
Laura the Bold

Chapter cover

Analog Visions

Chapter 32

Feb 13, 2024

You kneel on the soft grass, the evening breeze playing with the edges of the blanket you've spread out under a canopy of twinkling city lights. The camera case—a vintage leather affair with brass clasps—sits before you, a relic from a bygone era that you've been keeping a secret. You flick open the clasps with practiced ease, revealing the treasure within: an old but lovingly maintained film camera, its body reflecting the subtle glow of the distant streetlamps.

Laura leans over your shoulder, her breath a warm whisper against your neck, her curiosity piqued by the hype that’s been building the entire walk over. You haven’t told her what’s in the case. "Ok, ok, do I finally get to find out what’s in there?" she asks, the lilt in her voice betraying her excitement.

You can't smile. "A journey back in time," you say, affecting the tone of an old-timey announcer in a way that causes her to smirk. "But for real, it’s a cool old camera. I found it at an estate sale. It seemed in great condition, and I watched a ton of youtube videos on how to work it, so I think I’m set." You fiddle with a mechanism as Laura leans closer to get a better look.

“Besides, there’s something magic about film. Analog. I’ve gotta put you down on real film or you might escape.”

She laughs, the sound light and carefree. Her fingers carefully brush against the case. You guide her hand, letting her feel the cool metal of the camera housing, the textured leather, the mechanical precision. The gesture is intimate and charged as she lets you take control as you trace her fingers across the weathered materials.

"You're going to photograph me with this?" Her eyes, wide and shimmering with the city's reflection, meet yours.

"Yup," you say, standing and taking her hand in yours. "You, against the backdrop of a thousand lights." You say it in your mock old-timey voice again, but it feels true. You marvel at how the ambient luminescence caresses her features, lending her an ethereal quality that the camera's lens will surely love.

She stands there, bathed in the soft glow, her hair a cascade of shadows and light. You raise the camera, peering through the viewfinder, and everything else falls away. It's just Laura, the click of the shutter, the anticipation of the moments you're freezing in time.

As you adjust the focus, she tilts her head, giving you a look that is both playful and inviting. Your finger hesitates on the shutter release, the air between you charged with an unspoken connection. You take the picture, the sound of the mechanism pleasant in the warm night air.

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"Is it weird that I feel nervous?" Laura's voice is a gentle murmur as she poses, a little self-awkward.

"You totally should be," you reply, your voice low as you lower the camera for a moment. "It's like capturing a piece of your soul. It's intimate, special. It’s analog, after all. That’s how it works."

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

Her smile in response is all the encouragement you need. The camera clicks again, and again, each snapshot getting a little more dialed in. She moves naturally, comfortable in her skin. Seeing her confidence fills you with a swell of pride.

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You move around, capturing Laura's spontaneous twirls, her laughter painting the night air with joy. She's a vision in the soft light, every movement telling the story of a woman who's found her freedom.

“Give me some heat,” you say.

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A moment of stillness descends, and you lower the camera, your gaze lingering on Laura as she stands there, the breeze teasing strands of hair across her face. The camera rests against your chest, suspended by its strap, as you step closer to her. Your hands find their way to her waist, and you pull her gently towards you. Her breath catches, and she's there, in your arms, an arm's length away from the city's glow, yet it feels as if you're the only two people in the world.

Her fingertips graze the nape of your neck, light and deliberate, and you feel the connection—an electric charge that dances through you and back into her. It's a circuit completed, a feedback loop of affection.

"Thank you for this," she whispers, her eyes locked on yours. "This is fun. I like the feeling of your eyes on me, it’s even better with a camera."

"What can I say, you make it easy," you say. "I’ve been enjoying the view since day one."

The camera dangles forgotten at your hip as you draw her in, her body fitting perfectly against yours. The kiss is slow, passionate, soft.

"Let's capture a few more," you suggest.

Laura nods, her eyes alight. "Make me immortal," she says, striking a dramatic pose that makes you laugh.

You oblige, capturing her essence frame by frame, immortalizing the love and life that radiates from her.

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An illustration from an otherworlderotic story. Romantic erotica with beautiful images.

≋ ≋ ≋

The room is barely lit except for the soft glow of the bedside lamp, which throws a honeyed light over the curves of Laura's body. She stands by the edge of your unmade bed, a playful challenge in her eyes as she slips one finger beneath lace, looking at you with a heavy heat.

