
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover

Amy on fire

Chapter 7

Sep 20, 2024

You and Laura make your way back to the cabin, your legs pleasantly sore from the hike and your body still humming with satisfaction from your encounter in the forest. As you approach the weathered wooden structure, the late afternoon sun filters through the trees, casting long shadows across the path. The scent of pine and earth fills your nostrils, mingling with the lingering saltiness of sweat on your skin.

As you step inside, the cool air of the cabin washes over your sun-warmed skin, bringing goosebumps to the surface. The floorboards creak softly under your feet, and you instinctively slow your movements, aware of the cabin's other occupants. Your eyes immediately lock onto Jo's form sprawled across the bed. She's fast asleep on her stomach, completely naked, her vibrant red hair fanned out across the pillow like a fiery halo. The curve of her spine leads your gaze down to the swell of her rounded buttocks, and you can't help but stare, transfixed by the play of light and shadow across her pale skin.

a woman with red hair laying on a bed
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Laura notices your wandering eyes and clears her throat softly. You turn to her, expecting to see anger or hurt, but instead, she offers a small, understanding smile and presses a finger to her lips in a shushing motion. The tension in your shoulders eases slightly, and you nod, grateful for her patience. As you tiptoe around the cabin, you try to avert your gaze, but your eyes are drawn back to Jo's sleeping form as if magnetized.

Laura moves to her bag, pulling out a light, flowy summer dress. She slips it on, the fabric whispering as it settles around her curves. The soft material clings to her in all the right places, yet despite your best efforts, your eyes keep drifting back to Jo's sleeping form, drawn by the expanse of bare skin on display.

"Let's get some air," Laura whispers, her breath warm against your ear as she leans close. She grabs two glasses of water from the small kitchenette, the ice cubes clinking softly against the glass. You follow her out onto the porch, settling into the worn wooden chairs that creak softly under your weight.

The forest stretches out before you, a sea of green punctuated by the towering redwoods. The air is thick with the scent of sun-warmed earth and fragrant pine. A gentle breeze rustles through the leaves, carrying with it the distant calls of birds and the occasional chatter of a squirrel. Laura takes a sip of her water and then sets the glass down with a soft clink on the small table between you.

"So," she begins, her tone aiming for casual but not quite hitting the mark, "there's been a lot of... nudity this trip." Her fingers play with the condensation on her glass, tracing abstract patterns as she speaks.

You open your mouth to speak, but she continues before you can get a word out. "I mean, between the beach and Jo's... Jo-ness, it's like we're surrounded by naked women." There's a hint of something in her voice - not quite jealousy, but perhaps a touch of insecurity.

"Laura, I'm sorry," you interject, your words tumbling out in a rush. "I know I've been looking. I don't mean to; it's just-" You pause, struggling to find the right words to explain yourself without making the situation worse.

She holds up a hand, cutting you off. "Hey, it's okay," she says, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "I'm not mad. I mean, it's kind of impossible not to look, right? These girls are hot." Her tone is light, but there's a question in her eyes as she looks at you.

You nod hesitantly, studying her face. The late afternoon sun catches the gold flecks in her brown eyes, making them shine. You hesitate and ask, "Is this a trap?” Laura shakes her head, and you continue. “I mean, yeah, I guess so," you say slowly, choosing your words carefully. "But... how do you feel about that? Really? "

Laura's smile fades, replaced by a thoughtful expression. She turns her gaze to the forest. The silence stretches between you, filled only by the gentle rustling of leaves and distant birdsong. You can almost see the wheels turning in her mind as she considers her response.

a woman in a pink dress sitting on a wooden bench

The moment feels fragile, balanced on a knife's edge. You wait, holding your breath, for Laura to break the silence and reveal her true feelings about the situation.

Laura takes a deep breath, her eyes meeting yours. "First of all, I want you to know that I don't want to share you," she says, her voice soft but firm. "An open relationship isn't something I'm interested in."

You nod, considering. "I feel the same way," you assure her, reaching out to take her hand. “What does that have to do with–”

She squeezes your hand, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "But," she continues, her voice thoughtful, "I've been doing a lot of thinking on this trip. And I've realized... I don't mind you looking. Or even enjoying what you see." Her cheeks flush slightly as she says this, her eyes darting away momentarily before returning to yours.

