
Josephine on Fire

Chapter cover

Finally fulfilled

Chapter 23

Apr 10, 2024

The door to my dorm room clicks shut behind Amy with a sense of finality. Her eyes are on me, and her expression fills me with desire. I shiver under her gaze, goosebumps rising on my skin in a wave.

In two steps she’s in my arms, planting a hot, passionate kiss against my lips. I kiss her back, wrapping my hands around her waist. Her fingers are in my hair, lazily playing with the waves of cascading red. I feel her fingers comb down, finding my neck. Two fingers trace the curve of my neck and shoulder until they find a strap working overtime to keep me in this dress.

The heat of Amy's kiss lingers on my lips like an unspoken promise, intense and thrilling. As she pulls back slightly, I see the faintest tremor in her hands. She's always so composed, her nerdy charm wrapped in a veneer of calm, but now there's an electric current of anticipation buzzing between us that seems to crackle in the air.

"Amy..." My voice is barely a whisper, a soft confession of my pounding heart. I can feel the shift. This is new, uncharted territory for me—being with Amy in a way that's more than stolen glances and held hands. I’ve got to put my money where my mouth is now. I've always been the one in control, the life of the party, but with her, I want to explore the depths of what she wants from me.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her eyes, intense, search mine, asking silent questions that I'm only beginning to understand. There's a tenderness to her dominance, a careful handling of my … submission? Is that what I’m doing? She's been patient, oh so patient, and it's as if every moment we've spent circling each other has led to this precipice of passion.

I watch, heart hammering against my ribs, as her fingertips slowly, deliberately, slide the strap of my dress down my arm. It's more than just the promise of pleasure; it's an unveiling of my body to her.

"You're beautiful, Jo," Amy breathes out, and her voice is laced with awe. It's not the flippant compliment of a stranger or a horny frat boy; it's weighted with genuine emotion and desire. It makes me feel seen, understood. There's a whisper of lace against my skin as my dress shifts, and I'm acutely aware of every point of contact.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Are you sure?" she asks, and there's a vulnerability in her voice that matches my own internal tremor.

I nod, the movement jerky with the intensity of my emotions. "Yes, Amy, I've never been more sure of anything."

Her smile is my undoing—a mixture of relief and excitement.

“Good, because Jo, you really don’t fit in this dress,” Amy whispers against my lips. “You need to take it off right now.”

I swallow hard and nod, my wit failing in my haze of arousal. She lowers the other strap. As she does, her teeth find my bottom lip grabbing it playfully and pulling it forward. My head follows, and I lean forward, into her orbit as she leans backward, sliding the dress off me. It pools at my feet as I lean down into Amy, my nearly naked form bushing against Amy’s confident stance. I’m only in my panties now, already.

“That’s better,” Amy says, sliding a hand along my naked hip. I keep my hands at my side as she circles around me, appreciating my form. I want to touch her, but I feel frozen in place. I want to be frozen in place. Her fingers stay in contact with my torso, and she does a lazy lap around me, walking slowly, confidently. Her fingers trace a line of electricity across my body as they search my curves. I stay in place, somehow feeling exposed, naked here in my own room.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I love the feeling.

She arrives back in front of me, standing just a foot away. She pauses there for a second, looking at me. Her gaze feels hotter than any hand that’s ever been on me. I shudder again, more violently this time. There’s already a wet spot forming at the front of my panties.

In a moment, Amy’s confident posture melts away. Suddenly, so suddenly, she’s meek Amy again, a cute nerd, so eager to please. “Jo,” she starts, the edge of command completely gone from her voice. “Jo, seriously, do you like this? Is this ok? I mean, are you having fun?”

The spell is completely broken. I'm still turned on, but I’m not in a trance anymore. There’s nothing of a command in her question, no implicit, sexy, “tell-me-that-you-want-me-and-beg” sort of thing going on. It’s honest, raw in a different way than she was moments ago.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

I clear my throat before speaking. “Amy, for real,” I give her a very serious look, “I am having the greatest goddamn time of my life and I want you to keep telling me what to do.”

A smile breaks out on Amy’s face, not her dom, in-control smile (which I love) but her “happy nerd gets to talk about D&D” smile. “Good,” she says simply. “Because I’m having a very, very good time too.”

