
Sunkissed Summer Break

Chapter cover

A relaxing walk

Chapter 6

Sep 13, 2024

As the first rays of the morning sun filter through the towering redwoods, you and Laura set out on a hike, the cabin quickly disappearing behind you as you delve deeper into the forest. The air is crisp and cool, the earthy scent of pine and damp moss filling your nostrils with each breath. Dappled sunlight dances across the trail, the golden beams casting an almost ethereal glow on your surroundings.

Laura walks ahead of you, her toned legs on full display in her short jean shorts. The faded denim hugs the curve of her ass, the frayed edges brushing against her sunkissed skin with each step. The thin fabric of her bikini top is luxuriously stretched taut across her pert breasts.

a woman in a black bikini top and shorts standing in the woods

As you trek along the winding path, the sound of birdsong and the gentle rustling of leaves fills the comfortable silence between you. It's a welcome respite from the close quarters of the cabin, a chance to stretch your legs and clear your head after the extended close proximity with Amy and Jo.

"So," Laura says, breaking the silence as she glances back at you over her shoulder. "What do you think about Jo and Amy? Do you think Amy will be able to tame our resident wild child?"

You chuckle, shaking your head as you picture Jo's mischievous grin and Amy's exasperated sighs. “I don't know,” you muse, stepping over a gnarled tree root protruding from the ground. “Jo's pretty set in her ways. But if anyone can rein her in, it's Amy. She seems to have a way of getting through to her, even when she's at her most stubborn."

Laura nods, a thoughtful expression on her face as she considers your words. She pauses, leaning against a moss-covered boulder, her fingers tracing abstract patterns on its rough surface.

"You know," she begins, her voice soft against the backdrop of rustling leaves, "I think we might have misjudged their dynamic a bit."

You tilt your head. "How so?"

Laura's gaze drifts to a patch of wildflowers nearby, their vibrant petals a stark contrast to the earthy tones of the forest floor. "Well, we've been thinking about it in terms of Amy 'taming' Jo, right? Reigning her in. But after what we saw at the beach..." She trails off, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

You nod, remembering the glimpse you'd caught of Amy's hidden wild side. "You're right. There's more to Amy than meets the eye."

"Exactly," Laura agrees, pushing off from the boulder to continue along the trail. "I think maybe Amy loves Jo exactly as she is. Wild, uninhibited, and all."

As you follow her, ducking under a low-hanging branch, you ponder her words. "So you think their tension isn't about changing each other, but..."

"But about how they fit together long-term," Laura finishes for you. She glances back, a knowing look in her eyes. "It's not about taming or changing. It's about growing together."

You step over a small stream, the water gurgling softly over smooth pebbles. "That's... actually pretty profound," you admit.

Laura laughs, the sound echoing through the trees. "I have my moments," she teases. Then, more seriously, "It makes you think, doesn't it? About relationships, about how people complement each other." You catch up to her, your hand brushing against hers. "Yeah, it does," you agree, your mind drifting to your own relationship, to the ways you and Laura balance each other out.

"In any case, there’s some sort of tension between them," Laura says with a shrug. "What about with you? How are you handling extended Jo exposure? Can you imagine me acting like that? All wild and uninhibited, constantly pushing boundaries and trying to get naked any chance I get?"

a woman in a black bikini top and black panties

You grin, your eyes raking over her scantily clad form as you close the distance between you. "Oh, you're telling me you're not a sex-crazed red-head who's constantly trying to seduce me with your wicked ways?" you tease, your voice low and playful.

Laura laughs, the sound bright and carefree as it echoes through the trees. "Fair enough," she concedes, her fingers toying with the strings of her bikini top. "But after the way you handled me last night, you might just turn me into one. Then I’ll just have to dye my hair red."

You chuckle, heat blooming in your chest at the memory of her writhing beneath your touch, her body trembling with the force of her release. "Is that so?" you murmur, your hand finding the curve of her hip and pulling her flush against you. "Well you do already get naked outdoors quite frequently. Maybe we should pick up some hair dye on the way home."

Laura giggles, her arms winding around your neck as she presses a soft kiss to your lips. "Mmm, tempting," she hums, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "But seriously, I've never come that hard from just fingers before. It was... intense."

a woman in a black bikini top standing on a rocky beach

A faint blush stains her cheeks as she makes the admission, her gaze dropping to your chest as a sudden shyness overtakes her. It's endearing, the way she can go from bold and flirtatious to adorably bashful in the span of a heartbeat.

