
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover

Fun in the dark

Chapter 5

Sep 6, 2024

As the last bites of pasta disappear from plates, the four of you settle into a contented quiet, broken only by the clink of cutlery against ceramic. Laura is the first to stand, stretching her arms above her head with a satisfied groan.

"Alright, team," she says, stacking her plate on top of yours. "Let's get these dishes done so we can relax for the rest of the night."

You nod in agreement, rising to help her gather the remaining dishes. Jo and Amy follow suit, carrying glasses and utensils to the small sink. In short order the kitchen is put back together.

As the last dish is placed back in the cupboard, Jo lets out a jaw-cracking yawn. "Man, I'm beat," she says, stretching her arms above her head. "I think it's time for this girl to hit the hay."

Amy nods in agreement, a yawn escaping despite her best efforts to stifle it. "Me too," she says, rubbing at her eyes. "I'm exhausted. The sun takes it out of me."

Laura glances at the worn out clock hanging from a nail on the wall, her eyebrows raising in surprise. "Wow, it's later than I thought," she says. "We should probably all start getting ready for bed."

The next few minutes are a flurry of activity as everyone begins their nighttime routines. You and Laura take turns in the small bathroom, brushing your teeth side by side at the tiny sink. It's a tight squeeze, your elbows bumping as you navigate the cramped space, but there's a certain charming intimacy to it. It’s likely to be the most privacy you get tonight.

As you emerge from the bathroom in your comfy sweatpants and t-shirt, you find Laura struggling with the pull-out couch bed. She's wrestling with the stubborn frame, trying to coax it into submission, but it seems determined to resist her efforts.

a woman in a white tank top standing in front of a dark room

"Need some help with that?" you ask, coming up beside her.

Laura looks up at you, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face. "Please," she says, frustration lacing her voice. "This thing is being a real pain in the ass. I keep feeling like some stray mechanism is going to pinch me."

Together, you manage to wrangle the bed into submission, unfolding it and locking it into place. Laura grabs a set of sheets from the linen closet, and you work together to make up the bed, tucking in the corners and arranging the pillows.

Across the room, Jo and Amy are sitting on the bed conversing quietly. You can hear the soft murmur of their voices as they talk quietly to each other, punctuated by the occasional giggle or sigh. You catch Amy giving Jo a soft, intimate kiss on the cheek. A genuine smile breaks on Jo’s face, totally authentic and without an ounce of her usual mischievous nature.

With the beds made up, you and Laura settle onto the edge of the pull-out couch. She reaches for your hand, intertwining her fingers with yours.

"Raincheck on tonight?" she murmurs, her eyes soft with understanding.

You nod, bringing her hand to your lips for a tender kiss. "Raincheck," you agree, a hint of regret coloring your voice. "But I'm going to fuck your brains out later," you add in a whisper, your voice low to avoid detection from Jo as she walks by to the bathroom.

Laura blushes, a shiver running down her spine at your words. "Yes please," she breathes, her eyes darkening with desire. "I'm going to hold you to that." She cuddles up to you, and you wrap your arms around her, enjoying the feeling of her against your body.

Laura disentangles herself from you and stands up, stretching her arms above her head. "I just remembered I left my phone charger in the car," she says, heading for the door. "I'll be right back."

As the door closes behind her, you glance over at Amy. She's sitting on the edge of the bed, her legs dangling off the side. Her loose hoodie has fallen open, revealing the cute, lacy bra she's wearing underneath. But then you notice the sad, distant look on her face, and concern washes over you.

You cross the room to sit beside her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hey," you say softly, ducking your head to catch her eye. "You okay?"

a woman in a bra and underwear sitting on a bed

Amy looks up at you, her blue eyes shimmering. "I don't know," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I have a lot on my mind, I guess."

You nod in understanding, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I get it," you say, your voice warm with empathy. "But remember what I said earlier. You and Jo, you're solid. You'll figure it out, whatever it is."

Amy offers you a watery smile, leaning into your touch. "Thanks," she murmurs, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. "I needed to hear that."

You give Amy a friendly pat on the back, earning you a genuine smile. Just then, the sound of the door opening announces Laura's return. She looks over at you, your hand on a mostly undressed Amy. You hastily withdraw it. Her brows furrow for just a moment before she tosses her phone charger onto the nightstand before crawling into bed. You head over and join her.

Jo emerges from the bathroom a moment later, turning off the overhead light as she makes her way to the bed. The room is plunged into darkness, broken only by the soft glow of the moon filtering in through the window.

As you settle back against the pillows, Laura curls into your side, her head resting on your chest. You wrap an arm around her, holding her close as you listen to the sound of her breathing even out.

