
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover

Sun Protection

Chapter 9

Oct 4, 2024

As consciousness slowly seeps back into your mind, the first thing you become aware of is the warmth of Laura's body draped over yours. Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the soft morning light filtering through the cabin windows. As your vision clears, you're momentarily startled by the sight of Jo and Amy's naked forms tangled together on the other bed. For a split second, confusion reigns until memories of the previous night come flooding back in a rush of sensory impressions and emotions.

Carefully, so as not to wake Laura, you extricate yourself from her embrace and slip on a pair of boxers. The wooden floor is cool beneath your feet as you pad to the bathroom, your mind still processing the events of last night.

As you brush your teeth, you realize you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Shouldn't you be feeling shame? Confusion? Regret? But as you search your emotions, you find none of these. Instead, there's a surprising sense of contentment, even happiness. Your reflection in the mirror looks back at you with clear eyes and a slight smile. You just hope Laura feels the same way.

When you emerge from the bathroom, you find Laura awake, blissfully naked on the bed. She gives you a sleepy smile that makes your heart skip a beat.

a beautiful naked woman sitting on a bed
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"Good morning, beautiful," you say softly, sitting down next to her.

"Morning," she replies, her voice still husky with sleep. She leans in for a kiss, but you playfully lean back. "Ah, ah," you tease. "Morning breath."

Laura rolls her eyes, but her smile widens. "Oh, excuse me, Mr. Minty Fresh," she retorts, poking you in the ribs.

You laugh, capturing her hand and bringing it to your lips for a kiss. "How are you feeling?" you ask, your tone becoming more serious.

Laura's expression softens. "Good," she says simply, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your lips. "Really good, actually."

Laura heads to the bathroom, the activity waking Amy and Jo. The three of you get dressed, and in moments the scent of coffee begins to fill the cabin. After pouring yourselves generous mugs, you and Laura make your way out to the deck, leaving Amy and Jo to some private cuddling on the couch. The sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon. You settle into the worn wooden chairs, the morning air cool against your skin.

For a while, you both sip your coffee in comfortable silence, watching the day begin. Eventually, Laura turns to you, a question in her eyes. "So, I’m good. But how are you feeling? About me and Amy?"

You consider this for a moment. "Well," you say, unsure, stalling. "How was that for you?"

Laura shrugs, a small smile playing at her lips. "It was nice," she says. "But not, like, sexually interesting, by itself. If that makes sense? I didn't find it gross or anything, but the exciting part was really you."

You nod, understanding. "So, does this mean you're not bi?"

Laura laughs softly. "I guess not," she says. "But maybe not, like, hardline straight either? But it’s more about you, so does that mean I’m not into girls at all? I don't know, it's confusing."

“Look,” you say, adopting a mock professorial tone, “you’re just going through your stereotypical college experimenting phase.”

“Yeah!” Laura says, beaming. “I feel like it’s a legal obligation for a girl to experiment with another girl at least once in college.” She gets thoughtful for a moment. “Hey, what about you and another guy?”

You cough into your coffee, sputtering the hot liquid. Laura cackles.

“Oh, I think I’ve found a double standard!” She proclaims with glee.

You shake your head, wiping coffee off your face.

“Speaking of another guy,” you say, dodging the topic, “you being with Amy didn't bother me at all, which is kind of confusing, because I know it would bother me if it was another guy.”

Laura raises an eyebrow. "Hmm, is that sexist?" she asks.

You laugh, running a hand through your hair. “Maybe?”.

Laura considers this, then shrugs. "Well, Mr. Slightly Sexist," she says, her voice playful, "it doesn't matter anyway." She leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "Because you're the only one who's getting me."

You smile against her lips, pulling her closer. When you finally pull apart, Laura rests her forehead against yours. "I love you," she whispers.

"I love you too," you reply.

a woman holding a cup of coffee in front of a mountain

The sun continues to rise, bathing the world in golden light. You and Laura sit together, hands intertwined.

As you both bask in the gentle morning light, the peaceful atmosphere is suddenly broken by the sound of the cabin door swinging open. Jo bursts onto the deck, with Amy close behind. Both are clutching steaming mugs of coffee.

"Hey, hot stuff!" Jo exclaims, shattering the peace on the deck. Her eyebrows waggle as her gaze lands on you. "I can't believe I got to use this big hunk like a dildo last night!"

She pantomimes thrusting motions, causing Laura to bury her face in her hands, her cheeks flushing a deep red. Amy, standing behind Jo, looks simultaneously amused and mortified.

