
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

City of Lights.

Chapter 28

Oct 18, 2023

As you stand nervously outside Laura's door, you have to pause for a moment to steady your nerves. Your heart pounds wildly in anticipation of seeing her face again after everything that's happened.

You look up at the carved door, heart racing. Even the tiny details, from the intricate doorknocker in the shape of a lion's head to the peeling paint that speaks of decades gone by, make this moment feel like a scene straight out of an old romance film.

Taking a moment, you close your eyes and picture Laura's face, hoping to find the strength to knock. Every inch of you feels nervous, excited, and vulnerable. Gathering your courage, your knuckles rap softly, then more firmly against the door.

With a deep, shaky breath, you knock firmly on the worn wooden door.

The hushed sounds of the city fade into the background, leaving you hyper-aware of every footstep, every whisper of movement from behind the door. Time seems to stretch endlessly.

Then suddenly, the door swings open. And there she is.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her eyes, wide with shock and shimmering with unshed tears, meet yours. For a moment, the world falls away and it's just the two of you, connected by a bond that distance and disagreements couldn't break.

She's in a simple white dress that dances lightly in the gentle breeze from the street. Her hair, slightly tousled, falls perfectly around her face. Behind her, you can make out the classic Parisian courtyard that must lead to stairs, and her apartment beyond.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

"Wh-...How...?" she stammers, words failing her.

You step closer, voice trembling with emotion. "I had to apologize in person. I just… " all your prepared words fail. “I love you, and I had to show you. I’m so sorry, I don’t know wh-”

Laura throws her arms around you. You drop the bouquet to hug her tight, overwhelmed by having her in your arms again.

Tears spill from Laura's eyes, streaming down her cheeks, and as you try to form the words to apologize again, she places a finger on your lips, silencing you. Her eyes, a mix of longing and vulnerability, are locked onto yours.

"Stop talking," she whispers breathlessly. "Just... kiss me."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Without another word, you lean in, capturing her lips with yours. The kiss is electric, charged with all the emotions of the past days – the fear, the longing, the love. It’s both a question and an answer, an apology and forgiveness. It's as if the world fades away and all that's left is the two of you and the magic of this stolen moment.

Your mouths move together in perfect harmony, deepening the connection, each kiss more passionate than the last. Her fingers weave into your hair, gently pulling you closer, as your hands find the small of her back, pressing her against you. The feel of her body against yours, the warmth and softness of her, is both familiar and intoxicating. You can feel every curve, every tremble, every heartbeat.

You get lost in her, the scent of her hair, the taste of her lips, the sound of her soft moans. Her fingers clutch at you, nails grazing your scalp, sending shivers down your spine. Your grip around her waist tightens, holding her as if you’re afraid she’ll slip away.

Finally, as the need for air becomes undeniable, you both pull apart, gasping, foreheads resting against each other. Her eyes, slightly dazed and still filled with tears, look into yours. Then, your gaze drifts down as her fingers, trembling slightly, grasp the silver necklace you'd given her. The delicate pendant catches the soft light, highlighting the engraved coordinates of the lake.

"I can't believe you're really here," Laura whispers. She steps back through the threshold, and takes your hand, pulling you into the courtyard. In a whirlwind, she’s brought you into the apartment as you fumble to collect your dropped bags.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

In a daze, you follow her up cramped stairs, and she pulls open the door to a tiny apartment. You follow her inside. Before you can explain about the surprise trip, Laura is pressing ardent kisses across your face, your hands, your neck. You've missed her affection so much.

Between eager kisses, you try to explain yourself to Laura in snatches.

"Your cousin...she helped...got a ticket...had to see you...make things right..." you manage to get out.

The kisses she presses to your skin are like sparks, little jolts of electricity that leave a trail of heat in their wake. Each one feels like a promise, a reaffirmation. From your forehead to your cheeks, down to the corner of your lips, she peppers you with kisses, each touch of her lips sending a shiver of anticipation coursing through you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Finally, Laura pulls back, smiling brightly, unwavering in her euphoria over your unexpected arrival. "I can't believe you did this," she murmurs, nuzzling against your shoulder. The familiar floral scent of her hair fills your senses. "It's the most romantic thing ever."