"Hey," you murmur, your finger hooking beneath her chin and tilting her face up to meet your gaze. "You never have to be embarrassed about sex stuff with me. I love knowing that I can make you feel that good, that I can unravel you with just my touch."

Laura's eyes flutter closed, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she leans into your touch. "That makes two of us," she breathes, her voice barely above a whisper. "God, the things you do to me... I've never felt anything like it before."

Your heart swells at her words, a fierce surge of love and protectiveness washing over you. You cup her face in your hands, your thumbs brushing over the delicate arches of her cheekbones as you drink in the sight of her.

"I feel the same way," you confess, your voice rough with emotion. "Every time I touch you, every time I'm inside you, it's like I was made just for you, and you for me."

Laura's breath hitches, her fingers tightening in your hair as she pulls you down for a hard, passionate kiss. Your mouths move together, your tongues tangling as you pour every ounce of affection and pent up sexual energy you feel into the kiss.

When you finally break apart, Laura rests her forehead against yours, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I love you," she whispers. "I love you so much it scares me sometimes."

You brush a tender kiss against her brow, your arms tightening around her waist as you hold her close. "I love you too," you murmur, your voice fierce with conviction. "More than anything in this world."

Laura sniffles, a watery laugh bubbling up from her throat as she swipes at her eyes. "Look at us," she teases, her voice still thick with emotion. "Getting all sappy and romantic in the middle of the woods. Jo would never let us hear the end of it if she could see us now."

a woman in a black bikini top sitting on a log

You chuckle, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose before reluctantly releasing her from your embrace. "Well, what Jo doesn't know won't hurt her," you say with a wink, your hand finding hers and lacing your fingers together. "Besides, I’ve got to convince you to let me into your pants somehow.”

Laura swats at your arm without an ounce of venom in her. “Come on, you handsome jerk, let's keep going. I want to see where this trail leads."

You and Laura continue your hike, Laura's hand warm and solid in yours.

"You know," Laura says, her voice taking on a pensive note as she navigates a particularly rocky stretch of path. “Speaking of getting off with fingers… Growing up, there was always this open-door policy in my house. My parents insisted on it, saying it was to promote 'transparency' and 'accountability.'” She rolls her eyes; the air quotes evident in her tone.

You grimace. "That must have been rough," you say, giving her hand a sympathetic squeeze. "Especially as a teenager, when you're just starting to figure yourself out."

Laura nods, a flicker of old anger sparking in her eyes. "It was hell," she says, her voice tight with remembered frustration. "I mean, god forbid a girl touches herself, right? That's just asking for eternal damnation." She shakes her head, a rueful laugh escaping her lips. "I got so paranoid about it, always worried that my mom would barge in and catch me in the act. I never really got good at it, you know? At making myself feel good."

Your heart aches for her, for the shame and guilt she must have internalized over something so natural, so fundamental to human experience.

"You know," she says, her tone lightening as you resume your hike. "There was this one time, when I was staying with my cousin's family for a few weeks during the summer. His name is David, he's like ten years older than us but he's really cool. Definitely the black sheep of the family. Remind me to introduce you sometime, I think you two would hit it off."

You nod, excited to meet some of Laura's family. "I'd like that," you say, ducking under a low-hanging branch. "So, what happened during this visit?"

Laura grins, a faint blush staining her cheeks as she recalls the memory. "Well, I had my own room while I was staying there, which was a novelty in and of itself. A door I was allowed to close! And it just so happens we had a sex ed class recently, and I snuck out one of the condoms they gave away. It felt like this huge act of rebellion, you know? Like I was asserting my independence and sexuality in this really powerful way."

You raise an eyebrow, a smile tugging at your lips as you picture a younger Laura, all fierce determination and righteous indignation. "That sounds like you," you say. "I bet you were terrified of being found out."

"Exactly! It was like my own little feminist uprising. Of course, I had no actual intention of using the condom. It was more about the symbolism of the thing. Just having it."

"Anyway," Laura continues, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "On this particular visit to my cousin’s, I also managed to smuggle a cucumber out of the kitchen one night..."

Your eyes widen, a disbelieving laugh bursting from your lips. "No way," you say, shaking your head in amazement. "Laura, you little deviant! I never would have guessed."

Laura giggles, her cheeks flushing an even deeper shade of pink. "I know, right? I felt like such a badass. But then I got back to my room and actually put the condom on the cucumber, and I just... chickened out. I couldn't go through with it."

a woman in a black bikini top and jeans standing in the woods

You tilt your head, curious. "Oh yeah? Why not?" you ask.

