
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Finally all alone.

Chapter 12

Jun 28, 2023

You glide up the stairs to her dorm room, passing a few other students in sweats and uggs that smile at your fancy clothes, some greeting Laura. Your mind is racing.

Now, standing outside her room, an awkward shyness falls between you for the first time. Your bravado from earlier flees in the face of what awaits behind closed doors. Laura pauses with her key in the lock, glancing over her shoulder to offer you a timid smile that belies her earlier confidence.

You shuffle your feet, rubbing the back of your neck as your eyes meet briefly before skittering away. "So, this is you," you say, gesturing lamely at her door.

Laura laughs softly, nodding. "This is me." She leans against the doorframe, biting her bottom lip. "Did you...want to come in?" Her voice drops to a whisper on those final words.

Your pulse pounds at the suggestion in her tone, but you’re nervous. This accelerated intimacy terrifies as much as it thrills, suddenly all the flirting and texting has become real. The girl in your phone is here now, inviting you in.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You take a shaky breath, hoping your rioting nerves don't show through. "Only if you're sure," you say, searching her eyes for any sign of doubt. But her gaze reflects your own mingled anticipation and anxiety over this step into the unknown, even as her lips curve into a coy smile.

Laura turns away to unlock her door before glancing over her shoulder again, eyes dancing. "Aren't you the least bit curious to find out what happens next?" She pushes open the door and waits, an unspoken invitation and challenge in that single question.

Your heart leaps even as your stomach flutters at the precipice before you.

You follow Laura into her dorm room, pulse racing. The interior is small but cozy, a set of bunk beds, some cute pillows, fairy lights… your eyes flick around, taking in details to calm your rioting nerves.

A movement catches your attention, interrupting your attempt to ground yourself in the surroundings. A petite girl with fiery red hair looks up from a textbook at the desk, breaking into an impish grin when she spots you hovering in the doorway behind Laura.

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"Jo! You're still here?" Laura exclaims in surprise. She glances between you and her roommate, eyebrows raised.

Jo springs up from the desk, rushing over to throw her arms around Laura in an exaggerated hug. "You brought a boy back! I'm so proud," she crows, planting smacking kisses on Laura's cheek.

Laura blushes, laughing as she tries to fend off her friend's enthusiasm. "Jo, stop it!"

Jo turns her appraising gaze on you, looking you up and down with a nod of approval. "Good enough for my Laura," she declares.

You chuckle, rubbing the back of your neck. "Thanks?"

Jo grins impishly, clearly enjoying the discomfort she's causing. "So, where did you two meet? How was the date? Give me all the details!" She flops onto Laura's bed, propping her chin in her hands.

Laura sighs, though her lips twitch with amusement at her friend's antics. "We met in the match program, and we’ve been texting since… we got pizza, played some trivia, talked..."

"...And decided to come back here, I see," Jo cuts in, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "You work fast! I like it. And this is the hike boy, hmm? Oh he’s cute. He got to your room quick. I get it bro, she’s H-A-W-T hot!" Jo grins at you.

You laugh, shaking your head at Jo's boldness. "Hey, it’s not just that! We just enjoyed each other's company, and the evening was still young..."

"So young Laura invited you back to her bedroom? My my, you are bold!" Jo fans herself dramatically. "No wonder you couldn't wait to get me out of here. Don't let me stop you, carry on! Let me give you a high five. Get in there."

Jo pinwheels a hand around dramatically, finally presenting it for a high five. You grin, slapping it. She blows on her palm and gives you a thumbs up.

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"Jo!" Laura exclaims, fighting back laughter. "Would you stop? Nothing's going to... 'carry on' with you pestering us!"

Jo sighs in mock disappointment. She looks down at her just-slapped hand. "Oooh, he's strong too. You never let me have any fun. But fine, I can take a hint. I know when I'm not wanted. You’d have invited me to watch by now if you were into it," She grins, giving you another saucy wink as she slides off the bed.

"You kids behave now. Or don't behave, I don't really care as long as I get to hear details!" Jo cackles at her own joke, dancing out of Laura's reach again.

"Goodnight, Jo!" Laura says pointedly, though her eyes shine with amusement. She starts herding Jo to the door again amid more laughs and teasing comments.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Which isn't much, but still. Have fuuuun!" With a final dramatic sigh, Jo allows herself to be ushered out the door at last.