"Remind me to send Zoe the world's biggest gift basket," Laura says. Her eyes shine with affection as she caresses your face. "Also, you're a jerk."

Her expression gets serious, and she moves away from you, giving you a challenging look. There are serious conversations still to be had about the lingering hurt. Your apology is burning a hole in your chest, and you're grateful for her lead in, giving you a chance to open up.

You meet her eyes earnestly. "I need to say… I need to say I'm so sorry," you begin, shakily. This is going to be hard. "The way I handled things was thoughtless and hurtful. I should have been more considerate of your feelings and insecurities. And I was so stupid… the last thing I ever want is to lose you..."

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura gently pushes you down on a small loveseat. She settles comfortably in your lap, keeping you locked in a constant embrace as if she never plans to let you go again.

Your voice catches as tears well up imagining life without Laura in it. She slides off your lap, still pressed up against you, and wraps an arm around your shoulders. Her own eyes starting to glisten as she listens to your words.

Clearing your throat, you continue your heartfelt apology. "You mean everything to me. I hate that I made you doubt that for even a second. Stress isn’t an excuse. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to regain your trust and rebuild what we have..."

You have more to say, but you're shaking now. Traveling for so many hours, seeing her after what feels like so long... Laura presses a gentle finger to your lips to stop you. She sees your display of vulnerability, and is crying now herself. You can barely stand to look at her.

"It’s ok, we've got some learning to do," she says softly. "We'll talk through everything, I promise. But right now, you look like hell, and I'm just happy you're here, even if I'm pissed at you. Can I just enjoy you for a minute first? Can we do this after you're rested?"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Overcome by exhaustion and relief, you feel the floodgates open as tears stream down your face. You nod at her, softly, small, vulnerable. The stress of the fight, the long journey here, the raw apology - it all pours out in this cathartic release.

Laura looks at you, her tears coming more steadily with your display of emotion. "Oh my love, come here," she murmurs, pulling you close, downwards. You put your head down onto her lap, sprawling out on the tiny loveseat. You lay your head on Laura's thighs, the tender intimacy and comfort of the gesture making you cry even harder. She strokes your hair gently as the tears dampen her dress.

Her soothing touch and loving presence wrap around you like a warm blanket. This is exactly where you need to be.

As the last tears trickle out, your emotions culminate in long exhales. A deep sense of peace and belonging washes over you. Utterly spent from the day's physical and emotional journey, you feel yourself beginning to drift off in Laura's lap. The steady motion of her fingers in your hair lulls you into tranquility.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You let your heavy eyelids fall closed, Laura's lap the best resting place imaginable. The last thing you feel before sinking into sleep is the press of Laura's lips to your forehead.

≋ ≋ ≋

At some point in the night, you managed to transition to the bed. Laura crawled in beside you, her body warm and inviting. You spent the night wrapped up in each other’s arms, her soft breaths lulling you to sleep. Now, you awaken, feeling better. The antique clock on the bedside table shows six in the morning.

You turn your head to look at Laura, sleeping peacefully next to you. Her chest rises and falls gently, the rhythm of her breath a soothing melody in the quiet room. Her curly brown hair is splayed out on the white pillowcase, a stark contrast that makes her look even more beautiful. The early morning light from the Parisian sunrise filters in through the window, casting a soft glow on her face.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You reach out to tuck a loose curl behind her ear, careful not to wake her. You let your fingers linger on her skin, reveling in the softness. As you watch her sleep, a wave of affection swells within you. This woman, so strong and vibrant and full of life, has chosen to share her world with you.

The realization hits you then, stronger than ever before: you are in love with her. It's a love that's grown slowly, quietly, over shared smiles and stolen glances. It's a love that's survived distance and time, a love that's brought you here, to this Parisian apartment at six in the morning, watching the woman you love sleep peacefully beside you.

Your movements seem to rouse Laura from her sleep. Her eyes flutter open, meeting yours. She smiles, a soft, sleepy grin that makes your heart stutter in your chest. "Good morning," she murmurs, her voice husky from sleep.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She moves closer, her body molding against yours as she nuzzles into your chest. Her arm drapes over your waist, pulling you closer. She tilts her head up to look at you, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Then, she's leaning in, pulling you into a deep, languid kiss. Her lips are soft against yours, the taste of her intoxicating. She kisses you slowly, deeply, her tongue exploring your mouth with an intimacy that has you gasping for breath.