"Jo!" Amy hisses, but there's no admonishment in her tone.

Jo ignores her, striding over to you with her hand raised for a high five. "Best prop dick ever, am I right?" she says with a wink.

"Glad I could be of service," you reply, accepting the high five.

Laura rolls her eyes fondly. "Jo, it's too early for this level of... Jo-ness," she says, but there's a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Mercifully, Jo calms down. The sound of the forest waking up surrounds you – birds chirping, leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

“So,” Laura begins, “how was last night for you two? Amy, you’ve never seemed the… wild type -”

Jo snorts, cutting Laura off. Laura purses her lips at her.

Amy smiles. "We're good," she says simply. "For us, last night was... well, it was fun, but it's not a big deal."

a woman holding a coffee cup in the woods

Jo nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, we're pretty open to a more 'open' relationship," she adds, making air quotes with her fingers. "I mean, as long as we're both cool with it, why not have some fun?"

Amy reaches out to take Jo’s hand. "It's true. We've talked about this kind of thing before."

Jo's expression suddenly turns serious – or as serious as Jo can manage. "Look," she says, leaning forward, "I'm just gonna be real here. All I want is to see Amy get off. I don't really care how or who makes it happen."

Amy's face flushes again, but she doesn't contradict Jo. Instead, she shrugs, a small smile playing at her lips. "I guess that sums it up," she says softly.

Laura looks between Jo and Amy, her brow furrowed slightly. "Wow," she says. "That makes our rules feel kind of... I don't know, complicated, in comparison."

Jo shrugs. "Whatever. This shit's complicated.”

Everyone nods sagely at this. For a moment, the only sound is the gentle clinking of coffee mugs and the distant call of a bird.

"You know what?" Laura says suddenly, breaking the silence. "This is nice. How open everyone's being.”

Jo grins, raising her coffee mug in a mock toast. "To healthy communication and awesome orgasms!" she declares. She doesn’t wait for anyone else to join in before taking a hearty sip.

"So," you say, "what's on the agenda for today?"

Jo's eyes light up, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Well, since you're asking," she says, leaning forward conspiratorially, "I vote for an orgy. Like, a real one."

a beautiful red haired woman with big tits standing on a wooden deck

Laura chokes on her coffee while Amy lets out a long-suffering sigh, but she's smiling.

"Jo, my love," Amy says patiently, "we haven't even had breakfast yet."

You nod in agreement. "How about we start with something a little less... intense?" you suggest. "We're at the beach, after all. Why not a morning swim?"

Laura perks up at this idea. "Oh, that sounds perfect," she says, stretching her arms above her head. "And you know," she adds with a sly smile toward Jo, "we could always get naked at the beach. Best of both worlds."

Jo's face lights up again. "Now you're talkin’ my language!"

With the plan settled, you all finish your coffee and head back inside to prepare for the beach.

≋ ≋ ≋

Soon, you're all making your way down the sandy path to the beach from the parking lot. The sun is higher now, warming your skin as you walk. The sound of waves grows louder with each step, and the salty smell of the ocean fills your nostrils.

As you reach the beach, Jo wastes no time in stripping down. "Last one naked owes me a kiss!" she calls out, already kicking off her shoes.

Laura laughs as she begins to undress as well. You notice a new confidence in her movements, a comfort with her body that wasn't there before.

a nude woman posing on the beach
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a beautiful young woman posing nude on the beach
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You and Amy follow suit, and soon you're all bare beneath the sun. Laura and Amy set up the beach chairs you brought, each pulling out a book. As they settle in, you overhear them discussing their reading choices.

Jo sidles up to you, her grin wide and carefree. "This was a good idea," she declares, gesturing at the scene before you. "Nothing beats a naked beach day with friends."

You nod in agreement. "Just think," she continues, her voice taking on a dreamy quality, "next year is going to be amazing. Amy will have her job, we'll have money to do all sorts of fun stuff. We could make trips like this a regular thing!"

As Jo chatters on, rummaging through a bag for sunscreen, you can't help but notice the way Amy's shoulders tense at Jo's words. She buries her face deeper in her book, but not before you catch a glimpse of worry clouding her features.

You glance at Laura, and her expression tells you she's noticed too.

Jo, oblivious to the shift in mood, continues to paint a picture of the future – one that, you realize with a sinking feeling, does not align with Amy's plans. The joy of the morning suddenly feels fragile, overshadowed by the looming conversation you know Amy and Jo need to have.