Laura closes it behind her friend, leaning against the wood with a chuckle. "I'm really sorry about her. She means well, she's just...Jo." Her eyes meet yours, alight with mirth. The door bursts open again. Jo’s red hair pops through the gap. “Seriously, remember the details!” As quickly as she reappeared, she’s gone.

Laura pointedly locks the door behind her. The awkwardness has vanished. Jo is a good wing man, you think to yourself. Gotta keep her on your good side.

You grin, shaking your head. "Don't be sorry. I like Jo. She's entertaining, if a bit...over the top. And you were worried about making friends! She clearly adores you."

Laura laughs. "That's putting it mildly! She might adore me too much." Her eyes flick to the closed door, ensuring Jo has truly gone before she pushes off with a coy smile. "Now, where were we? I want you thinking about me, not her."

Laura's eyes flick to your lips as she approaches, that coy smile still playing about her mouth. Her hands run down the lapels of your jacket, straightening the fabric though her touch is anything but innocent. "Seriously, where were we?" she whispers.

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You lean in to close the space between you, pulse pounding. "Right about here, I think." Your lips meet in a gentle, searching kiss as her arms wind around your neck, pressing her body flush against yours.

The kiss deepens as pent up passion from a night of intimate exchanges spills over at last. Her lips are soft yet urgent, teasing your own. Your hands roam along the silky fabric of her dress, mapping the contours of curves beneath. She whimpers softly into your mouth, a wonderful sound.

When you break for air, her lips trail along your jaw, searing a path to your ear. "I've wanted to do that all night," she whispers. Her breath feathers against your skin, raising goosebumps in its wake.

"Me too," you groan, tilting her chin up to capture her mouth once more. Her tongue traces your bottom lip, then slips between, teasing and exploring. You stumble toward the bed, too lost in each other to navigate with much grace.

The back of Laura's legs hit the mattress. She tugs you down with her amid breathless laughter, that throaty sound mingling with gasps of pleasure as your mouths again meet. Her fingers play through your hair, tracing your shoulders, roaming at will as you balance over her on one forearm, your free hand wandering the terrain of her curves.

Another quiet moan escapes her as your lips leave hers to place feverish kisses down the column of her throat. Her head tips back, body arching into your every touch and caress. "Do you have any idea how irresistible you are?" you murmur against her skin.

Laura grins, eyes half-lidded with desire when she turns her gaze on you once more. Her hands slide inside your jacket, pushing it from your shoulders as she bites her lip coyly. "I could say the same about you. Now are you going to keep talking, or kiss me again?"

You need no further invitation to oblige, capturing Laura's lips once more. Between heated kisses, playful laughter and gasps of pleasure, Laura talks thorough kisses.

"I didn’t think I’d get this through the match program…" Laura murmurs against your mouth. Her hands slide under your shirt, tracing idle patterns on your back.

You grin, nuzzling into her neck to place feather-light kisses along her throat. "Me neither. Seriously, I almost died when you sent those selfies. I couldn’t believe my luck when you started stripping at the lake."

Laura giggles at the memory, tilting her head to give you better access. "And you got another view doing yoga, huh? I can’t believe you got me to do that."

"We were a terrible influence on each other," you reply with a laugh of your own. Your lips recapture hers, drinking in the taste of her kiss.

When you next come up for air, her eyes shine with mirth. "Our first coffee date - I never told you, but when I was coming back with my coffee I came within like an inch of spilling it all over you."

"No way! I definitely would have dumped you right there," you tease, brushing an errant lock of hair from her eyes. "Even your good looks can’t make up for being a clutz."

Laura grins, pulling you in for another deep, lingering kiss that leaves you both breathless. "Sureee, you big nerd. Then I had to fly off to Cabo," she murmurs, a hint of wistfulness in her tone at the memory of separation after forging such an intense new connection. Her fingers lace through yours, giving your hand an affectionate squeeze.

You bring her knuckles to your lips, brushing a kiss over them. "The pictures you sent from the beach nearly drove me crazy," you say huskily.

"They were rather scandalous, weren't they?" Laura laughs throatily. "That was the plan! I have a good cousin. She keeps pestering me for more pictures of you, by the way."

You chuckle at the thought, shaking your head. "We've had quite the memorable start, haven't we?"