You pause, considering her words carefully.

Laura fills the silence, her words coming faster now. "It seems so normal, doesn't it? To be attracted to other people? I mean, we're human. It would be silly of me to be bothered by something so natural."

You nod slowly, choosing your words with care. "You're right," you say. "It is natural. But Laura, I want you to know that being attracted to someone doesn't change how I feel about you. I want to be with you, not Jo or Amy or anyone else."

Her smile widens, and she squeezes your hand again. "I know," she says softly. "I never doubted that. That’s part of the reason why it’s ok."

Suddenly, a mischievous glint appears in her eye. "But there’s another reason… do you remember," she begins, her cheeks flushing a deeper red, "when Jo was... you know... touching herself? While I was... with you? Our study session, those months ago?"

You nod, feeling a flush creep up your neck at the memory. "Yes," you say, unsure where this is going.

Laura bites her lip, her eyes darting away and then back to yours. "There's something... hot about it. About other people wanting you and not being able to have you. I like it." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "I’ve said it before, but I'm still exploring these feelings. There's this new element I don't fully understand yet. I find it hot when you look at Jo and Amy."

You tilt your head, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

She laughs softly, nervously. "I'm not entirely sure myself. It's like..." she trails off, her brow furrowing as she searches for the right words. "It's like you get all worked up and aroused, but you can only... take it out on me." The last words come out in a rush, her face burning red.

You stay silent, giving her space to continue. The breeze rustles through the trees, a gentle backdrop to this intensely intimate moment.

"I like the idea," she says slowly, her voice barely above a whisper, "of that pent-up energy, like, only I get it. Someone else stoking the fire, but I get to be the only one to enjoy the warmth. Even if... even if getting worked up comes from other women." She meets your eyes, her gaze a mixture of embarrassment and desire.

You take a moment to process her words, aware of the delicate nature of this confession.

You take a deep breath, processing Laura's words. "What about jealousy?" you ask gently. "Do you feel jealous at all?"

Laura pauses, her brow furrowing as she considers the question. "Why would I be?" she says finally, her voice soft but sure. "I mean, maybe if it was some random girl, and I was worried about you running off with her. But just watching? What's the big deal?" She looks up at you, her eyes searching yours. "Especially when it's friends, people I love and care about like Amy and Jo. They make it… fun."

You nod, encouraging her to continue. She speaks slowly as if working out her thoughts as she goes. "Does it diminish my love for you at all? Or your love for me?" She shakes her head, answering her own question. "If they're happy with it, and we're happy with it, and I love and am committed to you, and I trust you, and you… reserve… a part for me, only for me-"

"The part is my penis," you interject with a playful grin.

Laura laughs, punching your arm lightly. "I'm trying to be sweet here," she scolds, but her eyes twinkle. She takes a breath, regaining her composure. "What I'm saying is, if all those things are true, what's the issue?"

She falls silent, her gaze distant as she reflects on her words. After a moment, a small smile plays across her lips. "You know what? That feels really right. It feels... true."

a woman in a pink dress sitting on a wooden porch

Before you can respond, she leans in and kisses you softly. You return the kiss, pouring all your love and appreciation for her openness and trust into it. When you part, you rest your forehead against hers. "I love you," you murmur. "Even if Amy and Jo are hot."

Laura pulls back, laughing. The sound is light and free, like a weight has been lifted. "They are hot," she agrees, her eyes sparkling. "And I love you too."

The moment stretches between you, filled with warmth and understanding. You're struck anew by her beauty, not just physical but also of her heart and mind.

You reach out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you," you say softly. "For being so honest with me. For trusting me enough to be open about this."

Laura leans into your touch, her eyes closing briefly. "Always," she whispers. When she opens her eyes again, there's a strength there. "This is new territory for both of us.” She pauses, correcting, “Well, mostly new territory. Other than a study session… but that turned out fine, right?” You nod, and she continues. “We'll figure it out together."

You nod, squeezing her hand. "Together," you affirm. The word feels like a promise.

