
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Trust Manifest.

Chapter 15

Jul 19, 2023

The journey back to your apartment is a blur of quick glances and stolen touches, the night air seemingly thickening with anticipation. As you pull up outside your building, you both sit in the car for a moment, the silence loaded with a thousand unspoken words. A slow, heady tension builds, and you can't help but find your gaze drawn to the way the moonlight illuminates the curve of her cheek, the way her lips part slightly as she breathes.

Finally, breaking the silence, she turns to you, her smile soft but eyes burning with intensity. "Lead the way," she murmurs, her voice rich with promise.

Your heart starts pounding again as you guide her to your apartment, her hand in yours sending sparks of anticipation up your arm. You fumble slightly with your keys, making her giggle at your nervousness.

Once inside, the door closes with a soft click, and suddenly it's just the two of you in the dim light. You both stand there for a moment, drinking each other in. Her eyes glint with a familiar spark, and you pull her towards you, your hands naturally finding their place on her waist. You plant a breathless kiss on her lips in your entryway, and she melts into you, her lips soft. Eventually you pull away. She slides off her sneakers and socks, and hangs up her jacket, going down to bare feet, her shorts, an her lace top. She's so beautiful your breath hitches in your chest.

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In the privacy of your living room, the soft glow of the overhead light painting her in warmth, you take a moment to appreciate her. You both move to the couch, your hands on her as she slides down, tantalizing lace impossible to ignore. She's right there, her body so close to yours, her scent intoxicating. She catches your wandering gaze, a playful glint in her eyes. "You okay?" she asks, a teasing lilt in her voice.

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"Better than okay," you respond, your voice husky. "Just...taking in the view."

You pull her closer, your bodies sinking into the soft couch cushions, the teasing atmosphere morphing into something deeper, more intimate. The room is filled with a soft silence, and you feel a pull at your heartstrings. Images of the last time you were this close flicker through your mind, a reminder of the halted intimacy that had left you both a little vulnerable. Laura seems to sense the shift in your thoughts, her eyes searching yours with soft concern.

Taking a deep breath, you decide to address it. You gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, your touch light. "Laura," you begin, your voice a low murmur, "about last time... are you okay?"

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She looks at you, a moment of surprise registering in her eyes, and then, appreciation. There's a pause, the silence humming between you, before she lets out a small sigh, her gaze dropping to your entwined hands.

"I... I was embarrassed," she admits softly, her voice almost drowned by the silence. "I didn't want you to think I wasn't interested, because... because I am," she adds quickly, a blush creeping up her neck as she looks up at you. "I just got scared, I guess."

You give her hand a reassuring squeeze, your eyes conveying the understanding you feel. "Hey," you say, your voice soft yet firm, "there's no rush, Laura. We move at a pace you're comfortable with. Okay?"

She smiles then, a small, sweet smile. "I know... and I want to thank you," she says, her gaze holding yours. "After... after that night, you were so patient with me. You didn't push, you didn't judge. We just... we had a good time, and I really appreciated that."

You nod, a surge of affection for her welling up in your chest. This conversation feels necessary, a means to navigate the labyrinth of intimacy. It’s funny, it always seems so simple when you’re in public, but when you’re alone, it gets different. More real.

Her eyes hold yours, a hint of vulnerability revealing itself. "You know," she begins, her voice steady yet filled with raw honesty, "it's funny. I can feel so confident around you, even... even getting naked. But, I've never..." Her voice trails off, her gaze falling to your intertwined fingers. "I've never had sex before. I mean I’ve like been intimate with my ex in high school, but we never like, did it."

You can't help but feel a rush of warmth for her, admiration for her honesty. It's not easy to discuss these matters, and yet here she is, opening up to you.

She continues, "It's not that I don't want to, with you I mean. I mean I’m like, actively horny for you.” She smiles, and slides her bare legs onto your lap, leaning back. You instantly have an erection again, and she notices, responding with a slight sliding motion against your crotch that drives you crazy.

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You enjoy her presence for a moment, and then she continues, with a more pensive expression. “It's just that... the idea of penetration, I mean being penetrated... it seems so intense, so..." She searches for the word, her eyebrows knitted together in deep thought. "So... overwhelming. I mean it’s a dick! Inside me! That thing!” She rubs her legs into you a little more, the feeling exquisite, your erection hardening further.

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You laugh, and she smiles, appreciating you giving her the space to express herself. And play with you a bit. “And when I saw you... saw your... well, your ‘hard cock’," she adds with a small giggle, "it was all a bit much, I guess."

You nod, understanding and empathy filling you. "Hey, it's okay," you reassure her, your voice soft and gentle. "I don’t understand, because you know, I’m a dude, but I can see how it could feel intense and overwhelming, especially the first time. I mean, I’m not the one, uh, getting penetrated.” She laughs, smiling at you in that way that makes you want to rip her clothes off. You place a hand on her bare thigh, and she shives just slightly. “But we can take it slow, you know? We don't have to rush into anything."