"The memorable start of a lifetime of adventures together," Laura whispers. Her eyes shine with affection as she gazes up at you, her lips curving into a tender smile. “Too much? I don’t care. I have my ways…”

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She fumbles with the buttons of your shirt. It joins your jacket on the ground. She smiles softly, running her palms over your bare chest before trailing them lower still. Your pulse races as she dips beneath the waistband of your jeans, just for a moment, thumb brushing lightly across your erection. She pulls away from the kiss, blushing, removing her hand. In a moment she's regained her composure, and she goes in for more, her tongue pushing clumsily into your mouth.

As you continue to explore each other, Laura reaches behind herself and unzips her dress, letting it pool around her waist before sliding out of it completely. The sight of her standing there in nothing but her panties leaves you momentarily speechless. You quickly fumble with your belt, leaving you in just your boxers.

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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You reach forward to cup her breasts, thumbing over the hardened nipples as she gasps aloud. Your own arousal is evident beneath your boxer briefs, straining against the fabric. Laura takes hold of it, stroking firmly while you lean in to suckle her neck.

Without warning, she pushes you onto your back, straddling your hips. Her thighs squeezing tight around your sides, her heat pressing against your length. A low moan rises in your throat as she leans in close, whispering hotly in your ear. "I've wanted to do this since the lake." She licks her way down your jawline, stopping briefly at your Adam's apple before continuing.

Her words send a thrill racing through you. With a nod, you grasp her hips, pulling her in closer. She throws her head back, and your hands find their way to her breasts, kneading and pinching as her hips move, grinding her sex into you. Only two thin layers of fabric separate you.

She grinds against you, hips sliding back and forth as she moans. She’s panting hard, hands pushing on your chest.

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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It feels like time has stopped, everything narrowing down to this single point where Laura meets your gaze, both of you breathless and sweating. This is what you want, what you need, right here and now. And then...Laura's expression changes suddenly, and you slow the motion of your hips. She looks like she's about to cry. It's like a switch being flipped.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" you ask urgently.

Laura blinks back tears, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. "I'm sorry, I just...this feels like so much more than the playful talk and pictures. I want to, but I'm suddenly so overwhelmed and I don't know why I'm crying..." Her words come out in a rush, shaky and apologetic.

“I just don’t know. Suddenly I felt you, and I imagined what’s next, and it just seems like so much, and you’re a boy, and you’re here, and I’m nearly naked, and I just haven’t… but I like you…” she slides off you, completely deflated.

Your brow furrows in concern. You frame her face in your hands, brushing away the single tear that escapes to trail down her cheek. "Hey, it's okay. We don't have to do anything you're not ready for."

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.
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Laura shakes her head, clearly frustrated with herself. "No, I want to. I want to make you feel good, I don't want to be a tease. I’m being a tease. I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." She tries to continue what you started, but her movements are jerky and uncoordinated, lacking the passion that flowed between you moments before.

You gently still her hands, gazing into her eyes. "Laura, stop. I can tell you're not in this right now, and that's alright."

Laura's lower lip trembles. "You're so sweet. I don't deserve you," she whispers. She buries her face in your chest as you wrap your arms around her, hugging her close.

You place a soft kiss on the top of her head, rubbing her back in soothing circles. "None of that now, come on. I'm not going anywhere."

Laura peeks up at you, eyes shining. "Promise?"

"I promise," you say, sincerely.

Laura worries her bottom lip again, clutching the sheets around herself self-consciously. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I led you on just to shut down at the last second..."

You shake your head, brushing her hair back from her face. "None of that. You have nothing to apologize for - you did nothing wrong. We'll take our time, no pressure." You kiss her forehead, hugging her close for a long moment before drawing back. You wrap a blanket around her, and she looks up at you with a small smile. "Do you want me to get dressed?" You ask, unsure.

"No," Laura says softly. She sighs, leaning into your touch as you caress her cheek. "I like the way you feel. Will you just...hold me for a while?"

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Of course." You smile tenderly, wrapping your arms around her. Laura nestles against your chest with a contented hum, the last of her tears drying on her lashes."

Do you mind if we just cuddle? I need some time..." Her words trail off, unsure and apologetic.

You lift the covers in invitation. "Cuddling sounds perfect. No pressure, no rush. Come here."

Laura's expression softens. She climbs under the covers, immediately curling into your open arms. You hold her close, enveloping her in warmth and affection without demand for more. She sighs, snuggling in against you. “This is nice. I'm just right here.” you hear her voice, muffled against your chest.

“Hi ‘right here’, I’m boyfriend.”

She burrows out from under you, looking up at you, incredulous. And then she laughs, a sweet, warm, relieved laugh. You feel the last vestiges of tension leave her body as she melds into you, content.