Her hands start to roam over your body, tracing lines across your skin. “Very good morning…”

One hand tangles in your hair, pulling you closer, while the other hand rests on your chest, her fingers tracing circles around your nipple.

"You still have some explaining to do," she starts, her hand continuing its lazy path, "but there's no way I'm leaving this bed without, well, you know..."

Your heart races, but you're feeling clear headed after your long rest. "We aren't going to be a 'fight and make up with sexy time' couple, are we?"

She pulls back from you for a moment, narrowing her eyes playfully. "This isn't making up. This is a truce while I get what I want. You owe me."

You can feel the heat of her body against yours, the softness of her skin under your hands. Following her instructions, you pull her into a kiss, her tongue dancing with yours in a rhythm that sets you off. You lose yourself in the feel of her, in the taste of her, her warmth.

As Laura pulls you deeper into the kiss, your hands begin to roam across her body. The need to touch her, to know her, is overwhelming. Your fingers glide over the soft fabric of her nightgown, tracing the curves of her body beneath the blanket.

One hand moves to the small of her back, following the gentle dip of her spine. The other hand moves to her hip, your thumb tracing lazy circles on the soft skin there. Her body is warm against yours, the heat seeping through the fabric of her nightgown and into your palms.

You trace the curve of her waist, the swell of her hip, the soft give of her thigh. You’re obsessed with every inch of her. Your hands roam higher, fingers brushing against the underside of her breasts. She gasps into the kiss, a small sound that sends a thrill of satisfaction through you.

Slowly, you trace the curve of her breast, the delicate lace of her nightgown soft against your fingers. Your thumb brushes over her nipple through the fabric. She arches into your touch, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

Your hands continue to explore, mapping out the landscape of her body beneath the blanket. As your hands continue across the contours of her body, Laura’s breath quickens in your ear. Each exhale is a soft, enticing melody. The kiss grows more intense, more urgent. She presses closer, her body against yours, rubbing against your erection.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Your hand moves from her hip, gliding along the soft skin of her thigh. You hook a leg around hers, pulling her even closer. The heat between you two is palpable, a tangible force that makes your heart pound in your chest.

One hand finds its way to the hem of her nightgown, fingers slipping beneath the fabric to touch bare skin. She gasps, breaking away from the kiss to bury her face in your neck. You feel her smile against your skin; silent approval.

Your fingers trace the curve of her hip, the swell of her ass, the soft dip of her waist. Your other hand is still cupping her breast, thumb brushing over her nipple through the thin lace of her bra. Her body shudders as she makes gentle movements, each one driving you wild.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Laura breaks from the kiss, her lips trailing down your neck, her hands roaming your chest. She moves further down, her kisses leaving a trail of heat down your chest and stomach. Each of her kisses and licks down your torso builds anticipation.

She looks up at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. She shifts, her hands deftly working at the waistband of your boxers. The anticipation is nearly overwhelming, your breath hitching as she slowly pulls them down.

She holds your rock hard erection in her hand, and in a fluid motion, works her hand up and down the shaft. You groan, throwing your head back. She presses your cock against her face, sliding it against her soft cheek, the feeling is exquisite. Maintaining contact against her face, her eyes closed, she slides you to her lips. She plants a gentle kiss on the tip of your cock.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

She goes for another kiss, longer this time, more intimate. One of her hands is cupping your balls, the other around the base of your shaft. This kiss ends with her mouth open, and her tongue slides out. Slowly, languidly, she runs her tongue along the side of your shaft. You shudder, and her hand follows, pumping your length twice. You press your hips forward, pushing your erection into her face. She smiles at your involuntary movement and presses down on your hips, pushing you back into the bed.

Her lips find your cock again. This time she takes it into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip. Suddenly, she pulls the entire length into her mouth, moaning as she does. You tangle your hands up in her hair, holding her head against yourself, lost in ecstasy.

She starts to bob, lips moving up and down, tongue cupping the underside of your member. She moves quickly, and then suddenly pulls her head back. She looks up at you, a devilish smile on her face as she moves her hand along your wet cock in a twisting, swirling motion. She’s holding you against her face again. Her mouth at the base of your firmness, her tongue out, your head sliding along her cheeks and nose as she licks and rocks her head side to side.