Her expression changes then, eyebrows dropping slightly, shoulders squaring up. I can feel the energy come off her again. It’s like she’s a space heater suddenly turned on, warming me up. I don’t know how she does it, but I’m instantly falling into that trance again.

Her lips are on mine before I can analyze what she just did to me so effortlessly. Firmly against mine. I inhale sharply through my nose as her hands slip into my panties and find my ass.

The kisses start traveling down my neck, her tongue lapping playfully against my skin. I moan now, my first of the night, but I expect it to be one of many. The thought sends chills through me again, or is it the way Amy’s hands are traveling across my spine?

“You’re good at following my instructions,” Amy says against my neck, “I want you to follow some more. Can you do that for me?”

I nod.

“Good,” Amy says, purring. Her hands trace the outer curves of my breasts, tantalizing, her touch feather-light. I reach out and grab her hips, but her hands are on my wrists suddenly, before I can explore her body.

“Not yet,” she says, a teasing lilt to her voice. “First, I want you to touch yourself. Consider your prohibition lifted.”

I’m so aroused and wet that I rush to comply. Standing there in the center of the room I run my hands along the outside of my soaked panties. I gasp, feeling the first stimulation for what feels like an eternity.

“Oh my, you really have followed my instructions, haven’t you…” Amy has moved behind me now, and we stand in the middle of the room together. I feel wanted as she circles me, preparing to have her way with me. I press my backside into her crotch as I finger myself slowly. I’m too sensitive to start fast. Her hands reach around, splaying out on my stomach as I run a finger up and down the length of my entrance.

Her hands travel up until they meet the bottom of my breasts. She stays under the curve, right below my nipples with both hands. I moan half in pleasure, half in frustration, wanting her to touch me. I increase my pace, shifting so my legs are a bit further apart as I stand there, pleasuring myself with my fingers in the middle of my room.

And then finally, her hands move to fully cradle my breasts. They squeeze, caress, and pinch as I slide my hand up and then down into the front of my panties.

“Good girl,” she says behind me. I hardly need any more stimulation to come as she kneads my breasts, pinching an erect nipple. I come closer, closer to the edge. Amy feels me tensing, and the motions of her hands stop. Instinctively, I stop too. “No no, don’t come yet,” she’s saying behind me. A growl of frustration escapes my lips, but I obey.

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I start up again, slower. My touch has to be feather-light to keep myself from coming. Amy’s removed her hands from my breasts, and I hear the rustle of fabric behind me. I feel her naked breasts press against my back, her hands resuming their play with my nipples. I start to turn to look at her, but she pulls at my nipples in a way that freezes me in place. I spread my legs, vulnerable, and I have to stop completely or I’ll be pushed over the edge.

It’s torture as I stand there frozen for a moment. Finally, she relinquishes her grip, allowing me to turn and look at her. The sight of Amy’s naked form takes my breath away. I’ve only seen her naked that one time before, and I was so drunk it hardly counts.

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I react on instinct, bending down to take her breasts in my mouth. No time for groping before. My tongue dives in greedily, sliding along the nub of her erect nipple. She moans then, the first I’ve elicited from her. It’s the most perfect sound in the world.

Her leg presses between mine as I lick and suck, and she presses her upper thigh into my crotch. The simple pressure is so pleasurable I freeze against her chest for a moment as she makes a gently rocking motion. Holy shit I could get off dry-humping Amy’s leg. Her fingers curl in my hair, pulling me into her breasts.

Her leg shifts behind mine, and she gives me a gentle push, sending me toppling back onto the bed. A laugh escapes my lips, and in moments she’s by my side, kissing me. Her tongue is greedy in my mouth, and I submit to her as she does whatever she wants with my lips. Her hand is on my breasts, pinching. And then she starts to travel lower…

She’s in my panties now. I suck in a hard breath, arching my back. My hands are above my head, pressing up against the wall.

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She strokes my clit once, so soft, so gentle.

I come. Hard, aggressive. I practically headbutt Amy as my entire body contorts. My hand finds hers and I press her fingers hard into my clit, my hips grinding against the sensation wildly. I shout, a single, strangled, high-pitched wail of pleasure. Amy’s lips are on my nipples as I keep coming, the waves pulsating across my entire body.

