement. "You know, I never thought I'd find a workout buddy who'd take things to a whole new level like that. I’m used to intense workouts, but that was a new kind of intensity."

You smile at her. "Hey, don't blame me for the yoga thing. That was all you. I just gave you a little push."

Laura laughs, nudging you playfully. "Okay, fair enough. But you have to admit, it was kind of liberating. It’s been what, two stunts like that I’ve pulled with you? It’s feeling good, I think I could make it a habit."

“Habits are what makes us who we are, right?" you say.

“Ohh, is he going to be a philosophy major? Or is that psychology?”

a woman in a towel sitting on a wooden bench

Just when you've steadied your nerves, Laura shifts on the bench, sliding over until her thigh presses against yours. You freeze at the sudden contact, hyperaware of her bare leg. Keep breathing, you remind yourself.

Being this close, you notice just how soft her lips look. You have to drag your eyes away before you imagine leaning in. Focus, you tell yourself firmly.

Laura seems unaware of the havoc she's wreaking as she continues chatting casually. You try to track the conversation, but mostly only notice how her towel gaping at the top provides a glimpse of cleavage.

She leans in closer, her eyes locked with yours. "Do you think we're getting closer to discovering who we really are? Does that even make sense?"

"I think so," you say, your voice soft and sincere. "We've both been shedding layers and exploring parts of ourselves that we never knew existed. Like onions. And ogres."

Laura gives you a look. “Did you just make a Shrek reference? I take back everything I said about you being a philosopher. You’re just a dork. I’m adding that to the roster. Nerd and dork. They’re different.”

She playfully turns away from you, making distance from you on the bench and feigning disgust.

As Laura's playful rejection lingers in the air, she turns back to you, a cheeky grin on her face. "So, if I'm going to keep hanging out with a dork like you, you'll have to earn it. What more surprises do you have up your sleeve? And don't say more secret hiking spots!"

"Well," you say thoughtfully, "I could tell you, but then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

She rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her enjoyment of your banter. "You know what I mean. Are there any more wild adventures in store? What are we doing for our third date?"

"Only one way to find out," you reply with a wink, somehow maintaining outward composure as her words sink in – “third date,” she’d said…

“Hmm, I have ways of making you talk.”

Laura starts to stretch, moving her tight body in graceful arcs. She stretches her arms above her head, her body taught. As she does so, the towel draped around her shoulders slips partially off, revealing her magnificent form.

a beautiful naked woman in a sauna

She moves closer to you, her eyes never leaving yours, clearly enjoying the attention.

"You know," you say, "I'm pretty sure there's a dress code for this sauna."

Laura smirks, reaching for a small towel nearby. She drapes it half-heartedly over one shoulder, barely covering anything. "There, does that make it better? Am I in compliance now?"

You laugh at her playful defiance. "Barely. Besides, I have to admit, I'm not exactly complaining."

Her eyes twinkle with mischief as she leans in even closer. "I didn't think you would be."

“Don’t just enjoy the view, start spilling your secrets”

“Fine fine, but I’m not telling you everything. Seriously, that’ll ruin the surprise. Let’s just say that as a local, I know all the good spots.”

Laura smiles at you. “That’ll do. I love finding those special places that only locals know about. It's like having a secret world all to yourself. I want you to take me to those places! More cute coffee shops, bakeries, and farmers markets with you, please. And you owe me a bookstore!”

“Oh, I’ve got you covered. More covered than that towel, I promise.”

“Oh yeah? You take all the girls out to the hot spots in town, huh?”

“You know me, nerd ladykiller.”

“Shut up, you are. Even with the occasional Shrek reference. I still can’t believe that. Anyways, You've got to know the good places to steal a kiss.”

You smile.

You have no idea where to steal a kiss.

High school wasn’t exactly like that for you, but Laura doesn’t need to know that!

Now’s a good time to change the topic. “Alright, your turn for a story. Have you ever had a romantic encounter that was out of the ordinary or particularly memorable? Something that still makes you smile when you think about it?”

“Well, there was this one time I went on a date to an art gallery. We ended up sneaking into a closed-off section and shared a secret kiss among the off-display masterpieces. It felt thrilling and forbidden, which made it all the more exciting.”