"Using that engineering know-how to engineer a perfect shot?" she quips.

You laugh. "I'm more using it to admire your physics. Physical properties, that is," you say, the camera in your hand feeling like a natural extension of your body. Click.

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You watch through the lens, the click of the shutter a metronome to the rise and fall of your breaths. She's magnetic, every inch of her pulling you in, and you're helpless but to document the moment. Click.

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Laura sprawls across your bed, enjoying the attention. Click

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She gets an idea and stands up. “I want to try something else on for this photoshoot,” she says. Click.

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Laura lets the strap slide off her shoulder, a deliberate slowness to her movements. The soft whisper of fabric against skin fills the room as Laura peels away the remaining lace, a flirtatious smile curving her lips. She's bare now, the room suddenly shrinking to the space of her presence, the air charged with the electricity of her confidence. Click.

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She bends over, searching for something in a pile of clothes. You move the camera quickly to capture the moment, but don’t quite get it in focus. Click.

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“Hey! No fair,” but her smile tells a different story. Click.

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She slides into a tiny pair of panties.

“Hmm, no, this isn’t what I want, there’s a black set…”


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“There it is… Ok, look away, for real this time. I’ll let you know when you can turn around.”

The sound of rustling lace tests your resolve. You fiddle with knobs on the camera that you barely understand to pass the few moments she needs to change.

“Ok, you can look.”


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She turns around and sprawls out on the bed.

Laura hooks your leg with one of hers, pulling you to the edge of the bed. She's close enough now that your hands itching to trace the same lines the camera has just captured.

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The final click of the shutter is a period at the end of a sentence, a silent agreement that words are no longer necessary. The camera is set aside, its role complete; a witness.

≋ ≋ ≋

Laura bursts into the apartment, the door bouncing against the wall with the momentum of her uncoordinated entrance. "Your girl has been drinkin," she declares, a mischievous twinkle in her slightly unfocused eyes.

You look up from the camera you’re tinkering with in your lap, a chuckle escaping as you take in the sight of her. "Jo's fault, I assume?"

She nods, flopping onto the couch with exaggerated gracelessness. "That woman should come with a warning label," Laura says, sniffing theatrically. "Beware: vodkaaaah."

Her gaze lands on the camera cradled in your hands. "What's this? Would you like to do more documentation?" she slurs slightly, putting a dramatic emphasis on the last word.

"Just checking some of the weird mechanical things," you reply, your voice steady despite the distraction of her presence.

Laura's smirk grows wider, and she leans in, the scent of alcohol mingling with her perfume. "You just can't wait to take pictures of me, can you?" she teases, her voice lowering to a sultry whisper. "You love it when I'm in front of your lens." She stumbles a little bit as she walks towards you, a goofy smile on her face.

"You're not wrong," you admit, meeting her drunken challenge with a smile. “You love it too.”

She stands abruptly, swaying just a little as she steps back and starts posing. Each movement is deliberate, an invitation, her hands skimming over the fabric of her T-shirt as if she's unveiling a masterpiece. "Should I give you a show?" Laura asks, tilting her head, the corners of her mouth curled in a knowing smile.

You raise the camera, looking at her through the viewfinder as she leans in close, intimate. "I'm all eyes," you say, your finger ready on the shutter. Click.

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Laura stretches out like a cat, arching her back, her silhouette a bold contrast against the light of the room. "I like that you like to look at me. I like being looked at by you," she purrs, her hands trailing down to the hem of her T-shirt.

Click. The camera shutter punctuates her words.

Her arms lift, T-shirt rising to reveal the smooth expanse of her firm stomach, then higher. She's grinning now, a flash of daring in her eyes. "Want a better view?"

Click. You capture the tease, the suggestion, the playful edge.

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Then, with a glance that's all challenge, Laura pulls the shirt over her head in one fluid motion. You capture a photo as she stands there, confident and radiant. Click.

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Her laughter rings out, clear and bright, as she drops the shirt to the ground. "That's what you wanted, right? To see me let loose?"

You lower the camera slightly, nodding at her with a heated appreciation. "Since day one, babe," you respond.

Laura saunters over, closing the distance, her bare skin a promise in the dim light. "Well you succeeded. I like who I am with you. Even when I’m drunk with you. I mean like, there’s drunk on you, but right now I’m drunk with you. It’s different. But I like both."

She pauses, contemplating her incoherence.

“Eh, get an eyeful, boyfriend.”