As you and Laura bask in the warmth of the California sunlight, the cabin door creaks open, interrupting your intimate moment. Jo steps out onto the porch, still completely naked, her skin glowing in the early afternoon sunlight. She stretches languidly, arms reaching toward the sky, utterly unabashed by her nudity.

Your eyes are again drawn to her curves, unable to ignore the way her ample breasts sway with her movement. The sun catches on the soft swell of her hips, highlighting the dip of her waist and the roundness of her buttocks. You find yourself openly admiring her form, acutely aware of Laura's presence beside you. Jo’s eyes flutter open, still bleary with sleep.

a beautiful red haired woman with big tits standing on a porch
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"Where's Amy?" you ask, your voice a touch huskier than usual.

Jo turns, her red hair catching the light like flames. "She went for a walk this morning," she replies, her tone casual. "Probably clearing her head or something. You know, introverts do be introverting."

You nod, then, testing the newly established boundaries with Laura, you pipe up: "Nice tits, Jo."

Jo's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and you both turn to gauge Laura's reaction. Laura's lips curl into a small smile, and she gives you a subtle wink. Encouraged, Jo grins widely, cupping her breasts in her hands.

"Oh, you like these, do you?" she purrs, her voice dripping with playful seduction. "Want a feel? Well, too bad, big boy, that ship has sailed–"

Movement at the edge of the forest catches your eye. Amy emerges from the trees, earbuds in, her short blonde hair bouncing with each step. She’s looking down, lost in her own world, but in a moment, her gaze turns up towards the cabin. As she takes in the scene before her - you and Laura on the porch, Jo naked and posing provocatively - her expression morphs from relaxed to shocked, then angry.

a young woman with red hair in the woods

The atmosphere shifts abruptly. You, Laura, and Jo exchange confused, almost startled glances, the playful mood evaporating instantly. Amy stalks up the porch steps, her face set in a hard line. Without a word, she grabs naked Jo by the arm, her grip firm, and begins to pull her toward the cabin.

As Amy yanks open the door, her voice carries back to you, sharp and filled with barely contained fury. "What the hell, Jo? This whole trip! Are you really going to disrespect Laura like that, being naked so flagrantly in front of her boyfriend? Grabbing your tits–"

The door slams shut behind them, cutting off Jo's response. You and Laura are left on the porch, the sudden silence deafening after the unexpected outburst. You turn to Laura, your eyes wide with surprise and confusion. She mirrors your expression, her earlier contentment replaced by concern.

You and Laura exchange worried glances. "Should we go in?" Laura asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

You shake your head, "They need a moment. Let's give them some space."

You both sit back down, sipping your water awkwardly. The sun's earlier warmth now feels harsh and unforgiving. Laura's brow is furrowed, her eyes distant with concern. The minutes crawl by, feeling like hours.

Suddenly, the cabin door bursts open. Jo emerges, fully clothed, her face a storm of emotions. Without a word, she stalks off into the forest, leaving a wake of tension behind her.

Laura turns to you, her eyes wide. "How about now?"

You nod, your heart heavy as you both stand and make your way into the cabin.

The scene inside breaks your heart. Amy is curled up on the bed, her small frame wracked with sobs. Her usual composure has crumbled, leaving her vulnerable and exposed in a way that makes your chest ache.

Laura immediately goes to her, wrapping her arms around Amy's trembling shoulders. "Hey, it's okay, Amy," she soothes, her voice gentle.

"Yeah, we're here for you," you echo, feeling helpless in the face of such raw emotion.

Amy looks up, her face blotchy and tear-stained. "I'm so sorry," she hiccups, her voice barely audible.

a woman in a grey hoodie sitting on a bed

You grab some tissues and offer them to her. "Don't be embarrassed," you say softly. Emotions are real, and they're valid."

She takes the tissues, offering a watery smile. "Thanks," she whispers. “It’s just… a lot.”

Laura rubs small circles on Amy's back. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks gently.

Amy takes a deep, shuddering breath, nodding slowly. She opens her mouth to speak, but the words seem to catch in her throat. She closes her eyes, gathering herself.

You kneel before them, offering Amy another tissue. She takes it with a shaky hand, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen.

"Amy," you say softly, "take your time. But we really should talk..."