I feel like I come forever, my eyes squeezed shut. I feel Amy shifting around me on the bed, her weight moving, but her hand stays strumming on me, pressing, divine as she explores my folds. I’m finally in the aftershocks, and I’m able to open my eyes. I’m greeted with the sight of Amy, her pussy inches from my mouth. While I came she straddled me!

I want nothing more than for her to sit down on my face. She shifts, settling in with her legs on either side of my head.

“I didn’t expect you to come so fast,” Amy’s voice is audible through the earmuffs that are her thighs. “You’re so sensitive. I love it.” With that, she lowers herself down the last inches, and I barely have time to catch my breath before the scent and taste of her sex is on me.

I lap at her, tentative and unsure. I don’t know what I’m doing as my tongue finds her folds, but her reaction is immediate. From my position under her, I can feel every quake of her body, every reaction to my tongue playing along her pussy. My hands wrap around and find her ass, giving me even more contact and leverage as I pleasure her. I’m overwhelmed with her, physically and emotionally.

Soon, her moans fill the room, and I follow the implicit instructions there to pleasure her. I feast on her, enjoying the feel of her most intimate parts on my tongue. She’s grinding against my face now, pushing my tongue deeper. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever done in my life. As if in confirmation of the thought, her hand pushes my panties aside, and she starts again on my clit. My breath catches, hot against her sex, and this spurs her motions on.

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We pleasure each other in this not-quite 69, and I feel myself building again. I can barely focus on what I’m doing, I’m practically just sticking my tongue out and guiding her ass with my hands as she grinds and moans against me. And then, together, we’re there. Her thighs clench around my head, and her hips make chaotic arcs against my lips as she cries out my name. My own moans are muffled, but my hips writhe against her hand, my legs practically flailing as I come again, harder. It’s like my pussy is on fire. The waves of pleasure are so intense it almost hurts.

She rides out her orgasm on me, taking what she needs, the circles made by her hips slowing into smooth gyrations against my lips.

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I’m obsessed with her, in love with the way she’s used me. I keep lapping at her, running my hands along her back and ass in worship. She allows me to continue for a few moments more as the final shocks run through her body, her hands lightly dancing along my torso.

Finally, after a too-short eternity, she dismounts my face. She’s bending over, kissing me, planting soft pecks against my face that’s soaked with her. I can hardly think, and the words come out of me before they can be analyzed. “Are you sure?” I ask, “I’m still a mess with you.”

Amy laughs, and runs her fingers through my hair, causing me to shiver with a different kind of pleasure. “If you’re willing to put your tongue on it, I better be willing to also.”

No arguing with that logic, I suppose.

Amy crawls across my bed and grabs my towel off a hook and tosses it to me, unceremoniously covering my face. I laugh underneath the towel and use it to clean myself off.

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Finally, I take a moment to slide out of my sopping, ruined panties.

Amy's breath is still catching as she crawls back to me, naked, her movements languid, the aftermath of our passion clear by her uncoordinated movement. I reach for the fuzzy blanket at the foot of the bed, fingers brushing against the soft fabric. I pull it over us, its warmth a protective cocoon, and Amy exhales a contented sigh against my skin. Her leg hooks over mine in a tender claim, and I marvel at how natural it feels to be entangled with her, both body and soul.

"Wow," she exhales, her voice a mix of wonder and exhaustion as she nestles into the crook of my neck, her body a gentle weight. "I mean... wow, Jo."

"Yeah," I agree, my voice husky, still thick with desire and disbelief. "Wow doesn't even begin to cover it."

Her hand finds mine under the blanket, fingers entwining as we both try to catch our breath. The room feels charged, every nerve ending still alive with the memory of what we've just shared.

"That was..." I start, but I lose words for a moment, my grip on her tightening. "...earth-shattering."

I turn to look at her, our noses almost touching, and my heart swells at the sight of her—flushed and radiant and utterly beautiful. "I didn't know it could be like that," I whisper, honesty pouring out of me.

“Neither did I,” she says.

We lie there in silence for a moment, letting the words and the warmth wrap around us.

“I really, really like you, Jo,” Amy says. She chases the words with soft kisses against my neck that make me shiver and pull her closer.

“I really like you too, Amy.”

And like that, the room full of the scent of us, our naked bodies intertwined, we drift off to sleep.