She reaches up, her fingers trailing along the clasp of her bra. With a fluid motion, as practiced as it is seductive, the bra falls away, leaving her bare to your gaze. She’s a vision, and you're the sole audience to this intimate performance. Click.

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Laura's eyes don't waver, holding yours with a magnetic pull as she reaches for the waistband of her jeans. The button gives way with a soft snap, the zipper descending in a whisper of metal against denim. She peels the fabric down her legs with a tantalizing slowness, each inch of exposed skin a revelation. Her jeans and underwear pool at her feet, and she steps out of them, one graceful foot after the other.

She turns slowly, presenting her backside to you, a smooth landscape of skin inviting your gaze to follow the contours of her body. Click.

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Laura's voice comes over her shoulder, soft yet laced with authority, "Start enjoying yourself... touch yourself. Let’s try something new. I’m horny."

Her command hands in the air for a moment. You watch her, the lines of her back, the gentle sway of her hips side to side—an unspoken beckoning.

As Laura stands there, a siren in the soft light, you let your hands roam freely, tracing the outline of your erection in your pants. Laura looks down at your position on the couch with approval as you feel your length, hard in your jeans. Click.

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Your eyes remain fixed on Laura as she continues her dance, the subtle roll of her hips a hypnotic rhythm. She whispers a coy, “Keep going.” There’s a playful command in her voice, one that urges you to match her in the act of revelation. Your own hands make quick work of your shirt, and pants, mirroring her state of undress.

"Touch yourself," she says, her voice velvet. "I want you to jack off as you watch me."

You obey, sliding down your boxers to free your erection as you lean back on the couch. Her eyes are hot on you as you move your hand once, twice along the length. She's close enough now that you can see the rise and fall of her chest, the slight parting of her lips. You speed up, pumping as she presses her breasts together for you.

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"Slower," she instructs, her own hand mimicking the path of yours from afar. "Savor it."

Your movements echo her tempo, deliberate and unhurried. The sight of her, coupled with the weight of her gaze, intensifies every sensation, each nerve ending alight with the fire she stokes.

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"Now, here," she directs, her hand hovering over her own body, just below the navel, her fingers dipping lower, hinting at the next step in this dance. "Show me how you do it when you think about me. Go a bit faster."

Laura's every move is choreographed with the precision of a masterful temptress. She stands before you, the embodiment of desire, her body undulating in a dance meant only for your eyes. The gentle sway of her hips is a rhythmic pulse, each tilt and turn accentuating the curves and contours of her figure. She's a living sculpture.

“Here, get that picture that turned out blurry last time,” she says, turning around and spreading her legs. You oblige. Click.

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Her skin, illuminated by the soft glow of the room, seems to beckon to your touch, even as you maintain the distance she's commanded. She arches her back, a slow, deliberate motion that pushes her chest forward, and for a moment, she holds that pose—a visual caress that sends ripples through the charged air between you.

"Follow my lead," Laura says, her voice a thread of silk wrapping around you. "Faster now, match my rhythm." Her hands roam across her own body, a mirror to the movement of your hands. She watches you intently, ensuring you're keeping pace with her escalating tempo.

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Her fingers trace the valley between her breasts…. Click.

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… down to the flat plane of her stomach, and lower still, slipping beneath the edge of her sex. She bites her lip, a flash of white teeth, and her eyelids flutter—a silent show of her own rising pleasure.

She starts to play with herself, her hand moving in time with yours. Your hand moves in tandem, the sensation mounting, the friction building. "Yes, just like that," she breathes out, her voice hitching slightly as she guides you.

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Laura's movements grow more urgent. She's moved closer to you, so close you can almost feel the heat radiating from her skin. "Faster," she urges, her own hand movements a blur of motion that leaves no doubt of her intent. "Let go, I want you to come for me."

The room is filled with the sound of quickening breaths, as she turns, spreading her legs and giving you a view.

With a fluid grace that seems to defy the urgency of the moment, Laura drops to her knees in front of you, a hand still between her legs. She maintains eye contact, biting her lip and looking up at you with pure lust. Her body moves with the controlled elegance of a dancer, every motion deliberate.

She bends her knees slightly, her hands sliding down her thighs as she goes, a silent siren's call for your eyes to follow. The soft carpet meets her as she settles onto her haunches. She leans back, supporting herself on her arms, which pushes her chest forward. Her head is thrown back slightly, her hair cascading behind her.