"My dork boyfriend," she murmurs affectionately. "Thank you. But you're really NOT funny."

You smile, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Anything for you. You’re definitely cute enough for it to be worth it."

Laura giggles, swatting playfully at your chest. You catch her hand, bringing it to your lips for a soft kiss.

"Wanna watch YouTube on my phone?" you suggest. "Might help us wind down."

"Mm, that sounds perfect." Laura nods against you.

You awkwardly grab your phone from the the floor, queuing up a comedy compilation to start with. As the video plays, Laura relaxes fully into your arms. Her laughter mingles with your own at the antics on screen, the last hints of awkwardness slipping away.

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Your fingers comb idly through her hair, trading occasional kisses whenever your gazes meet and laughter fades. By the third video, Laura's warmth is pushing up against you again, and she’s draped a leg over yours. You’re keenly aware of her body there against you.

Suddenly, you feel her hand wander under the sheets, tracing idle patterns along your chest and abdomen. Your breath hitches as her touch grows bolder, rekindling the passion dampened earlier. Slowly, she starts trailing her hand lower...

You tilt Laura's chin up, gazing searchingly into her eyes. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" you ask, tone serious.

Laura worries her bottom lip, hand stilling. "I feel bad for being such a tease. I don't want to start something I can't finish, but..." Her words trail off as she meets your gaze, expression open and wanting.

You shake your head, framing her face in your hands. "You have nothing to feel bad for, and I don't want you to do anything you're not fully comfortable with. We can wait."

"No, I want to." Laura's voice is scarcely more than a whisper. Her eyes darken with desire, though a flicker of uncertainty remains. "Maybe we don't have to go all the way tonight. But this is nice, and I like the way your face changed when I started...you know." She blushes, a coy smile flickering across her lips as her hand resumes its wandering under the sheets.

Your pulse leaps at her touch, but still you hesitate. "Are you sure?"

Laura nods, her own arousal building in tandem with the effect she's having on you. "I'm sure. Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" Her hand delves lower, finding its prize as your sharp intake of breath spurs her on.

All doubts flee your mind as she sets to work in earnest, teasing and exploring. Her mouth finds yours again, kissing you fiercely even as her fingers continue their magic. You groan low in your throat, arching against her touch. She gasps softly, encouraged by your response. Laura begins to stroke up and down your length, slowly, beneath the covers. You feel an electric thrill race through your body. The warmth of her palm around you, the gentle pressure of her thumb brushing over the tip - each sensation sends a jolt of pleasure through you.

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The videos lie forgotten, passion rekindled through intimacy shared - no longer overwhelming but welcomed.

As she works, her other hand glides up and down your torso, skimming over your skin with feather-light touches. It's almost too much to bear, the combination of stimulation and anticipation. You reach over to her, touching her breasts lightly, feeling them swell and tighten under your fingers.

The room is quiet save for the sound of your ragged breathing and Laura's soft moans. She licks your neck, watching you intently as you struggle to hold back from coming too soon.

Her hand is clumsy around your erection, but soft and eager. She continues to play with your rock hard erection, fingers sliding eagerly over the shaft and head. The feeling builds steadily, growing stronger with every stroke until you're aching with need.

She varies her rhythm, sometimes slow and languid, other times quick and firm. Each change brings new delight, making you gasp and moan beneath her ministrations.

But what really stands out is the look on her face. Her cheeks flushed, her eyes half-closed, her lips parted slightly - it's clear that she's enjoying herself as much as you are. That realization only makes the moment sweeter.

She's working faster now, her hot body against yours, her hand moving quickly under the covers. Finally, you feel yourself approaching the edge. She's still on her side, one leg draped partially over yours, her hand sliding up and down against your length.

You're grabbing her perfect ass now, pulling her closer, begging her to keep going. She doesn't disappoint, redoubling her efforts and gyrating her hips against you under the covers. You feel her tight body sliding against yours, soft but firm.

"I want you to finish..." she says, looking up at you. She slides her breasts across your torso, quickening her motions further. She looks up at you, and leans in, licking your neck. You feel her hot breath as her tongue slides across your sensitive skin. You warn her just before you come, crying out her name as wave upon wave of pleasure crashes over you. You squeeze her ass against you, and you feel it flex as she grinds herself into your leg while finishing you off. Her hand keeps going, moving deliberately until the last tremor has passed, then leans back onto the pillows beside you, panting heavily.

