
Josephine on Fire

Chapter cover

Girl time.

Chapter 16

Feb 21, 2024

The four of us are gathered around the fire pit outside, the sky a deep indigo. Stars sprinkle the vast expanse like tiny diamonds — it gets dark early this time of year. Out here there’s no light pollution, and it’s truly breathtaking. The fire crackles and pops, sending embers dancing into the night, their ephemeral glow matching the buzz that's started to build in my veins. I'm a few beers in, the cans discarded in a neat pile by my chair, their metallic surfaces reflecting the firelight.

We're all seated in comfortable camp chairs, the warmth of the fire warding off the chill of the evening. I’m holding a stick over the fire, a marshmallow skewered on the end. It’s on fire, and I let it burn a little bit before blowing it out. Charred to a crisp, just how I like it. Amy’s, naturally, is perfectly golden brown.

The fire frames Caleb's animated face in its warm glow, as he leans forward, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Alright, alright," he starts, his voice taking on the theatrical inflections of a seasoned storyteller. "Have I ever told you about the time my fraternity brothers and I tried to 'borrow' the university mascot?"

Ethan chokes on his beer, laughter bubbling up as he shakes his head. "Oh god, not this one," he says, but there's an indulgent smile on his face, his eyes fond as he watches Caleb.

Amy is next to me, predictably quiet, but considerably more comfortable and relaxed compared to earlier. She's nursing a beer, her cheeks tinged a soft pink from the alcohol and the fire's glow.

With Caleb's story winding down, and the laughter subsiding into contented smiles, it's Ethan who breaks the silence. He turns towards Amy, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Amy," he begins, his voice soft in the quiet of the night, "why did you choose to study Astrophysics?"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Amy blinks, her expression thoughtful. "Well,” she begins, "when I was little, my dad used to read me all these fantasy stories. I always loved the stuff with space, and celestial beings. You know, moon goddesses, angels... But my favorite story was always about Orion, the hunter.”

She pauses, her gaze directed at the constellation above. “I'd look up at the night sky, trying to find him among the stars. It felt like... like I had a personal connection with the universe. I suppose I've been chasing that feeling ever since. Being able to really understand, describe that with math… It makes it feel closer, and also so far away at the same time. Untouchable but appreciable. That's why I chose Astrophysics, I guess."

I let out a whistle, my eyes wide with exaggerated awe. "Damn! That was beautiful! You make me feel dumb." I say, waggling my eyebrows at her. "Always knew you had stars in your eyes."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Amy laughs, her cheeks lighting up with a soft blush. "Thanks, Jo," she says, her voice barely audible over the crackling fire.

From across the fire, Caleb breaks in, his voice thick with feigned disgust. "You two are disgustingly adorable," he says, but there's a twinkle in his eye.

Amy's blush deepens, and she averts her gaze, embarrassed. I just laugh. "Hell yeah, we're cute!" I declare, raising my beer in a toast before blowing a dramatic, tipsy kiss in Amy's direction.

Caleb and Ethan share another one of those looks that I can't quite decipher. Caleb stretches his arms, his muscular frame silhouetted against the dying fire. "Well, ladies," he announces, "this gorgeous young boy needs his beauty sleep."

Ethan nods in agreement, slowly rising from his chair and squeezing Caleb’s shoulder. "Yeah, it's about time we headed in," he adds.

I stand up, pulling each of them into a bear hug. "Get some sleep in between the ‘sex fest’ sexing," I say, the alcohol in my system making me feel loose and carefree, if not clever.

Amy smiles and waves at them, her usual reserved self. "Goodnight, guys," she says softly, her eyes warm in the firelight.

Once they're gone, the silence stretches out between us like a tangible entity. The fire crackles. I watch Amy, her profile illuminated by the dying embers. She seems distant, lost in her thoughts. It's a sight that stirs a sense of concern in me.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Suddenly, I can't hold it back anymore. "Okay, what's wrong, Amy?" I burst out. "Are you okay?"

Amy looks taken aback, her eyes full of concern. "Oh, I don't know," she mumbles, her hands fidgeting in her lap. "I'm just... sorry."

Her apology throws me off. "Sorry?" I echo, confusion lacing my voice. "What are you sorry about?"

Amy doesn't answer right away and instead reaches for her drink. She takes a long sip, her throat bobbing as she swallows. I wait, my heart pounding in my chest, as she gathers the courage to continue.

Amy takes a deep breath, her fingers toying with the rim of her can. "You remember... the car?" she starts, her voice hesitant.

I blink at her, my mind momentarily blank. "The car?" I say. “What about it?”

She nods, her cheeks flushing pink. "The vibrations, you know, what happened..." Her voice trails off, the words hanging heavily in the silence.