Laura shrugs, a rueful smile playing about her lips. "I don't know, I guess I was just too caught up in all the guilt and shame. I kept thinking about how sex was supposed to be this sacred thing, and how using a cucumber... it was like I'd lose my virginity or something. I got scared."

You squeeze her hand, your heart breaking for the young girl she once was, so full of curiosity and desire but shackled by the weight of other people's expectations and beliefs. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," you say softly.

Laura leans into you, resting her head on your shoulder as you walk. "It's okay," she says. "I've made my peace with it. And honestly, I think all of that repression and shame just made me appreciate the freedom and joy of my sexuality that much more. Once I finally let myself embrace it, that is. Plus, I have your cucumber to play with now."

You press a kiss to the top of her head. "Well, for what it's worth," you say, "I am more than happy to help you make up for lost time. In fact, I consider it my solemn duty as your boyfriend to ensure that you are thoroughly satisfied in every possible way. By my cucumber."

"Is that so?" she asks, arching an eyebrow in challenge. "Well, far be it from me to stand in the way of such a noble mission."

You grin, pulling her closer and nuzzling your nose against her temple. "I live to serve," you murmur, your voice low and heated. "And speaking of service, I have to admit, the mental image of you with that cucumber is doing some seriously delightful things to my imagination right now."

Laura shivers, her eyes darkening with desire as she looks up at you. "Yeah?" she breathes, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. "Care to share with the class?"

You lean down, your lips brushing her ear as you whisper, "Let's just say it involves you, me, and a very creative use of produce."

Laura's breath intakes sharply, her fingers tightening around yours. "I think I could be persuaded," she says. "But only if you promise to be very, very thorough in your attentions."

You grin, pulling back to meet her gaze. "Oh, I plan to be," you assure her. "After all, I am nothing if not dedicated to my craft."

Laura laughs, the sound rich and throaty as she leans up on her toes to brush a kiss against your lips. "Lucky me," she murmurs, her smile soft and full of love. "I guess I hit the jackpot when I got assigned to be your buddy."

a woman in a black bikini top and jeans standing in the woods

You pull Laura back to you into another kiss. Her tongue teases the seam of your lips, seeking entrance, and you grant it willingly. As you lose yourself in the kiss, Laura's hand trails down your side, her fingers skimming over the thin fabric of your t-shirt before coming to rest on the growing bulge in your shorts. She cups you through the fabric, her palm rubbing over your hardening length.

You break the kiss with a gasp. "Fuck, Laura," you breathe. "Don’t tease me again, my poor heart can’t take it.

She grins up at you, her eyes dark with want. "Who said I was teasing," she murmurs, her fingers tightening around your cock as she strokes you through your shorts.

You groan, your head falling back as you surrender to the sensation of her touch. After a few moments of sweet torture, Laura leans in, her lips brushing your ear as she whispers, "You know, you have been denied a lot lately. Once on the beach, and then again last night. I feel bad for you, my love."

You let out a rueful chuckle, your hands settling on her hips as you pull her flush against you. "It's been a trial," you agree, your tone playful despite the very real ache of desire thrumming through your veins. "I don't know how much more of this torment I can take."

You pull Laura close, burying your face in the soft valley between her breasts. She giggles, her fingers threading through your hair as she guides you. You comply eagerly, rubbing your cheeks and nose against the thin fabric of her bikini top, inhaling the scent of her. Laura's fingers hold you in place as she arches into your touch, soft sighs of pleasure escaping her parted lips.

As you worship her breasts with your mouth, Laura's hand snakes between your bodies, rubbing over the straining bulge in your shorts. You groan against her skin as she cups your hardness, her fingers tracing the rigid outline of your cock through the thin fabric.

Suddenly, she reaches up and tugs her bikini top to the side. You need no further encouragement. Dipping your head, you capture one taut nipple between your lips, swirling your tongue around. Laura gasps, her back arching as she presses herself more firmly against your face.

You lavish attention on her breasts, alternating between broad strokes of your tongue and gentle nips and sucks that have her writhing in your arms. You groan against her skin as she begins to stroke you through your shorts, her touch firm and sure. The dual sensations of her hand on your cock and her breast in your mouth are almost too much to bear, and you feel your hips rocking forward, thrusting into her grip.

"Is there anything I can do to ease your suffering?" she asks, her voice all faux-innocence.

You shake your head, feigning confusion even as your gaze remains locked on the rosy peaks of her nipples. "I can't think of a single thing," you say, your voice strained with the effort of maintaining the charade. Laura smirks, her hands sliding up your chest to loop around your neck, pulling you out of your hunch into a standing position. "Well then," she purrs, her lips hovering a hairsbreadth from yours. "I guess I'll just have to do the thinking for both of us."