You can hardly take it, and when she leans up to take you back into her mouth again, her lips wrapped around you, moving quickly, you have to release. You fire your load into her mouth. She keeps moving as the pumps come, relentlessly, one after another. She doesn’t let up, her tongue still working on you, as you groan and writhe, trying to pull her head off of you.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Finally, she relents, a lazy smile on her face as you catch your breath. “Still jetlagged?”

“Mrrmrmmmm,” it’s all you can manage.

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She laughs, a sweet soft sound, and slides up along your body, letting her breasts trail against your torso, then nestles into the crook of your neck, one leg over your torso. You wrap your arms around her and everything is right in the world.

"Now you really owe me," she says as she pulls away from you. She flips onto her back, beckoning you over.

Smiling, you turn towards her, and get started with the upspoken part of your apology.

≋ ≋ ≋

After the intimacy of the morning, you and Laura fall back into a peaceful slumber, bodies tangled together under the warm blanket. When you wake, it's to the soft light of a Parisian morning filtering through the window, Laura's face peaceful in sleep.

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You take a moment to simply watch her, to appreciate the details of her face softened in the morning light. You trace the curve of her cheek with your fingers, a content sigh escaping your lips.

Laura wakes slowly, her eyes fluttering open to meet yours. A soft smile tugs at her lips, the sight making your heart flutter in your chest. "Good morning, again…" she murmurs, her voice still thick with sleep.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You share a few more moments in bed, wrapped in each other's arms. The conversation stays light, filled with soft laughter and whispered words. It's a moment of pure contentment.

Eventually, the growl of your stomach breaks the peaceful silence. Laura giggles at the sound, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I know a good place for breakfast," she suggests, her hand finding yours under the blanket. "It's just downstairs."

You agree, eager for any opportunity to spend more time with her. Hand in hand, you make your way downstairs to the quaint café Laura has suggested. The morning air is crisp, the city coming to life around you.

Sitting outside, with the sounds of the bustling city in the background, you find your gaze constantly drawn back to Laura. You're captivated by the sound of her laughter, the warmth of her hand in yours, the taste of her lips against yours. Every moment with her is a reminder of the deep affection you've grown for her, the connection you share.

The café table is small, but perfect, adorned with two cups of coffee and a simple breakfast of croissants and fruit, expertly procured by Laura in French. Mostly in French. The barista even almost didn’t switch to English!

Laura breaks the comfortable silence, laughter dancing in her eyes. "I can't believe Zoe flew you out here! It's so like her," she says, shaking her head in amusement.

"I called her up for advice, because you know, she's married now and has more experience, and I'm definitely not going to call my parents..." she traces the rim of her coffee cup, looking down.

"She totally grilled me about you. I guess she figured this was the best option. So her." She rolls her eyes, and you smile.

“It feels not real, like I’m dreaming. Are you really here?” She reaches out and pinches you, prompting a yelp.

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You smile, sipping on your coffee. You think back to the reason you’re out here, the argument, the tension that had driven a wedge between you. After your long travel and reunion, it already feels like a lifetime ago, a stark contrast to the peace and intimacy of this morning. However, you know you need to talk about it. It can’t all be blowjobs and croissants.

"I really didn't know how you would react to me flying out. It felt kind of stupid, but also like I had to do it. Well, and Zoe doesn't really present alternate options..."

Laura laughs. "You should have expected we were back channeling. Girls are good at back channeling. My dear cousin wouldn't fly some guy out to harass me. Did she interview you before offering? She certainly interviewed me about you."

Huh, she absolutely did. Maybe Zoe is a little more wise than she lets on.

With a deep breath, you set down your coffee cup, your gaze meeting Laura's. Her eyes are bright, her smile soft. You decide to seize the moment.

"Ok, enough preamble. I need to apologize, Laura, again" you begin, your voice barely above a whisper. The words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of your regret. "About what I said... it’s just, it was too much. It wasn’t ok."

She looks at you, her eyes glistening. She opens her mouth to speak, but this time you stop her.

