
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover

Cheeks out

Chapter 2

Aug 16, 2024

Jo begins to shimmy out of her jeans without hesitation, revealing the barely-there bikini bottoms underneath. Your mouth goes dry as you watch her, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts. The way her hips sway, the smooth expanse of her thighs, the tantalizing glimpse of her ass as she bends to step out of the denim – you tactfully look away.

Beside you, you feel Laura's hand tighten around yours, her palm growing damp with nervous sweat. You glance over at her, taking in the flush of her cheeks and how her teeth worry at her bottom lip. It's clear that while she’s seen this display from Jo many times before, there's a hesitance in her eyes. It quickly grows to a flicker of uncertainty that belies her outward composure.

Amy, for her part, looks torn between amusement and mortification, her eyes darting between Jo's rapidly disrobing form and the empty beach beyond. "I don't know about this, Jo," she says, her voice wavering slightly. "What if someone sees us? I’m not in the mood for getting ogled by some creepy strangers?"

But Jo is undeterred, her confidence unshakeable as she reaches back to untie her bikini top. "That's half the fun, babe," she purrs, her voice dripping with sensuality. "Knowing that someone might be watching, admiring, wanting what they can't have."

a redhead woman with big tits on the beach
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With a flourish, she lets the top fall away, revealing her ample breasts in all their glory. You've seen Jo naked before, of course – in a much more intimate context, before she got together with Amy – but her body still takes your breath away. Her nipples are already pebbled in the cool ocean breeze, dusky pink against pale skin.

Laura's hand slips from yours, and you turn to see her reaching for the buttons of her shorts, a determined set to her jaw. "When in Rome, right?" she says, her voice trembling slightly as she undoes the fastenings. "I'll start with the swimsuit, at least. Baby steps." She gives you a brave smile. “It’s one thing to skinny dip with just you…”

You nod in agreement, your hands moving to your shirt's hem. The fabric feels constricting, a barrier between your skin and the salty sea air you suddenly can't wait to shed. With a quick tug, you pull the shirt over your head, reveling in the feeling of the breeze against your bare chest.

You admire Laura's fit body as she slips out of her shorts, revealing the sleek lines of her one-piece swimsuit. The fabric clings to her curves like a second skin, accentuating the swell of her breasts and the taut plane of her stomach in a way that makes your heart race.

a woman in a black swimsuit standing on the beach

As you four make your way down the beach looking for a place to relax, the sun begins its slow descent towards the horizon. The sky is awash in a stunning array of oranges and pinks, the colors reflecting off the ocean's calm surface in a breathtaking display of natural beauty.

Jo wastes no time shedding her bikini bottoms, her bare skin glowing in the golden light of the setting sun. She stretches her arms above her head, basking in the warm breeze as she lets out a whoop of pure, unadulterated joy.

a red haired woman with big ass on the beach
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Amy seems content to relax in her sundress, the flowy fabric dancing in the gentle breeze. Of course, even clothed, her gaze wanders. You catch the way her eyes keep darting towards Jo's naked form, the way she bites her lip as if to stifle a moan of appreciation.

Jo, naturally, notices and takes advantage of the situation. "Come on, guys!" she calls out, her voice filled with taunting enthusiasm. "When are you going to get another chance to feel the sun on your bare ass? Live a little!"

Amy simply ignores Jo's goading, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she lets the sound of the waves wash over her. But you can see how her fingers twitch as if itching to reach for the straps of her dress and let it fall away.

Laura, on the other hand, Laura looks torn, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink as she glances around the nearly empty beach. "Maybe eventually," she says, her voice soft and slightly hesitant. "I'm not quite as brave as you, Jo."

You step closer to her, your hand finding the smooth expanse of her lower back as you pull her close. "You're beautiful," you murmur, your lips brushing the shell of her ear. "In this suit, out of it, always. Never forget that. Get naked if you want, or stay in this suit. You look incredible in it."

You aren’t exaggerating. Laura indeed looks absolutely stunning in her one-piece, the fabric clinging to her curves in a way that makes your heart race. Her skin is sun-kissed and glowing, her hair tousled by the salty sea breeze in a way that is both effortless and alluring.

Laura shivers at your touch, her body molding to yours as she leans into your embrace. "I love you, you sweetheart," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the gentle crash of the waves. "I feel safe with you."

She smiles and turns in your arms. You take in her form as she gives you a shy smile. You see a spark in her expression, and you know she’s already made a decision.