I don’t think I can play dumb anymore. The car ride, Amy on my lap, the strange tension... “Oh! That car ride!” I say, my face probably mirroring her embarrassment. I wave my hand for her to continue, my heart thudding in my chest.

"Well," she starts, her gaze fixed on her hands, "you probably noticed... what it did to me. And that's not okay. You didn't ask to have me sit on you, and I just... I let it get carried away. I don't want to jeopardize our friendship--"

Her words are cut off by my boisterous laughter. It echoes through the quiet night. "So you got a bit turned on, so what?" I manage to get out between giggles, the alcohol making me feel bold and unbothered. "No harm done. Besides," I add, winking at her, "it was kind of fun."

Amy looks surprised, her eyes wide. Then, slowly, a smile spreads across her face. It's a genuine smile, the kind that makes her eyes crinkle at the corners, and it makes my heart do a funny little flip in my chest.

Amy's smile widens a bit as she nods. "Yeah, I... it was fun," she admits, her voice soft but steady.

I grin at her, my eyebrows doing more waggling, this time suggestively. "More than fun, Ames," I declare, my words slurred just slightly from the alcohol. "Fucking great!" I pause for a moment, a wicked glint in my eyes. “It’s giving sexual awakening on a washing machine for sure. Don’t worry about it."

Amy bursts out laughing at that, her body shaking with mirth. The tension seems to drain out of her, replaced by a kind of easy relaxation. It's as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, and I feel a sense of relief wash over me.

After a moment of comfortable silence, I turn to look at the hot tub, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Now that the boys are gone, how about some girl time?" I suggest, nodding towards the tub.

Amy blinks at me, her expression hesitant. "But I... I don't have a swimsuit," she says, her voice falling into a whisper.

I roll my eyes at her. "You packed half your closet and you didn't bring a swimsuit?" Then, with a shrug, I add, "Well, guess you'll just have to get naked." Her eyes go wide.

I stand up, stretching my arms above my head. "I'm gonna grab another drink," I announce, swaying slightly as I make my way towards the kitchen. "I'll meet you in the tub. Want one?"

Amy shakes her head, a soft smile on her face. "I think I'm good with this one," she says, raising her can slightly. I just pout, heading off to grab my drink

Inside the kitchen, I pull another beer from the fridge, my heart pounding with anticipation. Spying a bottle of vodka on the counter, I can't resist the impulse to take a shot. Why not, after all? It’s a party! The liquid burns as it goes down.

With a new beer in hand and another shot in me, I make my way back outside, my steps a bit more unsteady. The sight that greets me makes me stop in my tracks. Amy's clothes are neatly folded on a deck chair. She's in the tub, naked. She looks good. Really good.

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My heart kicks up a notch, an unexpected thrill running down my spine. Time for me to get naked too! I decide to put on a show, why not? I start to sway to a beat only I can hear, my hands running up and down my body as I start to strip.

My movements are a bit sloppy, my coordination off from the alcohol. I fumble with my sweater, giggling as I get caught up in it. Finally, I manage to get it over my head, and I drop it to the floor with a flourish.

Next, I shimmy out of my jeans, making a show of wiggling my hips. My bra and panties follow, tossed aside without caring where they land. All the while, I keep my eyes on Amy, my movements playful and teasing.

Amy watches me, her eyes wide. She tries to hide it, but I can see the curiosity and desire in her gaze. She’s smiling, and I give my butt a playful spank, which makes her laugh.

Finally, I'm as bare as Amy, the cool night air making me shiver. With a playful wink, I slide into the hot tub, the warm water enveloping me. We're both naked, both a bit tipsy - more than tipsy for me - and both dancing around a line that we've never crossed before.

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Amy's voice cuts through the silence, a soft murmur that echoes faintly against the soft drone of the hot tub jets. "This... feels good," she confesses, her eyelashes fluttering against her flushed cheeks as she leans her head back against the tub. The soft glow from the outdoor lights paints an ethereal aura around her, making her look almost otherworldly.

I find myself nodding, the words resonating with the whirlpool of sensations coursing through me. The warmth of the water, the cool of the night, the blur of the alcohol – it all converged into a single, potent moment of hedonistic pleasure. "Yeah," I manage to articulate, my voice coming out huskier than intended, "it does."

I take a long drink of the beer, chugging half of it or so. I can feel the world around me spinning gently, as if I were on a carousel, only slower and much more unpredictable. It's as if gravity itself is playing tricks on me, with the firm ground beneath the hot tub seeming to tilt and sway. A trail of laughter escapes me, uncontrolled, uninhibited.

Amy's gaze flickers towards me, her eyes wide and filled with a concern that stands out starkly against the softness of her features. There's something about the way she's looking at me that's almost motherly, not something I’m used to from her.

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Whatever, man. The alcohol coursing through me emboldens me, and words spill out of my mouth unfiltered. "You're beautiful, Ames," I say, my tongue tripping over the syllables. "Have I ever told you that? So sexy."