She nods, drawing in a deep, shuddering breath. Her fingers twist the tissue, a physical manifestation of her inner turmoil. "I... I don't even know where to start," she whispers.

Laura gently squeezes her shoulder. "Just start anywhere. It doesn't have to be perfect."

Amy closes her eyes, centering herself. When she opens them again, despite the lingering tears, there's a determination there. "It's just," she begins, her voice barely audible. The way she's been acting... it's not right."

She pauses, struggling to find the right words. You and Laura remain silent.

"It's not just about the nudity," Amy continues, her words coming out in fits and starts. "Or even the flirting. I mean, we're all adults, right? We can handle a little... attraction." Her cheeks flush as she says this, her gaze dropping to her hands.

"But it's more than that. It's... it's the disrespect." Her voice gains strength as she speaks, fueled by her conviction. "The way she's treating your relationship. The way she’s treating you, Laura. Like it's... like… you don’t matter. Like she’d throw your entire love under the bus for a thrill."

Laura's brow furrows, but she doesn't interrupt. You can see the wheels turning in her mind as she processes Amy's words.

Amy takes another deep breath, her shoulders hunching as if bracing for impact. "I don't mind Jo looking at you," she says, her eyes flicking to you briefly before darting away. "Or even... even wanting you. That's natural, I guess. And if you guys were open to it, I mean… never mind. But the way she's going about it..."

She trails off, fresh tears welling in her eyes. "It's like she doesn't care about the consequences. Like she's willing to risk your beautiful relationship just for... for what? Some fleeting excitement?"

The pain in Amy's voice is palpable, her words heavy with the weight of her concern. You're struck by how deeply she cares, how invested she is in your and Laura's happiness.

"I love Jo," Amy says, her voice cracking. "But I can't stand by and watch her potentially ruin something so precious. You and Laura... what you have is special. And Jo's treating it like it's disposable.” Amy turns to Laura. “And you’re her best friend. If she treats you like this… what’s in store for me?"

Laura pulls Amy closer, resting her chin on the top of Amy's head. "Oh, Amy," she murmurs, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Amy continues, her words coming faster now as if a dam has broken. "I'm worried about her character. About what this says about her as a person, as a friend. Does she not value your friendship, Laura? Does she not respect your relationship? I love her, her life and energy and vibrance but…"

Her voice drops to a whisper, laden with fear and uncertainty. "What if... what if she'd do the same to me? To us?"

The room falls silent, the weight of Amy's words hanging heavy in the air. You find yourself at a loss, the complexity of the situation overwhelming. It's not just about attraction or boundaries anymore; it's about trust, respect, and the delicate balance of friendships and relationships.

Amy sniffles, wiping her eyes with the crumpled tissue. "I'm sorry," she says, her voice small and vulnerable. "I didn't mean to dump all of this on you. I just... I couldn't keep it in anymore."

You reach out, gently squeezing her hand. "Never apologize for being honest about your feelings, Amy," you say softly. "We're grateful you trusted us enough to share this."

Laura nods in agreement. "You're not just Jo's girlfriend, Amy. You're our friend too. Your feelings matter to us."

Amy offers a watery smile, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Thank you," she whispers. "I was so afraid you'd think I was overreacting or being prudish or something. I mean, Jo and I are open. Like, we don’t do jealousy or anything, I just… I already said it. I worry about if she’s a good friend, a good person. It’s ok to be, well, horny. It’s not ok to fuck with your friend’s relationships."

The expletive sounds wrong coming from Amy.

"Not at all," you assure her. "Your concerns are valid, and we hear you. It's just... I don't think you have all the information."

You and Laura exchange a meaningful glance, silently agreeing on how to proceed. Laura takes a deep breath, her hand resting comfortably on Amy's shoulder.

"Amy," Laura begins gently, "there's something we need to explain. It might help put things in perspective."

“Yeah, you might be overthinking this a bit,” you add.

Amy looks up, her eyes red-rimmed but curious. You lean forward, choosing your words carefully.

"Laura and I had a conversation earlier," you say. "About boundaries, attraction, and our relationship. We've... come to an understanding about certain things."

Laura nods, picking up where you left off. "We realized that we're both okay with looking, with appreciating. As long as it doesn't cross certain lines, we're comfortable with a bit of... playfulness. And we’ve been having this conversation for a while now. Or a flavor of it, at least."