“You know,” she says as her eyes narrow playfully, “The best way to convince a girl to get naked is to assure her she doesn’t have to.”

She leans forward and your heart swells at her words, a rush of love and protectiveness surging through you. "You can do whatever you want," you promise as you step forward, your lips finding hers in a soft, sweet kiss. "I'll always be by your side, no matter how naked you are."

As you lose yourself in the taste of her, in the feeling of her body against yours, you can't help but think that this moment, right here, is perfect. The sun, the sand, the company of the people you love most in the world - this trip has already been a success.

a beautiful young woman in a black swimsuit on the beach

You catch a glimpse of Jo stretching naked over Laura’s shoulder. She looks completely unashamed, a smile plastered on her face. Feeling emboldened by the display, you shrug your shoulders and grin. "Well, it seems like I should set an example for you then, huh?" you say, your voice filled with a bravado that surprises even you. "You only live once, right?"

With that, you hook your thumbs into the waistband of your swim trunks and tug them down in one smooth motion, exposing yourself to the warm evening air. The breeze caresses your bare skin, sending a shiver down your spine despite the lingering heat of the day. You will your body to behave, focusing on the sound of the waves and the feeling of the sand beneath your feet to keep any potentially embarrassing reactions at bay.

Jo lets out a whoop of excitement as you stand there, naked as the day you were born. "Yes!" she cries, pumping her fist in the air. "That's what I'm talking about! Let that cock breathe!"

Amy rolls her eyes, but you can see the hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Really, Jo?" she says, her voice dripping with exasperation. "He’s Laura’s boyfriend, you don’t need to antagonize her."

But Jo is already off, bounding down the beach with wild abandon, her laughter trailing behind her like a banner of pure, unadulterated joy. Her naked form is a sight to behold, all curves and confidence, completely at ease in her own skin. Your eyes linger a bit longer than they should.

As you turn back to the group, however, you notice that Laura is hanging back, her arms crossed over her chest. She’s watching you, the way your eyes track Jo’s ass. You can see the self-consciousness written all over her face.

You approach her slowly, feeling a bit guilty.

"Hey, is everything alright?" You ask.

Laura sighs, her shoulders slumping as she meets your gaze. "I don't know," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I'd be totally fine with this, considering how we met skinny dipping and all. But now that we're here, and…” she turns away from the other girls, taking your arm and walking you a few steps away. “I just feel like, well. Jo is so voluptuous, and Amy is so petite and cute. I just feel like my body doesn’t fit in. Like I’m too muscle-y.” She looks down. “I mean, not feminine enough."

Your heart aches at the uncertainty in her words, and you reach out to take her hands in yours, your thumbs tracing soothing circles on her skin. "Laura, listen to me," you say, your voice firm but gentle. "You are absolutely stunning, inside and out. Your beauty goes so much deeper than just your physical appearance. So it totally doesn’t matter.”

As you speak, you see the beginnings of a smile tugging at the corners of Laura's lips, the self-consciousness slowly melting away under the warmth of your gaze. Her eyes brighten, sparkling with a newfound confidence as she takes in your words.

“And also, for the record,” you continue, “You are so hilariously wrong about not being feminine that I don’t even know what to say. You are a goddess, the sexiest girl here by like, a billion miles.”

Laura blushes and nudges you with her shoulder. “Stop it, you’re too sweet.” But now she’s fully smiling, looking embarrassed and demure.

Feeling a sudden burst of playfulness, you grin and add, "Besides, have you seen this bod? I'm the one who should be feeling insecure!"

With that, you start swinging your hips in an exaggerated manner, your junk flopping around comically as you do a ridiculous little dance. Laura bursts out laughing, her hand flying to her mouth as she tries to stifle her giggles. The sound is pure magic, a balm to your soul.

"Okay, okay!" she says, her eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth. "You've convinced me, you goofball."

As Laura takes a deep breath and reaches for the straps of her one-piece, she starts to pull it down slowly. The straps come down halfway, revealing more cleavage as they go. “Ok, here I go,” she says with a deep breath. Your breath catches in your throat as she slides the suit all the way off her shoulders, exposing the creamy swell of her breasts.

a beautiful young woman in a black bikini on the beach
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Unable to resist, you reach out and gently pinch one of her nipples, reveling in the soft gasp that escapes her lips. She swats at your hand playfully, a coy smile spreading across her face as she continues to peel off the suit.