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Her expression shifts from concern to something more complex, a mix of emotions I can't dissect in my inebriated state. Time seems to be moving a bit funny now, so I just go with my gut. I Ignore whatever signs she’s putting off and slide closer to her in the tub. My leg slides up against hers, and I drape my arm around her shoulders in a semi-coordinated movement. Beneath the bubbling water, my other hand finds her thigh, and I squeeze, feeling her naked leg. I begin sliding it higher...

But before my hand can explore further, Amy intercepts it, her touch gentle but firm. "Hold on," she intervenes, a soft but undeniable assertion.

I try to protest, my words slurring into one another. "Come on, Ames," I slur out. "Let’s do the bathhouse scene. like in your book, with Bren, but like, in real life. With me and you," I lean closer to her, my breath in her face. She leans back, away from me. I don’t like that. “Don’t you want that?”

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She looks at me then, her eyes a silent sea of conflict. "Yes," she admits after a moment that feels like an eternity, her voice barely a whisper over the bubbling water. "But not like this."

Her words hit me like a splash of cold water, the reality of the situation seeping into my alcohol-soaked brain. At the same time, something doesn’t feel right in my stomach…

"I... I gotta go to the bathroom," I mumble out.

I struggle to stand, my limbs feeling like they're made of jelly. Every step is a battle, but I manage to stumble my way out of the tub, leaving Amy behind. I stumble naked through the great room, water dripping onto the floor. As I close the door behind me to the bathroom, everything fades to black.

≋ ≋ ≋

Jo, Jo, Jo, why did you do this?

I sit on the plush couch in the great room, the soft glow of the low-hanging pendant lights casting a warm, comforting glow around us. Jo’s head is nestled in my lap, her body cocooned in a fluffy robe, her eyes closed in a state of semi-consciousness.

It's been a whirlwind of a night. I held Jo's hair as she heaved into the toilet, I rushed to get her water, I coaxed her into the shower to wash away the remnants of the evening.

And now, here we are, in the dim tranquility of the great room, peace at last. I let my fingers glide through Jo's hair, the silky strands slipping through my fingers like liquid rose gold.

Her hair is damp and smells faintly of my lavender shampoo. Her head rests heavy in my lap, her breathing slow and steady. I feel like I’m drowning in my feelings for Jo, and this isn’t helping.

There's something about her, a wild and infectious energy that draws me in. She's like a whirlwind, unpredictable, confident, and full of surprises. And I'm just a leaf caught in her storm, helplessly swept up in her world. I like being swept up, and I don’t know why.

A sigh escapes my lips, a mix of longing and frustration. This moment is bittersweet, a poignant reminder of what could be, and yet, isn’t. I don't even know if Jo is really interested in me, or if she's just playing around. The uncertainty gnaws at me, a constant itch in the back of my mind.

I continue to run my fingers through her hair, a soothing rhythm that seems to lull Jo further into relaxation, pushing her towards sleep. She mumbles softly, the words slurred and incoherent. And then, she speaks, her voice a whisper, "You're the best, Amy... such a good friend."

Friend. The word stings. That's all I am to her, isn't it? All I’ll ever be. Another sigh escapes me, this one tinged with an undeniable sadness. But for now, I push away the disappointment, focusing instead on the woman in my lap. For tonight, I can be a friend.

With a gentle nudge, I coax Jo to sit up, her body swaying with fatigue. My heart clenches at her groggy confusion, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine. "Come on, Jo," I say. "Let's get you to bed."

She doesn't protest, allowing me to guide her through the dimly lit room and into the adjoining bedroom. It's a simple room, with a large, comfortable bed that looks invitingly soft. Gently, I guide her down onto the bed, tucking the blankets around her cocooned form.

Jo mumbles something incoherent, her eyes half-closed in exhaustion. Her words are swallowed by the pillow, but I get the gist of it. A thank you, or something close to it. I brush a loose strand of hair from her face, my hand lingering for a moment longer than necessary.

"Goodnight, Jo," I whisper, my voice barely audible in the quiet room. There's so much more I want to say, but the words get stuck in my throat. Maybe tomorrow, I tell myself. Maybe tomorrow we can talk about this.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

With one last glance at her sleeping form, I leave the room, quietly closing the door behind me. The couch in the great room is my final destination, the cushions cool and inviting. I retrieve extra blankets and pillows from the closet, creating a makeshift bed.

I curl up under the blankets, my thoughts a whirlpool of emotions. I can still smell the faint scent of lavender on my hands, a lingering reminder of Jo. As I close my eyes, I hope for the strength to face what tomorrow brings. For now, though, I let the silence of the cabin lul me to sleep, the image of Jo's peaceful face the last thing on my mind.