Amy's brow furrows, confusion replacing some of the distress on her face. "What do you mean?"

You and Laura take turns explaining your earlier conversation, detailing the nuances of your agreement. As you speak, you can see Amy processing the information, her expression shifting from confusion to thoughtful consideration.

two young women in pink dresses sitting on a bed

"So, you're not upset about Jo's behavior?" Amy asks, her voice small but steady.

Laura shakes her head. "Not in the way you thought. We understand where she's coming from, and we've set our own boundaries."

Amy nods slowly, her brow still furrowed. "I... I think I understand. You set boundaries? When?"

You and Laura share another glance. You take a deep breath, deciding to broach the subject. "Actually, we have some… history with Jo."

Amy's eyebrows rise, curiosity piqued.

Laura looks over at you. “Should we tell her…”

You shrug. “I mean, she just said they don’t do jealousy. And I believe her.”

Laura nods, setting her features. “Ok. Do you want to start?”

“Sure. We were studying for finals, fall quarter. And it was the three of us.”

"And," Laura interjects gently, "something happened that night. Something Jo was... involved in."

Laura continues, her voice soft. "We were all stressed from studying, and things got... heated. Jo was watching us, and she started touching herself."

You feel a twitch of arousal at the memory, remembering Jo's flushed face, her hand moving as she pleasured herself. Laura continues, describing how Jo's breathing had quickened, how her eyes had locked with yours as Laura's mouth worked over you.

Amy listens, her eyes widening as the story unfolds. Her cheeks flush, and she shifts slightly in her seat.

"I... Jo never told me about this," she says, her voice a mix of surprise and something else... intrigue?

"I hope it's okay that we told you," you say, suddenly uncertain.

Amy doesn't respond immediately. Her gaze is distant, processing this new information. Slowly, her expression begins to change, moving from shock to thoughtfulness, and then, gradually, to understanding.

"It's... it's more than okay," she says finally, her voice soft. "It actually helps me understand a lot."

You watch as Amy works through her thoughts, her earlier distress giving way to a new perspective. It's not an instant switch, but a slow unveiling of understanding.

"I was so worried," Amy continues, her voice gaining strength, "that Jo was just being reckless, disrespectful. But knowing this, knowing your perspective and your history... it changes things. You do have, I guess, an arrangement."

She takes a deep breath, her eyes shining with newfound clarity. "It helps me see where she's coming from. And..." she pauses, biting her lip, a hint of color rising in her cheeks, "I guess I read too much into it. God, I feel like an ass.”

She shifts again in her seat. “And I have to admit, it's... a good story."

Laura chuckles softly, giving Amy's shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Well, I'm glad we could clear things up," she says.

Amy nods, her posture relaxing visibly. She clears her throat nervously before letting out an exhausted sigh. “Now I feel stupid for assuming my girlfriend was some characterless homewrecker or something. But knowing this, knowing your perspective… her actions make sense."

She takes another deep breath, her eyes moving between you and Laura. "Thank you both for explaining. For being so open with me. I... I need to talk to Jo. To understand her side of things, too."

a young woman in a grey hoodie sitting on a bed

You nod, feeling the tension in the room dissipate. "Of course, Amy. We're always here if you need to talk."

Laura stands, helping Amy to her feet. "Do you want us to go find Jo for you?"

Amy shakes her head, a determined look settling on her face. "No, I’ll give her some time. I… I don’t really know how she handles things like this, emotionally. But thank you. For everything." Amy sniffs, wiping the last of her tears from her eyes. “I’m going to take a shower, I guess. Then I’ll go find her.”

As Amy softly closes the bathroom door, you and Laura share a look of relief and understanding. The air feels lighter.

Laura exhales in relief, a smile breaking out on her face. She looks towards the bathroom door, a grin slowly breaking out on her face.

a woman in a pink top is smiling

“God, I’m so relieved. I was so worried for them, but I think it will turn out in the end.”

You wrap an arm around her, pulling her close. "Yeah. What a day."

You feel Laura nod against your shoulder.

“What a day. And it’s not even half over yet.”

You grunt. “I need a nap.”