With a shimmy of her hips, Laura lets the suit slide down her body, the fabric pooling at her feet as she steps out of it. She stands before you, naked and resplendent in the golden glow of the setting sun, a newfound confidence radiating from every inch of her being.

Your eyes drink in the sight of her, roaming over every curve and plane of her body with unabashed appreciation. The way her breasts sit high and proud on her chest, the nipples already hard in the cool ocean breeze. The taut plane of her stomach, the muscles flexing subtly beneath her sun-kissed skin. The gentle flare of her hips, the tantalizing vee of her pelvis drawing your gaze lower still.

She is a vision of feminine perfection and you can't help but stare in awe-struck wonder. Your cock twitches with interest, but you force yourself to keep things under control.

"Laura," you breathe, your voice rough with emotion. "You are so unbelievably beautiful. I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to call you mine."

A pretty blush stains Laura's cheeks at your words, a shy smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"I'm the lucky one," she murmurs with an adorable smile. "To have a man who looks at me the way you do, who makes me feel so loved and desired and cherished."

a nude woman standing on the beach at sunset
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From down the beach, Jo lets out a whoop of encouragement, her voice carrying on the salty sea breeze. "Yes, girl!" she calls out, her grin wide and infectious. "Lookin' hot as hell!"

Laura flushes at the compliment, but there's a pleased smile playing at the corners of her lips. It's clear that she's enjoying the attention, the feeling of being seen and appreciated in all her natural glory.

All eyes turn to Amy, the last one still clothed among the group. She shifts uncomfortably under the weight of their gazes, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink as she hugs her sundress closer to her body.

"Peer pressure, thy name is Jo," she mumbles, her voice barely audible over the sound of the waves.

But despite her reservations, Amy starts to undress, her fingers fumbling with the ties of her sundress. The fabric slips from her shoulders, revealing the gentle curves of her breasts. As she shimmies out of the dress, it pools at her feet like a puddle of liquid ivory.

You work to avert your gaze from Amy's petite, pale form, and you mostly succeed. She looks almost ethereal in the soft light of the setting sun, her body lithe and graceful as she moves.

a naked woman standing on the beach with the sun setting behind her
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Amy catches you averting your gaze, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips, grateful for your discretion. She covers her breasts modestly, clearly not yet entirely comfortable being totally in the nude.

Jo, who had been frolicking in the surf, comes bounding back at the sight of Amy's nakedness. Her eyes are wide with appreciation, her grin almost feral as she takes in the sight of her girlfriend's bare form.

"Fuck yes," she breathes, her voice low and filled with barely contained desire. "Now that Amy's naked, this is exactly where I want to be. Goddamn!”

Amy rolls her eyes at Jo's blatant ogling, but there's no denying the spark of heat between them. With a playful smirk, Amy reaches out and delivers a sharp smack to Jo's ass, reveling in the yelp of surprise that escapes her lips.

"Behave yourself," Amy scolds.

Jo gasps in mock scandal, her hand flying to her chest as she affects an air of wounded innocence. "Why, I never!" she declares, her voice dripping with exaggerated Southern charm. "How dare you accuse me of such impropriety!"

But even as she speaks, Jo sticks out her butt, wiggling it invitingly as she shoots Amy a coy look over her shoulder. "Although, if you want to spank me again, I certainly won't object..."

a beautiful redhead woman posing nude on the beach
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"Maybe later, and not around our friends, you bad girl," she says, reaching into her beach bag and tossing a bottle of sunscreen at her girlfriend. "But for now, make yourself useful and do my back, will you? I don't want to burn."

Jo catches the bottle with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she squirts a generous amount of lotion into her palm. "Your wish is my command, my lady," she purrs, rubbing her hands together.

As Jo starts to rub the sunscreen into Amy's back, her hands linger longer than strictly necessary, tracing the curve of her spine and the dimples at the base of her back. She leans in close, her breath ghosting over the shell of Amy's ear as she whispers, "You know, I think I missed a spot..."

With that, Jo's hands slide around to Amy's front, cupping her breasts and giving them a playful squeeze. Amy gasps, her head falling back against Jo's shoulder.

"Jo!" she admonishes, but there's a breathy quality to her voice that belies her protest. "There are other parts of me that need sun protection too, you know."

Jo grins, unrepentant as she continues to knead Amy's breasts, her thumbs flicking over the rapidly hardening nipples as she kneads the soft flesh with practiced skill. "Oh, I know," she murmurs, her voice low and sultry. "But I figured I'd start with the most important bits first."