With that, she pulls you off the trail. Confused, you follow her to a patch of lush grass.

“Easier on the knees,” she says with a wink as she sinks down, her hands trailing along your body as she goes. You suck in a sharp breath as she nuzzles her face against the firm outline of your erection.

a beautiful young woman in a bikini top sitting on the grass

She looks up at you as she slowly, teasingly, drags down the zipper of your shorts. It feels like it takes an eternity. When your shorts are finally open, Laura reaches in, her fingers wrapping around your hard length. You hiss at the first touch of her hand on your bare skin.

Laura takes her time, exploring your cock with gentle, reverent touches. She runs her fingers along the thick vein on the underside, tracing it from base to tip before circling the swollen head. She rubs the pad of her thumb over your tip, gathering the bead of moisture that's already formed there and spreading it down your shaft.

"God, you're so hard," she murmurs. "Do you want me to do more dirty talking? Did you like that?"

You groan, your fingers tangling in her hair as she leans forward, rubbing your cock over her face. She drags the head over her cheeks, her nose, her lips.

"Laura," you grit out. "Yes..."

a young woman in a bikini is giving a blowjob
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She takes pity on you, her lips parting to press a soft, open-mouthed kiss to the very tip of your cock. She laps at the slit, her tongue swirling around the head before she suckles gently, drawing more of you into the wet heat of her mouth. She holds your there for a moment before releasing you again.

"Fuck, your cock tastes so good," she hums. "I love how you feel on my tongue, so heavy and hard and mine."

She punctuates the words with a kiss, her lips traveling down the length of your shaft until she reaches the base. She nuzzles her nose into the coarse hair there, inhaling deeply, before licking a long, slow stripe back up to the tip.

"All mine," she whispers, her breath hot against your spit-slicked skin. "This beautiful cock, all for me. You can look at the other girls, but I’m the one who gets to enjoy you.” She pumps your length with her hand, finishing with a languid lick in a circle around your head. “I’m going to worship you with my mouth until you're begging me to let you come."

You search your mind for articulate vocabulary to express what her words are doing to you. “Oh fuck,” you say.

She finally takes you fully into her mouth. She starts slow, her tongue swirling around the head as she bobs shallowly, taking a little more of you each time. Your hands fist in her hair, your grip tight but not controlling as she works you deeper into her throat.

She pulls off for a moment, gasping for air as she looks up at you with eyes that you want to drown in. "I love sucking your cock," she says. "I love pleasuring you with my mouth, feeling you stretch my throat."

She takes you in again, her lips stretching around your girth as she sinks down, down, down, until her nose is nestled in the wiry curls at the base. She holds you there, her throat working around you as she fights her gag reflex, before slowly pulling back up, her tongue laving over every inch of your flesh as she goes.

a woman in a bikini is sucking a big cock
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"So good for me," she breathes, nuzzling her cheek against your cock. "So fucking perfect. I could spend hours just like this, fucking you with my mouth."

She sets a steady rhythm, her head bobbing up and down as she sucks you with single-minded devotion. One hand comes up to cup your balls, rolling them gently in her palm as the other grips the base of your cock, stroking what she can't fit in her mouth.

Without taking you out of her mouth, she reaches back and unties her bikini top, letting it fall away to reveal her perfect breasts in all their glory.

"I want to feel you everywhere," she murmurs, her voice rough with desire. "Want to feel your hard cock against my soft skin."

You search for more eloquent words of appreciation. “Fuck yes,” you say. She leans forward, rubbing your spit-slicked shaft over her chest, painting her breasts. The head of your cock catches on her nipples, drawing a gasp from her lips as she slides you against her perky breasts.

"You like that?" she breathes, her eyes fluttering closed as she loses herself in the sensation. "Your cock is so hard, so hot against me." She takes you back into her mouth, sucking hard as she bobs up and down. Her other hand comes up to knead her breast, rolling and pinching the nipple.

She pulls off again, gasping for air. "I want you to come on me," she rasps, her voice thick with need. "Want to feel your hot cum on my chest, marking me as yours."

She wraps her breasts around your cock, pressing them together to create a tight channel for you to thrust into. The silky skin of her cleavage caresses every ridge and vein of your shaft as you start to pump your hips, sliding your cock between her tits.

"That's it, baby," she urges, her breath coming in hot pants against your skin. "Fuck my tits, use me for your pleasure. I want to feel you lose control, want to feel you pulse and throb as you cover me in your cum." Your thrusts become erratic, your rhythm faltering as you chase your release.