Her eyes meet yours, a deep relief etching itself onto her features. "Yeah? Still? I’m not being an unbearable tease?" she asks, as if seeking confirmation.

"Yeah," you reply, giving her hand a squeeze. "You’re a tease, but not an unbearable one. You’d have to try really hard to be unbearable. We'll figure it out together, Laura. And remember, you're always in control. We only go as far as you're comfortable with."

She smiles at you, the tension visibly leaving her body. "Thank you," she says, her voice full of gratitude. You feel a connection forming between you, something far more profound than the physical. It’s the promise of intimacy with care and respect, a promise you’ve done nothing but keep so far.

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Laura slides her legs off of you and inches over to you, getting close. She moves her free hand to your thigh, her fingers dancing lightly over the fabric of your pants. "I want to," she says, her voice low, sultry. "I want to explore... you know, with you. It's just that... well, you've got a pretty intimidating guy down there."

You laugh at her comment, your humor finding a place in the midst of the vulnerability. "Oh, so now you're making fun of me?" you tease, a playful grin spreading across your face. "You know, he's just as new to all of this as you are. We're both... unexplored territory for each other."

She giggles, her laughter like a melody in the quiet room. "I didn't mean it that way, you goof. It's just... sizeable." She meets your gaze, her eyes filled with a burning desire that sends a thrill down your spine. You can’t help but laugh silently to yourself, knowing she has nothing to compare your, well, quite average size to. But you’re not letting that secret out.

"Well," you retort playfully, leaning in close so that your noses almost touch, "maybe we should get to know each other a little better."

She smiles at you, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Her fingers squeeze your thigh gently, and she leans in, her breath a whisper against your cheek. "I'm looking forward to it," she murmurs.

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As the last of her words linger in the air, your eyes meet and there's a silent understanding. You both lean in at the same time, lips meeting in a sweet, intoxicating kiss. The world outside fades, everything shrinking down to this singular moment.

Her hand moves from your thigh, trailing upwards to the hem of your shirt, fingers slipping beneath the fabric to caress your skin. Your own hands are not idle, one cupping her face while the other traces down her side, the soft lace of her top beneath your fingertips making your heart race.

The kiss deepens, growing in intensity. She parts her lips and you follow her cue, the hint of her tongue meeting yours in an electric dance. The room fills with the sound of soft sighs and murmured words, the atmosphere thickening with desire.

Her fingers, emboldened, trace patterns on your abdomen, teasingly close to the waistband of your jeans. In response, your hand slips from her face, trailing down her neck, and tracing the exposed skin above the edge of her top. Her skin is warm under your touch, causing her to shiver and lean in closer.

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Your kisses wander, leaving a trail from her lips, down her neck, eliciting soft gasps from her. The taste of her skin, mixed with the lingering flavor of the concert's air, is intoxicating.

Her back arches into you, pressing her body into yours, as her hand ventures further up your shirt, her touch setting your skin ablaze. The gentle, teasing touch is in sharp contrast to the intensity of your kisses, sending mixed signals of pleasure coursing through your veins.

The world outside is forgotten, as you are consumed by each other. Everything else pales in comparison to the feeling of her body against yours, the taste of her lips, and the intoxicating sensation of her hands exploring your body. It's an enticing dance of desire and restraint, of exploring boundaries and pushing limits. Each touch, each kiss stokes the fire within, leaving you both breathless and yearning for more.

The energy between you pulsates, deepening with each touch, each kiss. Your hands continue their explorations, hers venturing to trace the outline of your erection in your pants, her fingertips setting fire to your soul. Yours drift down to her waist, slipping beneath the edge of her shorts, making her inhale sharply. You pause, your eyes meeting, and in her gaze, you see nothing but trust and desire.

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Your fingers trace the outline of her waist band, before venturing to the curve of her hip. She shudders under your touch. Each caress is met with soft sighs, her breathy sounds like sweet music to your ears, her body responding to your touch in ways words couldn't express.

You both break apart for a breath, a thin trail of shared warmth lingering between your lips. Her hands move from under your shirt to rest on your chest, feeling your heart pounding. Her eyes, wide and gleaming, meet yours.

"I like this," she murmurs, her voice a warm whisper against your lips. "I like us."

Her smile is radiant, and you respond in kind, your heart aching with affection for her. "I like us too," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.

And with those words, you lean in again, resuming the dance you'd started.

There's a moment of breathless anticipation, where you both understand, without words, the step you're about to take. Her hands move to cover yours, guiding them to her waist as she breaks away from your kiss. Her eyes, full of trust and a hint of vulnerability, meet yours. There's an unspoken question there, one that you answer with a soft nod and an affectionate squeeze of her hand.

Slowly, she guides your hand up her side, her breathing hitching as your fingers brush against the underside of her breast through her top. "Is this...?" you start, your voice hoarse with desire and the intensity of the moment.

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"Yes," she whispers, her thumb stroking your hand reassuringly. The confirmation is all you need to proceed. With one hand, you gently pull her closer, your lips meeting hers in a soft, assuring kiss. The other hand, guided by her, moves up and cups her breast through the fabric of her top.