You catch Laura's eye as Jo applies sunscreen, still talking animatedly about future plans. She gives you a small, sad smile, and you know you're both thinking the same thing.

Jo starts applying sunscreen to her arms, the white lotion glistening on her skin. Suddenly, she pauses, a mischievous glint in her eye as she turns to you, holding out the bottle.

"Hey, could you help me with my back?" she asks, her voice low and sultry. "I'd hate to burn in any hard-to-reach places." She winks, gesturing to her naked form.

You swallow hard, taking the sunscreen from her. Thoughts of Amy's predicament fade to the background as Jo lays down on her stomach on the beach towel, her nude body stretched out before you like an offering. You kneel beside her, your eyes roaming hungrily over the expanse of her bare skin, from the delicate curve of her shoulders to the luscious swell of her ass.

As you begin to massage the sunscreen into her back, from your position at her side, Jo lets out a contented sigh. "That feels amazing," she murmurs. "Hey, while you're there, could you work out some knots? I'm feeling a bit sore from last night's... activities."

You comply, your hands kneading into her muscles. Jo moans appreciatively, the sound sending a jolt of arousal through you. "Oh, that's perfect," she breathes. You continue enjoying the feeling of her soft skin under your hands as you knead in the sunscreen.

"Fuck, yes, just like that," she says. She turns her head, looking at you from the corner of her eye. "You know, you might get better leverage if you straddle me."

Your heart skips a beat at the suggestion. Slowly, carefully, you swing a leg over her, settling your weight on her upper thighs. The position is incredibly intimate, your nakedness pressing against hers. As you continue to massage the sunscreen into her skin, you feel yourself starting to harden, your erection growing with each passing moment. In moments, your cock is just inches away from nestling in the cleft of her ass.

You glance at Laura, gauging her reaction. She's watching you over her book, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

As you work your way up to Jo's neck, she suddenly starts to turn beneath you. Her legs rub against yours as she flips over, settling on her back. She moves her hands behind her head, an invitation in her eyes.

"Be a dear and do the front too?" she asks.

a beautiful red haired woman with big tits laying on a towel
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Your eyes roam over her nude form wedged between your legs, drinking in every detail. Her breasts are full and round, her nipples already hardening in the cool ocean breeze. Your eyes trace down her stomach to the enticing patch of red curls at the junction of her thighs. As your gaze returns to her face, you catch her eyeing your erect member, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

You squirt some more sunscreen into your hands, keeping up the thin pretense. Starting at her shoulders, you glide your hands over her skin, feeling across her upper chest. Her skin is soft, different than Laura's, and you feel her chest gently expand as she takes in a breath. Building courage, you skim along the sides of her ribcage, your forearms brushing the outside of her breasts. Jo breathes deeper, her back arching ever so slightly, pushing her chest toward you.

Your hands hover for a moment, hesitant. Then, you let them brush lightly across the swell of Jo's breasts, your fingertips ghosting along their generous swell. You hear Jo's sharp intake of breath. Her skin pebbles beneath your fingers as you trace gentle circles, slowly spiraling inward.

Jo's eyes flutter closed, her lips parting slightly. "Mmm," she hums, encouraging you.

Emboldened, you cup her breasts fully, savoring their weight in your palms. They're different from Laura's - fuller, with a different shape that fits your hands in a new, exciting way. Jo arches into your touch, a soft moan escaping her.

Your thumbs brush across her nipples, feeling them harden further. Jo's back arches slightly off the towel, pressing into your touch. "Oh yeah," she breathes, her voice husky.

You roll her nipples between your fingers. Jo's hips begin to move, subtle undulations you feel between your legs. Your arousal builds, your cock now fully erect and straining toward her.

As you continue to knead and caress Jo's breasts, your movements become more confident, more purposeful. You squeeze gently, then more firmly, gauging her reactions. Jo's breathing grows heavier, her chest rising and falling rapidly under your ministrations. You can tell she likes subtly different things than Laura. You pinch her nipples, squeezing between your forefinger and thumb, pulling outward gently.

"Fuck," Jo groans, her eyes opening to meet yours. They're dark with desire, a hunger in them that makes your cock twitch. "You're good at this."

Your cock is rock hard now, throbbing with each beat of your heart. Jo is breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling under your hands as you grope her.

a red haired woman with big tits on the beach
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You lean forward, tracing the curve of her neck with one hand while the other continues to work her breast. As you shift, your erection slides across Jo's stomach. The contact sends a jolt of pleasure through you, drawing a groan from deep in your chest.