Afterwards, you lie there together, catching your breath and savoring the lingering feelings. Physically, you're spent, limbs heavy and relaxed. Emotionally, you feel content and fulfilled. You turn to Laura, smiling sleepily, and find her looking back at you with equal parts satisfaction and... an expression you're tempted to call love.

Laura grins, nuzzling into your chest. "That was really nice," she murmurs.

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"Just nice?" you tease, chuckling when she swats playfully at you. You roll onto your side, propping yourself up on one elbow to gaze down at her. "You're amazing, you know that?"

Laura smiles shyly, a blush coloring her cheeks. "So are you. I'm happy with how that turned out. I don't need anything else tonight." Her eyes meet yours, alight with warmth and tenderness.

You brush an errant lock of hair back from her face, marveling at the woman beside you. "Keep that up and you might just make me dizzy."

Laura laughs, the throaty sound sending a new thrill through you. "Look who's talking! I'm still recovering over here." Her hand finds yours, lacing your fingers together. She brings your knuckles to her lips, brushing a soft kiss over them.

You shake your head, grinning like a fool at her playful banter. Your pulse flutters under her touch, the simplest gestures igniting sparks anew.

Laura sighs contentedly, nestling into the pillows and closing her eyes. But her hand remains in yours, clasping tight as if unable to bear even that small parting so soon.

You watch her for a long moment, stroking your thumb over the back of her hand. Joy and wonder mingle in your heart for the gift of her trust, her affection, her passion unleashed at last with quiet fears dispelled in your embrace.

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You draw Laura close, basking in the warmth of her body nestled against yours. Playful conversation resumes between stolen kisses, as familiarity grows with casual, meaningless conversation.

After a time, a loud knock at the door interrupts your reverie. Laura groans, dropping her head to your chest in protest. "Jo, your timing is the worst!" she calls out.

Jo’s muffled voice sounds through the door. "Sorry lovebirds, but I don't actually have anywhere else to sleep! Can I come in or are you two still indecent?"

You chuckle as Laura buries her face in her hands. You’re already getting the impression that Jo is more of an inevitability than a person.

Laura peeks up at you through her fingers, eyes dancing with merriment. "Well, how about it? Think you can survive an encounter with Jo after all that?"

You brush Laura's hair back, gazing at her in open adoration. "For you, I'd endure far worse than an embarrassing encounter with your playful roommate."

"You're the best. My sweet, patient man." Laura smiles tenderly, her eyes shining with warmth and affection.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You sigh, reluctant to part though you know prolonged intimacy would be awkward with Jo in the room. "I should probably head home. As entertaining as your roommate is, I think she’d probably enjoy a front row seat to the rest of our evening a little too much."

Laura pouts, stealing another kiss before she rises to retrieve your scattered clothing. "Must you go? I don't want this night to end." Her gaze holds longing and a hint of sorrow at the temporary parting.

You take her hand, bringing it to your lips. "Nor I, my darling, but fear not, there are many more nights yet for us to conquer." Your tone is gently teasing, hoping to lighten her mood. "Take heart - for we shall pick up right here next time, roommate or no roommate."

Laura laughs, her smile returning though a wistful gleam remains. "You nerd. Dost thou promise?"

"Thou hast my promise." You squeeze her hand, wishing you could stay but knowing anything else would be unseemly with an audience outside the door.

As Laura helps you dress, shrugging on a cute green set of pajamas herself, Jo’s muffled voice sounds through the wood again. "Are you two quite finished? I hear my pillows crying out for me, though at this rate I may fall asleep standing up out here! I’ve fallen asleep against the door before and I’ll do it again!"

You chuckle, shaking your head at Jo’s quips. Laura grins, pulling you in for one final, searing kiss before opening the door at last.

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Jo stands there expectantly, her knowing smile and raised eyebrow making her thoughts on your evening's activities quite plain. She pumps her eyebrows up and down, giving you a wink. You clear your throat, warmth creeping into your cheeks as you bid a hasty goodnight.

Laura looks like she wants to see you to the door, but Jo is already at her, demanding details. You chuckle again, turning around as both girls smile at you on your way out.

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You head to the exit, starting the walk to your car with a spring in your step, heart light.

What a day... You hope Laura doesn't give Jo too many details, though from what you've already seen from her, you're not optimistic she'll be able to resist the coming inquisition. You smile to yourself imagining it. Well, maybe sharing details wouldn't be too bad...