"Now," she instructs, her voice a low purr that seems to vibrate through the room, "don't take your eyes off me."

Laura's movements become more expressive, her hips rolling in slow circles. "Faster," she commands, her own pace quickening, her performance on the floor in sync with yours.

"Keep going," she breathes out, "just like that." You speed up your stroking, your cock inches from her face as her eyes flutter and she brings herself close to the edge.

"Come for me," she whispers, a final command that sends you into release.

Before you can react, Laura lowers her head, her lips finding your tip. The warmth of her mouth envelopes your erection, lips sliding across your head. You moan at the sensation of her taking you completely as your orgasm pumps into her mouth. You feel her tongue slide against your shaft as she greedily bobs her head, hard and fast. The pulses keep coming as you unload down her throat.

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In moments, you’re overly sensitive, but she keeps going as she rides out her own orgasm, bouncing and gyrating on the floor in front of you. She licks the sides of your shaft as she does, wet sloppy strokes of her tongue.

Laura finally finishes on her hand, and she collapses forward gently into your lap, a graceful surrender. Her hands come to rest on your thighs, grounding her as she nestles her face against your crotch, spent. The softness of her hair brushes against your skin, fanning out across your lap untamed.

She’s on her knees, between your legs, her head in your lap, her body pressed close to yours. She shudders with the tail end of pleasure, a physical echo of the shared intensity. You feel her breath, deep and steady as it returns to a natural rhythm, each exhale a whisper against your bare skin.

You respond with an instinctive tenderness, your hand finding its way to her hair. You stroke the strands with care, the gesture one of protection and affection. The contact is soothing, a balm to the both of you, as you gently untangle the locks with your fingers.

“That feels nice,” she says, a breathless moan against you.

The room is silent save for the soft rustling as she relaxes further, her upper body sprawled across your lap, a comfortable weight that speaks of trust and intimacy. You can feel the rise and fall of her chest against you.

"Girl, you know how to move," you murmur.

Laura's laughter, light and melodic, vibrates against your skin. The sensation is ticklish, an unexpected delight that causes a soft smile to spread across your face. The warmth of her breath, the softness of her hair as she shifts—every little movement creates a tender brush against your sensitive cock.

Finally, she lifts her head, her eyes meeting yours with the glimmers. With a contented sigh, Laura sits up, her movements languid, the energy of the moment before still lingering in her limbs.

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She rises gracefully and then settles onto the couch beside you. The cushions embrace her form as she leans into you, her body finding its place next to yours with an ease that speaks of a comfortable familiarity. She tucks herself under your arm, her head resting against your shoulder.

You welcome her, wrapping an arm around her, pulling her close. The heat of her body melds with yours, a silent exchange of warmth and affection. Your fingers find their way through the tangles of her hair once more.

"Could you grab me a glass of water?" Laura's request comes with a softness, her voice a subtle reminder of the world beyond the couch.

"Of course," you reply, your muscles preparing to lift you from the couch. But as you begin to rise, her arms wrap around you with a playful firmness, her intention clear—she's not quite ready to let this moment end.

"No, stay," she says with a mock sternness, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She tightens her hold for emphasis, a playful challenge issued without words. "You have to figure out how to get the water without leaving."

"I don't think that's possible," you play along, feigning contemplation.

She pouts exaggeratedly, the sight so endearing that it almost convinces you to try. But after a moment, she releases you with a dramatic sigh, her body language granting permission for your temporary absence.

You stand, stretching your limbs before heading to the kitchen. When you return, glass in hand, you pause at the sight of her. Laura sprawls across the couch, unabashed and serene, the soft light of the room playing over her skin. You can't resist capturing the moment. You reach for the camera you set to the side. The soft click of the camera shutter freezes the image forever—a candid portrait of contentment and beauty.

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Laura looks up as you approach, her eyes reflecting a quiet gratitude. She takes the glass with both hands, drinking with a simple innocence. After setting the glass on the side table, she opens her arms to you, an unspoken invitation.

You drape a blanket around her, the fabric enveloping her naked form. She snuggles into you once again, her body molding to yours beneath the protective layer.

With her nestled against you, the blanket a shared cocoon, you both settle into a comfortable silence. The warmth of her body, the steady rhythm of her breathing, and the softness of her presence against you are all the comfort needed. You relax, enjoying the contentment of the moment, as you both drift into a peaceful, companionable stillness.