Jo grins up at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Enjoying yourself?" she teases, her voice low. Your gaze darts to Laura, who is watching over the top of her book with hunger in her eyes. She raises an eyebrow at you, then pretends to return to reading.

Turning back to Jo, you again capture her nipple between your thumb and forefinger, squeezing harder this time, far harder than you would with Laura. Your other hand circles the other gently before flicking the soft nub. Jo's reaction is immediate - her back arches sharply, a loud moan escaping her lips. Your cock slides across her stomach again

"Fuck," Jo pants, her hands coming up to grip your thighs. "You might be able to make me come like this…"

You glance over at Amy, excited to see her reaction, but something beyond her catches your eye. Your blood runs cold as you spot a naked elderly man ambling down the beach toward you, his wrinkled body on full display. His weathered junk flops with each step, a sight that immediately begins to douse arousal.

"Shit," you mutter, hastily dismounting Jo and fumbling for a towel to cover yourself. Jo sits up, confusion written across her face until she follows your gaze. Her eyes widen, and she moves quickly, acting casual.

The old man continues ambling forward, finally stopping for a stretch a few dozen yards away between your group and the ocean. Mercifully, he's seemingly oblivious to the commotion he's caused. Less mercifully, he stops to stretch, arms reaching toward the sky, giving you all an unwanted view of his saggy posterior. As he bends to touch his toes, the group collectively winces.

After what feels like an eternity of awkward poses, the man continues his stroll down the beach, whistling tunelessly as he goes. Long gone is the need for a towel to hide any inappropriate boners.

As soon as he's out of earshot, Laura bursts into laughter. "Oh my god," she wheezes, wiping tears from her eyes. "Jo, that's totally going to be you in fifty years."

Jo strikes a pose, flipping her hair dramatically. "Excuse you, I intend to be young and beautiful forever," she declares. "Besides, even if I do age, I'll rock it like that guy. Did you see the confidence?"

a nude woman sitting on a beach chair
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Jo and Laura dissolve into giggles, sexual tension dissipated. Amy chuckles too, but her laugh doesn't quite reach her eyes. There's a shadow there, a hint of worry that you're unfortunately getting very familiar with. The secret of her grad school acceptance weighs heavily on her.

"Well," you say, standing up and stretching, "I don't know about you all, but I could use a cool-off. Anyone up for a swim?"

Without waiting for an answer, you head to the waves, letting the cool water wash away the last vestiges of your earlier arousal. As you dive into an oncoming wave, you wonder how long Amy can keep her secret and what will happen when it finally comes out.

≋ ≋ ≋

"... and for the pièce de resistance," Jo declares, brandishing a bottle of hot sauce, "a dash of spice for my spicy lady, just like she likes it." Jo winks at Amy as she applies the hot sauce to her sandwich.

As you all settle around the small table on the deck with your sandwiches, Jo regales with stories of her part-time job as a "sandwich artist," complete with impressions of irate customers.

As Jo finishes a story, you notice Amy fidgeting with her napkin, her eyes darting nervously between Jo and her plate. She takes a deep breath as if steeling herself for something. This is it.

"Hey, guys," Amy says, her voice soft but determined. "There's actually something I've been meaning to talk about."

The mood shifts as Jo takes in the reaction from her friends. Amy looks down into her lap as Jo's eyes flit between your faces, her sandwich forgotten mid-bite.

“What’s going on,” Jo says, eyes narrowing. “Did you guys already fuck without me? How’d you sneak that in?”

“No, no,” Amy says, shaking her head. “It’s not about sex, it’s…” – now Jo looks concerned – “I promised myself I would tell you this before the trip was over," she continues, her words coming out in a rush.

"I got accepted into a graduate program. On the East Coast. With a full scholarship. I have to move out. It’s the right thing to do."

a young woman with red eyes in the woods

Jo's eyes widen, shock written across her features. For a moment, the deck is silent save for the gentle rustling of leaves in the morning breeze.

Jo looks directly into your eyes. "Did you two know about this?" she asks, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.

You and Laura exchange a glance before nodding slowly. You brace yourself for anger.

But instead, a wide grin spreads across her face, and she lets out a whoop of joy that echoes through the forest. In one fluid motion, she sweeps Amy up into a bear hug, lifting her off her feet.

"Fuck yeah!" Jo exclaims, spinning Amy around. "I didn't expect anything different from my genius girlfriend!"

Amy looks bewildered, her arms wrapped tightly around Jo's neck. When Jo finally sets her down, Amy's eyes are wide with confusion and hope.