≋ ≋ ≋

In the stillness of the night, with only the soft chirping of crickets outside the window and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, you allow your mind to wander. Images of Laura flash through your thoughts – the way she looked emerging from the ocean, water droplets glistening on her sun-kissed skin; the sound of her laughter as she teased you on the beach; the heat in her gaze as she touched you under the towel.

Your body responds to the memories, a familiar warmth pooling in your lower belly as your heartbeat quickens. Laura must sense the change in your breathing, because she shifts against you, her thigh brushing against your growing arousal.

She tilts her head up. "Can't sleep?" she murmurs, her voice low as to not wake the others.

You and Laura start cuddling beneath the sheets, your bodies molding together like two puzzle pieces perfectly aligned. She's wearing nothing but a thin tank top and a pair of lacy panties, the fabric so delicate and insubstantial that you can feel every curve and contour of her body as she presses against you.

“Not with you like this against me,” you say.

Laura turns in your arms, curling into the little spoon position. You wrap your arms around her, holding her close. There’s no uncertainty to the state you’re currently in, your boxers doing little to hide the presence of your arousal. As you spoon her from behind, Laura starts to move her hips in a little circle, her ass rubbing against your crotch in a slow, sensual rhythm.

a woman in a white tank top laying in bed

“Is this helping?” Laura whispers, her firm cheeks rubbing against your growing erection. Your cock swells and hardens, straining against the confines of your boxers as it nestles snugly between the cleft of her ass.

Laura reaches back, her hand finding yours and guiding it to her hip. She turns her head toward you, her lips brushing against your ear as she breathes a barely audible whisper. "Shhh, we have to be quiet. Don't wake them."

Your pulse quickens at her words, desire and excitement mingling with the thrill of secrecy. Slowly, carefully, you slip your hand beneath the hem of her tank top, your fingers gliding over the smooth, sunkissed skin of her stomach. You take your time exploring the taut planes of her abdomen as you gradually work your way higher.

When your fingertips graze the underside of her breasts, Laura inhales sharply, arching into your touch. You cup the soft weight of her breasts in your palms, marveling at how perfectly they fit in your hands, like they were made just for you. Her nipples harden against your fingers as you tease and circle the sensitive buds, coaxing them to rise.

Laura bites back a moan, her body trembling with the effort of staying silent. You can feel her heart racing beneath your palm. Emboldened by her response, you pinch and roll her nipples between your fingers, tugging gently as you knead the supple flesh of her breasts.

One of your hands skims down the length of her body, trailing over the flare of her hips and along the outside of her thigh. The smooth, supple skin is warm beneath your touch, and you take your time savoring the feel of her.

As your hand slips between her thighs, Laura shifts, parting her legs just enough to grant you access. You run your fingers along the lacy edge of her panties, teasing the sensitive skin at the fabric’s edge. The heat of her sex radiates through the thin material, and you can feel the dampness of her arousal beginning to seep through.

a woman in a white bra top laying in bed

Unable to resist any longer, you hook your fingers in the waistband of her panties and tug them down over the swell of her ass. Laura lifts her hips to help you, shimmying the flimsy garment down her legs until she can kick them off under the covers.

Now bare from the waist down, Laura grinds back against you with renewed purpose, the cleft of her ass cradling your throbbing erection. You thrust your hips forward, rutting against her as you seek more of that delicious friction.

Fumbling beneath the sheets, you manage to push your boxers down just enough to free your straining cock. Laura reaches back, her hand finding your hip and urging you closer. You oblige, pressing yourself along the length of her body until there's not an inch of space left between you. Your cock nestles snugly against her ass, the shaft sliding between her cheeks with each slow roll of your hips.

The metal frame of the pull-out bed creaks softly beneath you as you move together, the sound barely audible over the pounding of your heart in your ears. In the darkness of the cabin, with Jo and Amy sleeping just feet away, every sensation feels magnified, intensified.

You bury your face in the crook of Laura's neck, muffling your groans against her skin as you continue to grind against her. Her scent fills your nostrils, a heady combination of sunscreen and sweat and arousal that makes your head spin. You press open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat, tasting the salt of her skin on your tongue.

You slip your hands beneath the thin fabric of Laura's tank top, your palms gliding over the smooth skin of her back. You push the garment up and over her head, tossing it aside to join her discarded panties.

Now completely bare, Laura presses back against you, her naked flesh molding seamlessly to your own. The feeling of her soft curves yielding against your body is intoxicating, and you have to bite back a groan as your aching cock throbs against her backside.

a naked woman laying on her back in bed
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You run your hands over her newly exposed skin, savoring the silky texture beneath your fingertips. The swell of her breasts fills your palms again as you cup and knead the supple mounds. Mindful of the need for quiet, you set a slow, teasing pace as you worship her body with your hands and mouth. You trail more open-mouthed kisses along the slope of her shoulder.