"Come for me," she commands, her voice muffled around your flesh. "Come in my mouth, on my tits, wherever you want. I'm yours, all yours, always."

That's all it takes to send you over the edge, your orgasm slamming into you. You cry out, your voice echoing through the trees as your cock pulses and throbs, shooting thick ropes of cum onto Laura's waiting chest.

She moans as the first splash of your release hits her skin, painting her breasts and collarbone with pearlescent streaks. She milks you through it, her hand stroking you in time with the clenching of your muscles as she coaxes every last drop from your aching balls.

When it's over, she sits back on her heels, a satisfied smile playing about her lips as she surveys her handiwork. Your cum is everywhere, dripping down her chest and pooling in the hollow of her throat. She runs her fingers through it, rubbing it across her chest.

a woman in a bikini posing in the grass
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"Wow," she says, her voice low and sated. "That was a lot."

You reach down, threading your fingers through her hair as you cup her cheek in your palm. "You're incredible," you murmur, your thumb brushing over her swollen lower lip. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm so fucking grateful for whatever it was."

Laura glows. She turns her head, pressing a kiss to your palm as she leans into your touch. "You deserve everything," she says softly, her eyes shining with love and devotion. "And I plan on spending the rest of my life making sure you get it."

With that, she rises to her feet, pulling you down for a deep, lingering kiss. When she pulls away, she grins up at you. "Come on," she says, reaching for your hand and lacing your fingers together. "We should probably head back before Jo sends out a search party.”

You laugh. “If she knew this was going on, she’d have sprinted straight here.”

But all you can think about is how casually she just dropped the words “the rest of my life.”

≋ ≋ ≋

The two of you walk back to the cabin, hand in hand. The sun dapples through the leaves, casting a golden glow over everything it touches, and the gentle breeze carries with it the scent of pine and wildflowers.

After a few moments, you clear your throat, a note of hesitation in your voice as you broach the subject that's been weighing on your mind. "So, there's something I need to tell you," you begin, glancing down at Laura to gauge her reaction. "It's about Amy."

Laura looks up at you, her brow furrowing in concern. "Is everything okay?" she asks, her fingers tightening around yours.

You take a deep breath, letting it out slowly as you gather your thoughts. "She got into that graduate program she applied for," you explain, your voice low and confidential. "The one on the East Coast."

Laura's eyes widen, a smile breaking over her face. "That's amazing!" she exclaims, her voice ringing with genuine happiness for her friend. "She must be so excited!"

You nod, a small smile tugging at your own lips. "She is," you confirm. "But there's a catch. She hasn't told Jo yet."

Laura's smile falters, her expression turning pensive. "Oh," she says softly, her gaze turning inward as she mulls it over. "That's... wow. That's big."

You hum in agreement, your thumb rubbing soothing circles over the back of her hand. "I know," you say.. "Must be for her, trying to figure out how to break the news."

Laura nods, her eyes distant as she chews on her lower lip. "I know the feeling. It's going to be tough," she murmurs, almost to herself. "Jo... she's not going to take it well. She loves Amy so much, and the thought of being apart from her... I don't know how she'll handle it. And oh god! I think we made it worse last night, going on and on about how hard it was for you and me when I was in Paris." She grimaces, remembering all the chatter about loneliness, time zones, missed calls, and misunderstandings.

You sigh. "I know," you say, your voice soft. “But it’s okay. I know you meant well. They’ll figure it out. And we’ll help where we can.” You press a kiss to the top of her head, breathing in the scent of lingering saltwater.

Laura tilts her head up, pressing a soft kiss to your jaw. "Thank you," she whispers, her eyes shining with gratitude and love. "For being here, for being you. You’re just so sweet how you care about everyone. I don't know what I'd do without you."

a woman in a black bikini top sitting on rocks

You smile down at her, your heart so full it feels like it might burst. "You'll never have to find out,"you say. "I'm not going anywhere, Laura."

She leans up on her toes, brushing a kiss against your lips. "Good," she murmurs, her smile soft and sweet. "Because I plan on locking you up in my basement."

You laugh, the sound warm and rich as it mingles with the birdsong and rustling leaves. "Are blowjobs like that included in the basement?”

“Yes,” she says definitively.

“I think I can live with the basement, then.”

As the cabin comes into view through the trees, you feel a sense of peace settle over you, despite the uncertainty that lies ahead. Whatever happens, you know that you and Laura are there to back up your friends.

And for now, that's enough.