"But... aren't you worried about long distance?" Amy asks hesitantly, her voice small and uncertain. “All those things you said at dinner…”

Jo throws her head back and laughs. "Girl, I’m a fucking comms major," she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "If I can't transfer into your fancy university, I'll just go to a shitty one nearby. As long as I'm with you, I don't care."

Amy's eyes fill with tears, but this time they're tears of joy and relief. She throws herself into Jo's arms again, burying her face in Jo's neck. "I'm sorry," she mumbles, her words muffled. "I'm sorry for making a big deal out of nothing, for expecting things of you that aren't fair. Again."

Jo pulls back slightly, cupping Amy's face in her hands. "Hey," she says softly, her usual boisterousness replaced by a tender sincerity. "Stop apologizing all the time. You’re fine and good and sweet and I love you."

“Ok, I won’t, I’m sorry,” Amy says, her voice muffled from her position pressed against Jo’s chest.

“Bad Amy! Bad!” Jo says, reaching around playfully spanking her. Amy laugh-sobs into Jo’s bosom, tears wetting her chest.

As Amy's tears subside, replaced by soft laughter at Jo's playful spanking, you feel Laura's hand slip into yours.

two women with red hair hugging in the woods

"Yeah, you guys are going to be okay," Laura whispers, leaning her head on your shoulder.

Jo finally releases Amy from her embrace, keeping an arm wrapped around her waist. She turns to face you and Laura, her trademark grin back in place.

"Well," Jo says, her voice only slightly shaky, "I guess we've got some planning to do. East Coast, here we come!"

"Wait," Laura says, her voice low. "If Jo moves... who's going to be my roommate? I… I didn’t think about that."

You clear your throat, suddenly aware of all eyes on you. "Well, Laura, I do still have that sweet deal on the apartment," you say, trying to keep your tone casual. "And you're over all the time anyway..."

Before you can finish, Amy's eyes widen. "Wait, are you asking her to move in?!" she exclaims.

You feel your face heat up. "What? No, I mean... it's just practical, right? Not a big deal or anything," you stammer, suddenly feeling very much on the spot.

The girls exchange glances, and you can see the girl-code alignment falling into place. "Not a big deal?" Jo scoffs. "Asking a girl to move in is a huge deal, buddy."

Amy nods emphatically. "It's like, a major relationship milestone," she adds. "You can't just spring that on a girl in front of her friend."

"I... that's not what I..." you start, raising your hands defensively, but before you can finish, Laura launches herself into your lap, nearly toppling you out of your chair. Her lips crash into yours, cutting off your protests with a passionate kiss that leaves you breathless.

When she finally pulls back, her eyes are shining. "I'd love to move in with you," she says softly, her smile radiant.

a beautiful young woman in a black bikini top

Jo lets out another whoop, clapping her hands. "Look at us, all growing and shit!" she exclaims. "East Coast adventures for me and Amy, love shack for you two cuties."

Laura remains comfortably nestled in your lap as the conversation shifts. Amy, her eyes bright with excitement, delves into the details of her graduate program. She talks animatedly about her potential advisors and the groundbreaking research she'll be part of. Jo, true to form, interjects that she’s not interested in all that "nerdy stuff," but her pride in Amy is clear from her fond smile.

As the girls chatter, your mind begins to wander. Your arms instinctively tighten around Laura's waist, and you find yourself contemplating the future. Moving in with Laura feels like a big step, but one that fills you with excitement rather than apprehension. You think about waking up next to her every morning, sharing quiet evenings, and building a life together.

Your thoughts drift to Amy and Jo, and a bittersweet feeling washes over you. You'll miss their constant presence, the impromptu hangouts, and Jo's outrageous antics. But seeing their joy, the way they complete each other… it fills you with happiness for them.

You lean back in your chair, content to listen to the conversation. Laura shifts slightly, settling more comfortably against you. Her hand finds your thigh, a gentle unconscious gesture of connection even as she remains engrossed in the discussion with Amy and Jo.

As you sit there, surrounded by laughter and the warmth of friendship, a sense of contentment washes over you. You're struck by how much has changed since that first day of college. Friendships forged, love discovered, boundaries explored and expanded. A small smile plays at your lips as you realize: this has been, without a doubt, the best freshman year ever. And as you look at Laura, feeling her comforting weight in your arms, you look forward to all the years to come.

The End

three beautiful women with big tits posing in the woods
two women in blue jeans posing for the camera

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Theo's Signature