"I let my jealousy get the best of me. I said things... things I regret. I'm sorry," you confess, your gaze dropping to your hands. They're clenched on the table, knuckles white with tension. You force them to relax, taking another deep breath. “You haven’t done anything wrong, and you were completely reasonable to be worried about me. I wasn’t thinking about you, about the stress you’re under. I just, I don’t know, I care about you a lot, and it was really hard. I let that make me say stupid things.”

Laura is silent for a moment, processing your words. Then she reaches across the table, her fingers gently uncurling your clenched fist. She squeezes your hand, her touch warm and comforting. "I shouldn't have said what I did either," she says quietly. "I'm sorry too. I don’t know, I’ve been thinking about it, and it’s probably hard for you too, with me making friends here, I mean it’s not that weird for you to be insecure about it. I could have made that easier on you."

You shake your head, meeting her gaze once more. "No, Laura, it was my fault. You shouldn’t be obligated to do that, it’s on me to not get weird. I pushed things in a bad direction. I’ll work on it, and not do that again. You’re too wonderful."

Her eyes soften, her thumb gently tracing circles on the back of your hand. "I forgive you. Can we just, like, talk more before this sort of thing happens again? I feel like we just need to share how we’re feeling more. Make more time, even when things get busy."

You nod solemnly. “Yeah, I mean, I should have just told you how I was feeling, or something. I'm going to get stressed again, because life is stressful. That can't be just me letting insecurities take over every time. We can do better. I can do better.”

The air between you feels lighter, the tension of your argument dissipating. You feel a sense of relief wash over you, the weight of your guilt and regret easing. You squeeze her hand in response, a silent thank you.

As you look at her you feel a a deep, deep warmth. You're grateful for her, for this moment, for the chance to make things right. You're grateful for the love you share, a love that's stronger than any argument, any misunderstanding.

After a moment of comfortable silence, enjoying the taste of your coffees and the soft hum of the Parisian morning, you decide to bring up another topic that has been lingering on your mind.

“So uh, about Jo…" You begin, keeping your voice light, your eyes searching Laura's for any sign of discomfort.

Her eyebrows raise a fraction and she nods, a slight blush coloring her cheeks but her gaze remains steady. "Yeah, our own personal voyeur, about her…" she says, a small smile playing on her lips, not sure how to continue.

You take a deep breath, your hand still enveloped in hers giving you the courage to continue. "It was fun, wasn't it?" You venture, a corner of your mouth quirking up in a half-smile.

Laura chuckles, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "I did like it, well, at the time," she agrees, her grip on your hand tightening reassuringly.

"But," you continue, your gaze turning serious, "I think... I think it might have been a mistake. Maybe we should keep our relationship between us? And leave Jo as a friend? I mean, it’s great and all, but I think we might have just proven we aren’t ready for that."

Laura is silent for a moment, contemplating your words. Then, she nods, her lips curving in a warm smile. "I think you're right. It was fun, but... I like us. Just us. We could probably make it work, but is it worth the risk?"

An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

You nod, squeezing her hand. “Yeah, probably not. Ok, that settles it. Sexy time is just us. For at least for now.”

Laura nods, and leans across the table, pulling you into a passionate kiss. The taste of strong coffee is on her lips. The sound of the bustling city fades into the background as you lose yourself in the kiss. It's passionate, intense, perfect.

Laura's hand finds its way to your cheek, her thumb gently caressing your skin. You reach up, covering her hand with your own, deepening the kiss. The world around you blurs as you focus solely on her, on the heat of her lips against yours, on the softness of her touch.

Eventually, you break away, both of you panting, flushed, and grinning like fools. You rest your forehead against hers, catching your breath, your fingers still tangled in her hair. The world comes rushing back in, the sounds of the bustling city once again filling your ears.

"Poor Jo, though," you say, "She’s going to miss watching that. Plus, I'm not sure she knows how to function without being the center of attention."

Laura laughs, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, she'll survive. She's the horniest person I know. Probably has a few more escapades lined up already. Who knows what she’ll get up to while we’re both gone."

“Your room is probably getting used for an orgy right this second.”

“Ewww, gross!”

Her laughter is infectious, and you join in, the tension of the morning melting away. As the laughter subsides, Laura's gaze turns serious again, her eyes meeting yours. "Tough luck for her, though," she murmurs, her hand reaching up to gently brush your cheek. "Because I want you all to myself."