Laura reaches back, tangling her fingers in your hair as she angles her head to give you better access. You oblige, licking and sucking at the sensitive flesh of her neck, punctuating your performance with gentle, tickling kisses.

Your hand drifts lower, skimming over the quivering plane of her stomach and down to the juncture of her thighs. Laura parts her legs in anticipation, her breath coming in shallow pants as she waits for your touch. She writhes against you, her hips undulating in a slow, sensual rhythm that stokes the fire burning low in your belly. She reaches back, her hand finding your hip and urging you closer, silently begging for more.

You take your time, teasing the sensitive skin of her inner thighs with featherlight strokes, your fingers dancing ever closer to where she wants you. Laura squirms impatiently, her hips canting forward in a silent plea, but you remain steadfast in your resolve to draw this out, to make her ache and throb and beg for release.

When your fingers finally graze her slick folds, she's absolutely drenched, her arousal coating your fingers and dripping down her thighs. You tease her entrance with light, fluttering touches, circling around her clit without ever quite touching it.

"Fuck you," Laura breathes, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the room, as you tease her entrance with light, fluttering touches.

You hum in agreement, nuzzling her ear as you murmur, "Shhh, you have to be quiet, or they'll hear."

The reminder seems to spur Laura on, her hips rocking rhythmically against your hand as she seeks more friction. You reward her efforts by finally slipping a single finger inside, sinking into the tight, clutching heat of her channel. Laura bites down on her lip to stifle a moan, her inner walls fluttering around the intrusion as her body instinctively tries to draw you deeper.

You set a slow, tortuous pace, pumping your finger in and out of her dripping core as your palm grinds against her clit. You can feel her thighs beginning to tremble against your hard cock pressed against her naked body.

As her arousal builds, you add a second finger, stretching her deliciously as you scissor and curl the digits inside her. You whisper a quiet “shhh” as the ragged sound of her breathing increases and she struggles to maintain her silence.

Your cock throbs almost painfully against her backside, the head sliding vertically between the firm globes of her ass and against the small of her back. It takes every ounce of your self-control not to simply surge forward and bury yourself to the hilt in her welcoming heat, but you know you wouldn’t be able to make love to her quietly. For now, you resist.

a naked woman laying on a bed in the dark
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You redouble your efforts, your fingers pumping faster as your thumb seeks out the swollen bud of her clit. You circle the sensitive nub with feather-light touches, flicking and stroking until Laura is practically vibrating with tension, her body drawn taut as a bowstring.

"That's it," you encourage her, your voice a low rumble in her ear. "You're being so good, staying so quiet.” Laura responds with a barely audible whimper as she trembles on your hand.

“I’m… close…”

“Do you want to come?” You whisper.

Laura nods frantically, beyond words as she chases her impending release. Her breath comes in shallow pants, punctuated by the occasional whimper she can't quite manage to stifle. You can feel her inner walls beginning to flutter around your fingers, the telltale sign of her impending climax.

Leaning in close, you nuzzle the shell of her ear, your hot breath fanning over the sensitive skin. "Come for me," you breathe. "I want to feel you fall apart on my fingers."

As if on cue, Laura's body seizes, her back arching as the first wave of her orgasm crashes over her. Laura whimpers softly, her head falling back against your shoulder as she gives herself over to the sensations coursing through her body. Her inner walls clamp down around your fingers like a vice, pulsing and fluttering as you continue to stroke her through the aftershocks.

She buries her face in her pillow, her entire body trembling with the force of her release. You pepper her neck and shoulders with soft kisses as you wrap your arms around her. When the last tremors have subsided, you gently withdraw your fingers, drawing a soft whimper from Laura at the loss.

Laura turns in your arms, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. "That was incredible," she murmurs against your lips, her voice still slightly breathless. "But we're not done yet. I need to feel you inside me, need you to fill me up."

a naked woman laying on a bed in the dark
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Your cock throbs almost painfully at her words, straining against her stomach as it seeks the welcoming heat of her body. But as much as you long to sink into her, you know you need to be careful. The last thing you want is to alert Jo and Amy to your activities, and you know you won’t be able to fuck Laura softly. Definitely not on this bed. Or cum softly, for that matter.

So instead, you simply pull Laura closer, tangling your legs with hers as you press a soft kiss to her temple. "Soon, my love," you promise, your voice a low murmur in the darkness. "As soon as we're alone, I'm going to worship every inch of this gorgeous body until you're begging for mercy."

Laura shivers at the promise in your words. “I’m imagining all the delicious ways you can make good on that promise,” she says.

For now, though, she contents herself with the solid weight of your body pressed against her back, the steady thrum of your heartbeat lulling her into a sated, dreamless sleep.