Her response is instant. A soft gasp escapes her, her body pressing into your touch. You break the kiss, your eyes meeting hers, and you see the flicker of surprise mixed with desire. She nods, encouraging you to continue.

With careful, deliberate movements, your hand explores her, the lace of her top creating an exciting contrast under your fingertips. Her body responds in kind, each gasp and sigh guiding you further. As you continue to explore, feeling the swell of her breasts, and sliding a hand underneath the top, her hands grip your shoulders, her body pressing closer against yours.

You feel her straining against your touch, her breaths becoming shallower, her grip tightening. You lightly thumb her nipples, moving them gently side to side. She moans, her mouth close to your ear, and it’s the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard. Her head falls back, her lips parted in a silent invitation for you to explore further.

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A soft gasp slips from her lips, a little hitch in her breath that has your heart racing in your chest. It's the most thrilling and terrifying rollercoaster ride, each little reaction from her a peak, every wordless nod of encouragement a wild plummet. Her fingers are now twined with yours, her grip tightening as she shifts your hand lower. Your free hand anchors her to you, fingers pressed into the small of her back.

"Okay?" you murmur against her ear, your breath hot against her skin. Her chest heaves against yours as she catches her breath, her nod enough confirmation for you. She tugs your hand lower, guiding you to where she wants you to touch, where she needs you to be. The trust in her gaze is overwhelming and humbling.

Your fingers find their destination, sliding into her shorts as she shudders. You start tracing light circles over her panties, the layer of fabric a necessary barrier for her comfort, for her sense of control over the situation. She's guiding you, and you're more than happy to follow her lead, to let her show you how to make her feel good.

In a fluid and graceful motion, she pulls off her top over her head. Her body is already glistening with sweat from her tension.

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She moves back towards you, and you redouble your efforts, moving quickly and firmly across her clit. She’s responding to your touch with full body tension, you can tell this is intense for her. You slow down, barely applying pressure, as she moans. You feel her wetness through her silky panties already, and you tease her with light touches as she buries her face in your neck, breathing hard.

She can’t stand the teasing any longer, and she starts to press her hips up against your hand. The sensation of her grinding against you sends waves of desire through you, but this is about Laura. Your fingers continue their dance, tracing over her, the pressure light but enough to have her squirming against you, enough to have her breathing pick up, enough to have her digging her fingers into your shoulder.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You can feel her arousal completely soaked through her soft silk panties, wet and warm. You keep up the motion as she writhes under your touch, grabbing onto you hard. She pants, tries to make eye contact with you, but shudders, closing her eyes in bliss. You can feel it when she's close, the way her body tenses, the way her breaths become shallower, quicker. She clings to you, her body seeking out the friction, chasing the elusive peak that has her whimpering your name. It’s again the most beautiful sound you've ever heard, raw and real and full of trust.

When she reaches her peak, her body arches, pressing closer to you, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure that sends shivers down your spine. You hold her close, keeping her grounded as she rides the waves of her orgasm. Her breaths come in ragged gasps, her body trembling with the aftereffects. The room around you fades into insignificance. It's just you and Laura, connected on a level you've never experienced before. This is more than just physical pleasure. It's trust, verging on love, and a deeper level of intimacy that leaves you breathless. You hold her in your arms, your fingers tracing idle patterns over her back as she comes down, grounding her in the aftermath of her climax. Little tremors escape her body as she curls up her legs into you, becoming a tiny ball of spent energy and supple flesh. Your heart is full of tenderness, affection, and something deeper.

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Her body is still humming with aftershocks of pleasure. You cradle her against your chest, gently kissing the top of her head as her breathing slows down, her heart rate returning to normal. The air between you is warm, heavy with intimacy, and laced with the sweet scent of your shared desire.

"You okay?" you murmur, your fingers tracing a pattern over her back. Laura, now draped over your chest like a contented cat, nods against your shoulder. Her hand draws idle patterns over your stomach, her touch sending pleasant tingles through your body.

"That was...wow," she whispers, her words muffled against your shirt. Her fingers tighten around yours, the soft press of her lips against your chest sending another round of shivers through you.

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"Only wow?" you tease. She laughs, the sound vibrating against your chest, filling you with warmth.

"Fine," she retorts, lifting her head to meet your eyes. There's a soft, happy glow in her eyes, her lips curved into a satisfied smile. "That was freaking amazing. Happy now?"

You chuckle at her feigned indignance. "Much better."

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The silence that follows is comfortable, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding. You lay there, entwined on the couch, the world outside forgotten.

"Thanks for...you know," she says after a while, her words barely more than a whisper. You tighten your grip around her, pressing a soft kiss to her temple.

"For what?" you ask, though you already know what she's thanking you for.

She glances up at you, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "For understanding. For waiting. For making me feel so… safe."

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Your heart clenches at her words, your emotions running high. "Laura," you start, cupping her face in your hands. "I'd wait a long, long time for you." She snuggles into you deeper, and you hold her in your arms, cherishing this moment.