Laura continues, thoughtful, “You know, after we broke up, I realized that guy wasn't all that great. He was kind of a jerk, to be honest. But I guess that's how it goes sometimes, especially in high school relationships. Now that we're in college, I'm looking forward to more exciting and meaningful connections.”

a naked woman in a sauna posing for the camera
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She gives you a teasing wink, and you can't help but grin.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. When you're a kid, everything is so intense, but also like, shallow. I'm looking forward to deeper things now, I dunno, does that make sense?”

“Totally! I feel like I've grown so much since then, and I know what I want in a relationship now. It's not just about the exciting, daring moments – it's about truly connecting with someone. Someone who can make me laugh, like you. And the exciting moments are nice too.”

She playfully nudges you again, and you feel a warm flush on your cheeks.

As the steam in the sauna swirls around you, Laura glances around, peeking out through the glass door. She grins mischievously, her eyes sparkling with a hint of daring.

“I still owe you the rest of the show. I hope you don’t mind… well, it’s nothing you haven’t already seen…”

As Laura begins slowly peeling off her towel, your heart races in anticipation. Is she really doing what you think she's doing? Without waiting for your response, Laura slides off the remainder of her towel, leaving her completely exposed.

a naked woman sitting in a sauna
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She leans back for a moment, closing her eyes. You watch the tension melting from her body as she soaks up the heat of the sauna. Sweat glistens on her breasts. You take in every curve, staring. Her eyes are closed so you take full advantage of this opportunity.

a nude woman posing in a sauna
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Your arousal is rising, starting to become a serious difficulty to hide under your towel. You shift, your harness rubbing pleasantly against the soft gym towel. She has to know you’re staring, right?

Just then, her eyes snap open, and you look away, hastily. You know it’s an unconvincing performance, and your eyes slide back to her face. But she looks… nervous?

“You’ve seen a lot of me, but this is the first time you’ve seen it all. What do you think?”

There’s so much layered in the question. Insecurity, arousal, nacent comfort in herself just starting to grow. She manages to be so cute, vulnerable, and yet confident at the same time.

You decide direct is the best approach.

“Laura, with a body like that, I can’t believe you have any problems at all being bold. You’re a… sculpture…”

“Oh shut up, you flatterer.” She loves it.

Laura starts inching closer, emboldened.

“And now you can't leave me alone here towelless…”

She leans back.

"I really like you," Laura says sincerely, eyes locked on yours.

“I didn’t know if you were really into me, or just being nice. But I’ve been loving the way you’ve had your eyes on me today…”

You peel off your towel and stand up. She looks you up and down and flushes, her eyes lingering on your fully erect cock.

“Oh my god, come over here…”

a naked woman sitting in a sauna
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She opens up for you, beaming. “I know it’s a public sauna, but…”

Just as you’re about to close the gap, the door to the sauna swings open, and someone walks in. Laura's eyes widen in surprise, and she hastily grabs her towel, wrapping it around her body. The rush of steam in the air gives you just enough cover to get away with it – you quickly do the same.

The moment is shattered.

You both exchange an embarrassed smile as Laura tugs the towel tight around her body. You can't help but let out a nervous laugh. It's as if the universe is conspiring to keep you on your toes.

The newcomer, a middle-aged woman, doesn't seem to pay much attention to the two of you. She settles down on the opposite side of the sauna, eyes closed as she leans back against the wooden wall.

Laura leans in to whisper, her eyes still wide with surprise. "Well, that was close. I guess we'll have to save the rest for another time."

a woman in a white towel posing in a sauna

"Definitely," you agree, your heart still racing from the sudden interruption. "How about, uh, as soon as possible?"

Laura gives you a coy smile. “I’m sure we’ll find the time. Let’s get out of here.”

As you're getting dressed, you hear Laura's voice call out to you from the other side of the partition.

“Oh no, shit! I just checked my phone and I'm late for class! I completely lost track of time!”

“I'm so sorry! Shit! I’m going to run out of here. It's week one, and I can’t be the weird girl who didn’t show up. I promise I'll make it up to you!

“I totally get it! Get out of here and don’t be too late!”

Laura's voice comes through the partition again, filled with gratitude.

“Oh my god thank you! I've had such an amazing time with you today, and I can't wait for our next adventure. I’ll make it up to you with more than a show. See you soon! Shit! I've really got to go!”

With that, you hear the sound of her footsteps hurrying away.

As your heart rate starts to lower, you turn and notice there's an old guy in the dressing room you somehow miraculously missed. When you make eye contact he gives you a nod, a wink, and a thumbs up.

"I saw her coming out of the yoga studio earlier. Lord have mercy. Go get her, tiger."