Amy can't help but laugh at that, even as a moan threatens to escape her lips. She closes her eyes, enjoying Jo’s extended groping before her eyes flick open and she comes to her senses. "You're incorrigible," she manages, pushing Jo off of herself.

"And you love it," Jo shoots back.

Jo steps forward, closing the distance between her and Amy. She wraps her arms around Amy's slender waist, pulling her petite body flush against her own voluptuous curves. The contrast between them is striking - Jo's tanned, buxom figure enveloping Amy's pale, delicate frame like a sensual cocoon.

Their lips meet in a kiss that starts off sweet and casual, a gentle brush of skin on skin. But as Jo deepens the kiss, her hands roaming over the smooth expanse of Amy's back, the heat between them becomes palpable.

Amy responds in kind, her fingers tangling in Jo's hair as she parts her lips, inviting Jo to explore the warm recesses of her mouth. Their tongues dance and tangle, the kiss turning hungry and desperate as they lose themselves in the taste and feel of each other.

two naked women kissing on the beach at sunset
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Jo and Amy's naked bodies press and slide against each other as their passionate kissing intensifies. Jo's large, pillowy breasts flatten against Amy's more petite but perky mounds, their hardened nipples grazing each other's skin. As you watch transfixed, Jo's hands roam all over the smooth, pale expanse of Amy's back and shoulders. Her fingers trace the delicate bumps of Amy's spine before gripping her tiny waist possessively.

Just as it seems like Jo is about to devour Amy whole, the tables turn. Amy takes control, kissing Jo back with a ferocity that takes your breath away. Her hands grip Jo's ass, pulling her impossibly closer as she nips and sucks at her lower lip.

Jo melts into the kiss, a whimper escaping her throat as she obeys Amy's dominant touch. It's a side of Amy you've never seen, a raw, primal energy that raises your eyebrows.

Belatedly, you turn to Laura, who’s watching you watch the show.

“Sorry,” you say quietly.

"I mean, don’t be," Laura breathes. "This is intense."

You nod. Laura doesn’t sound like she’s actually fully ok with your wandering gaze, but your attention is invariably pulled back back to the snogging blonde and redhead. "I think I'm starting to understand why Jo is so crazy about her," you murmur.

Laura turns to you. "Feeling left out, are we?" she teases, her fingers trailing down your chest. "Let me fix that for you."

With that, she pulls you into a kiss, her naked body molding to yours. Her arms wind around your neck, her breasts pressing against your chest as her tongue finds yours.

a naked woman posing on the beach at sunset
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You groan into the kiss, your hands roaming over the smooth expanse of her back, tracing the curve of her spine and the dimples at the base of her back. The feel of her naked body against yours is intoxicating.

There's no stopping it - your cock begins to harden, pressing insistently against the taut plane of Laura's stomach. You try to will it down, not wanting to make a scene, but the sensation of her soft curves against your body is too much to resist.

Laura shifts her hips, grinding against your growing erection with a smile. "Oh whoops, is someone losing control?" Her voice is low.

You flush. "Are you at all surprised?" you manage, your voice strained. "You're so fucking sexy, I can't help myself."

"Hey lovebirds!" Jo calls out, her voice cutting through the haze of lust like a bucket of cold water. "Quit hogging all the fun and get your asses in the water!" Embarrassed, you turn, noticing that Amy and Jo stopped some time ago, and are watching you make out with mischievous smiles.

With that, she grabs Laura's arm, pulling her away from you and toward the surf. Laura lets out a squeal of surprise, her laughter ringing out across the beach as she and Jo splash into the waves, their bodies glistening in the golden light of the setting sun.

You watch them go, equal parts frustrated and amused by the interruption. Your cock throbs, and you start desperately thinking about baseball and spreadsheets and literally anything other than the naked women around you.

Amy sidles up beside you, a knowing smirk on her face as she takes in your flustered state. "Ah, the downside of being a man," she teases, "the horny beacon is lit."

You laugh, running a hand through your hair as you try to compose yourself. "I’m certainly calling for aid,” you mumble, earning a snort from Amy. “Anyways, well, can you blame me?" you continue, gesturing toward Laura's naked form as she frolics in the waves. "I mean, look at her."

a beautiful naked woman posing in the ocean at sunset
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Amy nods, her gaze following yours to where Jo is trying to wrestle Laura in the surf. "Yeah, no kidding," she says. "How'd nerds like us get such hotties?"

a beautiful red haired woman in the ocean
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With that, you both settle back onto the sand, content to watch your partners frolic in the waves.